5 6 Stateand Ordinances of the church, +Íd 4. 3 3. The giving of the Law, chap. 1. v. I. chap. z. v. i. chap. 12. v. 18,19, 20, 21, 25, 26. 4. The fanEtiou ofthe Law inPromifs and Penalties, chap. z. 0.2,21. chap. .3 chap. 4. chap. to. v.28. . 5. The buildingof theTabernacle in the Wildernels, and afterwards of the Temple ill anfwer thereunto, chap. 3. v. 3, 4. chap. 9.v. I, a, 3, 4, 5. chap. to: v. 19, 20, z i, 22. With its utentils. 6. The Calling, Succellion and Office of the HigbFr/eff, chap. 7. v. 16, 17, 21; 23. chap. 8. v. 3, 4, 5. 7. The Sacrifices and Services ofthem both, chap. 8.v. 3, 5. chap. 9. v. 6, 7, to, 12, 13. Chap. I0. v. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, II. chap.'13. v. I I, 12. It is plain and evident, that under thefe headsall the principal concernments of the ancient Church, with the Worfhip and Rule ofGod therein are comprifed ; and they are all ofthem reflenedon, moll ofthem explained, and applied unto Gofpel-ends by out Apoftle. However I (hall"not in our prefent confderation ofthem, engage in the expofìtiou of the particular places in the Epiffle where they arc treated on, which is to bedone elfe-where; but only reprefene them, as they are expreffed in their inttitution t and tranfadion in theOkiTelfament, fo tomake way unto a right conception ofthem, as they arementioned and made ufe ofin the New. Manyofthefe things, I acknowledge, efpecially thofe concerning the Temple, its Fabrick, and its Worfhip, have been fo largely difcuffed by others,. as that I fhould judgemy endeavours, in a review of them, altogetherneedléfs, would the nature of our prefent defign admit ofits forbearance. For befides what hath been formerly at- tempted, with excellent thccefs, with referenceunto theFabrick of Divine .Worfhip, and the Ceremonies thereoffrom theScripture. Jofepbur,and the latter JewifhMaffers,by Absibenfci,Arius Montanas,Villalpandus, Capolus, RiberaGonffantineEmperour,Broughton, Ainfworth, Weemfè, Rivet, and all learned Expofrtorson thefe parts of holyWrit, where thefe things are recorded, there are altoCome of late, whoamonglt our felves have tra- velled with much diligence in this fubjeét; Perlons worthily skilled in, and induttri- outly improving their knowledge ofall that learningwhich is needful unto the due and accurate handlingofthis fubjedt, and that in difcourfes. But as things are fallen out, confidering the neceffity of thisdifcourfe untomy prefentdefign, and that molt of the things in our propofal from the Epiftleabove mentioned, are fuch asfell not under the confederationofthofe learnedperfns, nor are handled by them; and that I defign not anexad examination oftheparticular concernments of all thefe things, with a difcuffion oftheReafons and Arguments wherewith various apprehenfions of them areatttfted, but only to reprefcnt fucha fcbeme of them unto theReader, as may en- able hjtn to judge aright ofthe refeténcesof theApoffle unto them, andof the ufethat he puts them unto, I fhall proceed in my defigned way. Fiat, then the calfofAbraham, which was the foundation whereon' all the follow- ing Adminillrations of God towards his Polterity, and his whole Worthyamongli, them, were built, is excellently and fullydefcribedby our Apoftle, chap. t i. v. 8, 9, to, is, 12, 13) 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19: Byfaith Abraham, when he was called, to go' one into aplace Which heJhould afterwards receivefor an inheritance, obeyed, and be went out, nor knowing whither be went, (Geri. 11. v. 4.) Byfaith hefojourned in the landofpramfe, its in a Orange country, dwellingin tabernacleswith Ifaac andJacob, the heiri with bim of thefame promife: for be lookedfar a citywhich hathfoundations, wbcfe builder and maker it God. (Gen. I 2. 13, 04. ) Through faith alfa Sarah ber Pelfreceived ftrength to conceive feed, and was delivered of a child whenfhe was paff age, becaufe the judo{rd hint faithful Whohad pronrifed ( Gen. 17. v. 19. chap. 21. v.2.) Therefore rang there even ofone; and him as good as dead, at the ffarsof the sky in multitude, and as the [artel which u bythefeaJhare innumerable. (v. 13. v. 36. Gen. 15. y. 5.) Thefe all died in faith, not baying received the promifes, but havingfeen them afar of, and were perfwaded of them, and embraced, and confeffed that they were ffrangers and pilgrims on the earth. ( Gen. 23. Y. 4. chap. 47. 9.1 Chron. 29.15. ) For they thatfry filch things declare plainly that they frek a country; and truly if they bad been mindful of that front whence they came tut, theyrigght have had opportunity to bave returned. (Gen. 24. v. 5, 6, 7.) But now they delire a better, that is, an heavenly; wherefore God is not afhanted to be coiled their God,farhe badpreparedfor them acity.Byfaith Abraham whenhe wastried offeredup Ifaac, and(or even) he that receivedtbepromifes,offered up his only begottenfon, of whom it was faid, InTfaacfhall thyfeed be called, (fo that hewas his only begotten with refpelt unto the