Z70 Trepar°atronsfor the giving of the Lan,. confifling in three Revelations of the Grace of God in Chrifl , happening and granted unto them, in the three moneths fpace, which they fpent between the- Red Seaand their coming unto theWildernefs of Sinai, or to the Mountain where they received the Law. 29. The immediate 'preparations for giving of theLaw are all of them expreffed, Exod. 19. and thefe we (hall briefly pats through, the mofí ofthem being ;Milted on, or referred unto by our Apofile in the places before mentioned. Firft, The time of the Peoples coming unto the place where they were to receive the Law is related, V. I. it was Itin'wri w` ri novilunio terti,, in the third moneh 'after their coming up out of Egypt : That is, on the firnt dayof the moneth,- the moneth Sivan, on theday of the NewMoon. And therefore it is added, rum t]112 on the ftme day ; on whichAben Ezraobferves, Mofes went up hid into the Moun- tain to receive thecommands of God, and returning on that day to the people, he 'went up again on the third day, that is the third day of the moneth to give in their anfwer unto the Lord, v. 1 t. 16. And this fell out, if not on the day, yet about the time ofPentecoff whereon afterwards the Holy Ghofi defcended on the Apoftles en- abling them to preach the Gofpel, and therein our deliverance from the cur-fie of the Law given at that time. 4. 3o. For the fpecial time of the day whenGod began togive out the appearances ofhis glory, it is laid, v,. 16. `p ri r'-o, whileff it wasyet morning. And yarchí obferves that all Mofes's afcents into the Mountain were D7w73; early in the morning, which he proves from Chap. 34. 4. And Moles rote up early in the morning, andwent upUn- to Mount Sinai. And I73 Bóltir properly lignifies the ftr)i appearance of the morning, the light that mull be enquired and fought after before the riling of the Sun. So David Pfalm 13o. 6. compares the eaniell expedfation of his foul for mercy, unto the di- ligent watching of men for the morning, that is, the firfi appearance of light. And this was the feafon wherein our bleffed Saviour role from the grave, and frgm under the curfe of the Law, bringing with him the tidings of peace withGod, and deli- verance. He rote between the firft dawning of light , and the riling of the Sun, Matth. 28. 1. Mark 16.2. unto that latitude of time doth theScripture affgn it, and the fiat evidence of it. For whereas John fayes, that Mary Magdalen came to the Se- pulchre very early whileff it wasyet dark, Chap.2o. i.Matther', when it began to dawn to- wards day, Chap. 28. 1. Mark very early in the morning at the rifing of the Sun,, Chap. r6.2. who comprifeth the utmoft abode of the women at the Sepulchre, Luke expreffas it indefinitely i5eps ih eiosprofundo inane,that is, 122 1pij in the felt appear- ance, and dawning of light, at which time the preparation for the promulgation of the Law began. 4 31. The place they cameunto, is called the Wildernefs of Sinai, V. 2. and fo was the Mountain alto it felt whereon theglorious Majeflyof God appeared, v. 20. it was alfo called Horeb, Exod. 3. 1. He came to the Mountain of God even to Horeb, where they were to ferve God, v. 1a. and it wason this account afterwards called Horebthe Mount of God, t Kings 19.8. And the whole Wildernefs was termed the WildernefsofHoreb, Deut. 1. It is therefore generally fuppoíëd, that they were feveral names of the fain places ; the Mountain and Wildernefs wherein it was , being both called Sinai and Horeb. And theywere both occafional names, taken from the nature of the place, '5'U Sinai from run Seneh, a Bull', filch as the Angel appeared unto Mofes. in Exod. -3. z. filchwhereof a multitude were in that place. And Horebfrom its drought and barrennefs which is the lignification of the word. But the opinion ofMofes Gerendenfis is far more probable, that Horeb was the name of the Wildernefs, and Sinai of the Mountain. That Sinai was the naine of the Hill irexprelly affirmed, Chap. 19.a8,zo. And Mount Sinai was altogether on a fmoak, becaufe the Lord defcended, spon it in fire; and the Lord came.down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the Minn.- So Pfalm 68.17. And whereas mention is madeof the Wildernefs ofSinai, it is-no more but theWil- dernefs wherein Mount Sinai was. And for thofe places before referred to, where Horeb freins to be called the Mount ofGod, the words in them all, will bear to be read, to. the Mount ofGod in Horeb; Strebs calls this very Mount ois-cOr, lib. id. AndJuftiss ofMofes,Montem Sinan occuper : The people therefore aboad in Horeb,at the foot öf the "Mountain, or about it, and the Law was promulgated on thetop ofSinai in themolt dcfart folitudeof that Wildernéfs. And in'his place hath the füperftition of forre Chriflians in latter Ages built a Monaftery rot the Celebration of their devotion by en order ofMonlcs, whole Archimandrite was not many years lime in England. But as