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before the giving oftheLaw., imaginations. It Both not indeed appear to me, that any more is intended by thefe Exprellions, a fign uponthy hand,and a memorial or frontlet between thineeyes, but a continual Remembrance, and careful pia&ice of the In(ìitution it felt, and their calling tomind thereby the mercy and ,goodnefs ofGod in their.deliverance; which they were to celebrate when they cameunto afettlement in their own Land, bywri- ting fomepaffages of the Law upon the doors andpolls oftheir. honks. But they, are otherwife minded: That which is prefcribed unto them is called v. 8. n bt, aftgn, as it was to be on their hand; and a memorial, as between their eyes; both which are very capableof our interpretation, but y. 16. they are called 1-19011e as alfo Deut. 6.8. From'which word, which they know not what it lignifies, they draw out all the mylteries of their prefent obfervances. The Chaldeerenders it ir`tron Thephilin ; which word feems to be taken from the Hebrew rl' ion prayer or pray- ers, and to be fo called, from the prayers that they ufed in the Confecration and Wearing of thefe frontlets. But becaufe they are rendered in the Greek çuaaanuíput Fbiladeria,fomewould derive it from nn, to conjeyn, keep, and bind, which bath fome aliulion at leali to the fenfe of the GreekW7rord. And this Origination and de- notationof the word the LearnedFuller contendsfor : Mifcelan I. 5.c.7. The manner of their prefent obfervation hereof to this purpofe is; they writefourSections ofthe Law onparchment.. And whyfour? that they gather fromthe fignification of the word nix01u,. Totapheth, Tot. faithRabbi Solomon in Pontesby the Cafpian Sea fometwhere ftg- nifiestwo, andPothfigniftes two in. gypts,bothwhichmake four undoubtedly. Or as they fay inthe Talmud, Tatr6n Cafphefignifies two, andPat in Africa. So that four Seetioas, mull bewritten. Scaliger fuppofeth the word to be .Egyptian, which is not unlikely; but that it Ihould lignifie an Amulet,or a Charm, as Petitsts fuppofeth, is not fo probable. For that fuels amulets were in ufe among the Heathen, with infcri- prions either ridiculous or obfcené, which God would not have his People to make ufe of, and therefore appoints them other things, and infctiptions in their ftead,which is the only reafon produced for that Opinion, doth indeed overthrow it. For it is abundantly evident,that God in his Laws,dothdireelly on all occalions command the contrary to what ever was in praétice of this fort among the Nations. So that Mai- manides well obferves, that the Reáfonofmany oftheir Inftitutionscannot beunder- ttood, without a due confederation oftheSuperflition of the neighbouring Nations. Therefour Sections muti be thefe that follow. The fiat is, Dent. 6. q, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Hear O lfi ael, theLordour God is one Lard, and thou fhalt love the Lord tby God, with all thine heart, andwith all thy foul, and with all thy mind, and thefe words which £ command thee tbir day,Jhall be in thyheart ; and fo onwards as before. The fècond is, Exod. 13. I , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 6, ', 8, 9, to. And the Lord fpake unto Mofes faying, faneifie untome all the fief{ barn; whatfoever openeth theWomb among the Children of Ifrael both of Manand of Beall, it is mine: And Mofes faidunto thepeople, remember this day in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the boufe of bondage ; for bystrength Of band tba Lordbrought ye out from this place: there. fh'iell no leavened bread be eaten -, this deg . cameye out in the moneth Abib : and it (hallbe when the LordJhall bring tbee into the Landof theCanaanites; and the Hittites, and theAmorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebufites,which he [ware unto thy Fathers to give thee ; a Land flowing with Milkand Honey, that thou (halt keep this fervice in this moneth ; feven dayes fhalt thou eat unlea- vened bread, and in the feventb day Ad be a Feaff unto theLord, unleavenedbread ¡hail beeaten (evendayes, and there¡hall be no leavened bread with thee ; neither (hallthere be leaven Peen with thee in all thy quarters; and thou(halt Phew thy Son in that day raying, this n donebecaufeof that which the Lorddid unto me, when I cameforth out. of Egypt; and et fhall be for afign.unto thee, upon thine band, and for amemorial beteen thine eyes, that the Lords Lawmay be in thymouth ; for with a ffrong hand bath theLord brought thee out ofEgypt, thou (halt therefore lfeep this Ordinance in its feafon, fromyear to year. The third is from the tenthverfe. of that Chapter unto the end 'of the feven- trench : And it Jhall be, when the Lord, ¡hall bring thee into the Land of the Canaanites, as be [ware Onto thee unto thy Fathers, and(hall give it thee, thou (halt let apart unto the Lord, all that opëneth the Matrix, and every filling that cometía of a beaff which 'thou baff,the Male(hallbe the Lords, andeveryfirfflingof an Aß, thou ¡halt redeem with a Lamb, and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou (halt break his neck, and all the ftrff bdrn of Man amongft thy Children (halt thou redeem ; andit fbali be when thy Sony asketb thee in time to come [eying, what is this, that thou (halt fay unto him, by ffrengtb of band the Lord brought us outfrom Egypt, from the hhofe of bondage. And it came M m to 265