. before thegiving of the Law. zd 1 r one another, and that this latter is nothing; where the former is not alto at- , 0 wndedunto. And there are the chief heads that are looked up )n by our Apo(fle in the Call of ;. Abraham, which alfó wehavebeen snore brief in the exFbcation of, beeaufe its con- fideration hath elfcwhere occurred unto us. Now from this Call of Abraham unto thedeliverance of the Children of Ifraelout of "Egypt, was as Mofsallures us, four hun- deed and thirty years , Exod. 1 z. 40, 41. and fofaithourApaffle,Gal. 3. 17. But be- rank the Lord tells Abraham, that his polterity thouldbe aftluc ed in a firange Land four hundred years,Gen. I r. 13. which words are repeated by Stephen in his Sermon to the Yews, Atï$7.6. the reaton of this different account may be briefly enquired after. Here isa double limitation of time 1. of four hundred and thirty years'by Mofes,and Paul. z. Of four hundred years, by God himfelfuntoAhrahaìst, repeated by Stephen: The words of Mofees are recorded, Exod. 12.4o.41. Now the fojournings of the ChildrenofIfrael, in )Egypt, were four hundred and thirty years ; and it came to pa3, at, the end offour hundred and thirty years, even on the feltfame day , it came to pay?, . that all theHofts of the Lord went out of the Land of¡Egypt. It is evident that there is an ambiguity in the wards ofMofes, for if atria the fojourning, or dwelling in the beginning of the Verfe do relate unto 1=21-Y'01 13tUt, dwelt ,in "Egypt, it candefign no longer fpace of time then they dwelt there after the defcent ofJacob, which by an evident computation of the times, contaiueth but half the fpace limited, of four hundred and thirty years. If it refer only to the children ofIfrael, then it takes in alfthe fojournings and peregrinations of that People who dwelt in Ægypt, from the Mil day oftheir being the peopleof God. Now this ambiguity is perfeélly re- moved by oar Apoftle, Gal. 3. 16, 17. Now to Abraham and his feedwere the promifes made; and the Covenant that was confirmed before ofGed in Chriff, the Law which was four hundred and thirtyyears after cannot difannul. Thegivingof the Law, was, as we fhall fee, immediately upon their-coming out ofEgypt and faith he, the 4-30 years are to be reckoned from the Cal ofAbraham, whenGod firf entred into Covenant with him; Gen. la. z, 3. From thence unto the departure out ofEgypt, and the giving of the Law that turned, are43o years. It is evident then, that by the fojourning and peregri- nation of the childrenofIfrael, not theirmeer aboad in Egypt; which after their going down, Gen. 46. wasonly 255 years, or thereabouts ; but the whole cootie ofthat Poo ple, after they were in Abraham called from their own Country and a certain Habi- tation therein, until their leavingof Egypt, in order unto their takingpoffeffion oldie landofCanaanas a perpetual inheritance '( that is commenfurate unto the duration ofthe efpecial Covenant madewith them) is intended. It remains then that we con- fider the other fpace oftimeaffigned by God in Vifionunto Abraham, for theafithon of his feed under perfecution, namely,four hundredyears, Gen. 11.13. Now herein, either the round number of400 is put for 430, or 30 years aretobe abated out ofthe latternumber, for Come fpecial caute and reafon. The former Teems not probable doth fo emphatically note that it was in thefour hundred and thirtieth year, that veryfame day, or night, and therefore 30years mull be taken of, either from the beginningdrendóf the latter number. Todetradl it from the end there is na reafon ; nor will Moles his exaél obfervation ofthat period allow us fo to do. It mull therefore be from the beginning. Now this prediction ofGod' untoAbraham, abort theaffii anon or perfecutionof his feedfor400 years, was given him before thebirth of Irmo, whobeingof his feed according to the promife, was to have his (hare in this afili anon ; yea, it was to begin withhim. He was born, as was proved, 25 years 'after thepromife; fo that thepo years tobe taken offfromthe 430 fall out in the ffhyear of his life; which was the time when the perfecution beganin themocking of Ifhmae Gen. at. 9. which the Apyfle exprefly callethperfecution, and that uponthe account of Ifaads being the heir of the promife : Gal. 4. 29. There began the 400 years oftheir afilidion, which ended with the 430of their peregrination. Inthe faith ofAbraham, manifeffed in his obedience to the Call of God, settingou 4. 12 the Promife ofthebidingby Chritl, and in the obfervationof this Ordinance of Cir- cumcifion, whereby they were feparated unto God, and united among themfelves, did this People continue, without the addition ofany new Ordinance ofWorthip for the fupportment oftheir Faith, or enlargement of their Light, or outward profetfion of their fiperation unto God to the expiration of430 years; and this period of time Proved' afterwardsfatal unto them, not eitactly and abfòlutely, but in Come kind of proportion. For from hence unto the building of the Temple bySalomon was 480 years: