2:66 State andOrdinances ofthe Church, to pall, whenPharaoh wouldhardly let us go, that the Lordflew all the firff born in the Land of Egypt, bpth the firff born of Man, and thefirff born of beaff,thereforeI facrifice to the Lord all that openeth theMatrix beingMales, but all the firff born of my Children I redeem 3. and it (hall be for a token upon thine hand, and as frontiers between thine eyes ; for byftrengtb of band the Lord brought is forth from out of Egypt. The laut is Deut.-rr:from 13. tozr. And frail come topaft, ifyoufhaü hearken diligentlyunto my commandments, which Icommandyou this day, to love the Lord your Godand to ferve bim with all your heart, and with allyour foul, d'art I will giveyou the rain of your Land in bis due feafon, thefirft rain and the latter rain, that thoìo mayeffgather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thy ogle, and I will fend graft in thy fields for thy cattel, that thou mayeft eat andbe full, take heed to your felves that your heart be not deceived, . andye turn afide and ferve other Gods, andworfhip them, and then the Lords wrath le kindled againff you, and beflout up the Heaven that there be no rain, and that the Landyieldnot berfruit, and left ye perifhquickly from thegood Land rabic', the Lord giveth you ; there. f ore (hallyoulay up theft my words inyour.bearts, and inyour foul, and bind them fora fign uponyour band, and that they may be as frantlets between your eyes , andyou frail teach themyour Children fpeakng of them wbentbou ftteff in thine boufe,. andwhen thou walkeff by the way,' when thou lyeft down, and when thou rifeff up, and thou floaie write them upon the door pofts of thine bóufe, and upon thygates, that your doyen may be mul- tiplyed, and the dayes ofyour Children in the Landwhich the Lord [wore unto your Fá- thers to give them as the dayes of Heaven upon the Earth. 4. at. Becaufe in all dire places there is mention made of there frontlets or memorials, therefore do they takethem outfor this ufe. Anddire are to be written onparch- ment made of the skin of a cleanhaft, on the fide next the AA, prepared with a pronuntiation of a form of words both in the killing of the beali, and in thedelivery of the skin unto the Dreffer, and to the Writer: When they are written, they are wrapt up in fmali rolls, and fo worn upon their foreheads, and left arms, being fo rolled and made up, that none of the writing might be teen. And great art is re- quired in themaking of there Tephilin which few amonyft them attain unto. Hence Fagius tells us a dory, ofa Mffer among(1 them in his dayes, who fold many thou- rands of thefe PhylaLrriesunto his Country-men, which had nothing in them but Cards, which ferved their turns well enough. Their Matters alto are curious in dcfcribingwhat part of the head they mutt ,be applyed unto, namely, the fore-part from ear to ear ; and the handmull be the left hand , whereby yet they will have thearm above the elbow to beunderilòod ; and whenthcy mutt be worn, namelyby day, not by night, on the Weekdayes, not on the Sabbath; and the like worthy fpecu- lations. The benefit alto they receive hereby , is incredible, for by them are [hey defended from evil , as fome by the fign of the Crofs, others by the. firf words of the .Gofpel ofJohn worn about them ; They are fan1titied in the Law, and in a word, the'targumon the Canticles, Chap. 8. v. 3. tellsus, that God cbofe them above all pep- . pie, becaufe they wore thePbylaiieriet. So lusttaufe had our LordJefus Chritt to re- prove theirhypocrile, fuperttition and felt-juttification, in theufe, abufe, and boalt- ing of there things, Mat.23.5. All their works they do for to befeen ofMen, theymake broad their Phylabteties, and enlarge theborders of their garments. Thisabout the bor.' ders of their garments, was an after Inttitution, yet becaufe of it's anfwerablenefs un- to this, -we may add it in this place. To this purpofe, God gives his command; Nom. 55. 38, 39, 40. Speak unto the Children oflfrael, and bid them that they make them fringes, intheborders of their garments, throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a Ribband ofblew, and it Jhall be unto you asa fringe, that ye may lookuponit, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, anddo them, and that you feek not afteryour own heart, and your own eyes, after which ye life to go a whoring, that you may remember andas all my commandments; andbeholy unto your God; which Law is repeated again, Deut. az aa. Thou (halt make thee fringes upon the four quarters of thy Veffures wherewith thou covereft thy [elf. There ruin, locks, or fringes made of thread fattened, unto the wings or skirts of their garments with a Ribband r15rtr, -of a blew colour (which howto make at prefect the Jews confers theyknow not, but fuppofe it was made with the blood of a F-ilh called Cbalazòn mixt with Vermilion) had vertue andefficacy from the inititution of God; who alone is able to biers and fanfkitie thingsin themfelves indifferent unto Sacred life, to the keeping of their hearts in a due reverenceunto himfelf, and their eyes from wandering after falle Worfhip and Superttition; whichbeing now removed