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Preparation:for thegiving ofthe Law. 27i as the placematerially confidered, is asevidentan obje6t ofGods difj,leaíure againft the lower part of the Creation, upon the account of fin, as almoll any place in the world, a wall andhowling Wildernefs, a place left to folitude and barrennefs, fo in its allufion or relation to the Worfhip of God, it is call bIour Apoftle under bondage, and placed in an oppofítion to the Wolf/gip and Church State of the Gofpel , Gal. 4.24,25 - Being come untothis place, it is faid, Mofes went up unto the Mount unto God. It >s. 32 doth not appear that he had any new immediate exprefs command fo todo : pro- bably he both came'to that place, and fo loon as he came thither, went úp into the Mountain, inobedience to the command, and faith in thepromtfe of God which he received upon his fira call, ,Exod. 3. ;2. wherein it was givenhim for a token and pledge of their deliverance, that thereon they fhould worfhip God, or receive the Law in that Mountain; which is alfo the judgement of Aben Ezra upon the place. And it isnot unlikely, but that God at that time fixed the cloud which went before them, as the token ofhis prefence; on the top of Sinai, as a new direction unto Mofes for his goingup thither. Being afcended, God calls unto him, ( the word of the Lord faith.Sonathan ) and ç 33 teacheth him to prepare thePeople for the receivingof the Law, v..4, g. Two things he peopofeth to their confideration; Fiat The benefits that they had already been made partakers of hinted out unto them by the mightyand wonderful works of his power. And Secondly, NewPriviledges to be granted unto them. In the firft, he minds them that he had born them on Eagles wings. This archi interprets of their fuddengathering out ofall the Cuffs ofGofhen unto Ramefis to go away together the fame night, Chap. 12. 3/. But although it may be allowed, that they had in that wonderfull colleétiòn of themfelves, force efpecial AA/lance of Providence , betides the preparation which they had been making for fundry dayes before, yet this etc- preflion, evidently extends it felt unto the whole difpenfationof God towards them, from the firlt of their deliverance unto thatday. Generally they all-of them explain this Allegorical expreffion from the manner how the Eagles, asthey fay, carry their young,, which is on their backs or wings becaufe they fear nothing above them, as foaring over all, whereas other Fowls carry their young between their feet, as fearing other Birds of Preyabove them : But there is no need to wring the expreflion, to force out of itfuch uncertain niceties. There is . no more intended, but that God tarried them fpeedily and, fafely as an Eagle is born by 'its wings in her courfe. To this Remembrance of former mercies, God adds Secondly, A treble Prornife : Firfl, That they thould be MUD. Segullah, a word that hash noneto declare it by. We render it here,and elfewhere, a peculiar Treafure, EccIei z. 8. it is rendered by our Apofile, Titus 2. 14 Teas ereeeéa, &, a peculiarpeople : and by another cads 'eta ae. n,rdmo e, 1 Pet. z. 9. which we tranflate in like manner. Secondly, That they thould be i=nro rdloc, a Kingdom ofPrieffs, that is, =I'm, of Princes, faith Sarchi, as David's Sons who were Princes, are faid to be f=Ut17. And it is not denyed, but that the word is fometimes fo ufed. But whereas here it intendeth the fpecial fe- paration and dedicationof thepeople unto God after the manner of Prietts, thence theallufion is taken, the dignity ofPrincesbeing included in that of a Kingdom. And this Peter renders ßao'f,Hov iopdra&taa ; a Kingy Priefthood. And in the translation of this priviledge over unto Believers under the Gofpel, it is Paid;that by Chrift they are made Kluge andPriefbs unto God, Rev. 1.6. it 'is added , that they thould be an Holy Nation, as exprefly, t Pet. 2.9. That which God on the other hand requiresof them, is, that they keep his Cove- 4. 34. rant, v. 5. Now this Covenantof GodWith them, hada double expreflïon. Fielt, In thegiving of it untoAbraham, audits confirmation by the fign of Circumcifion. But this is not that which is here efpeciallyintended : for it was the Adminiftrarion of the Covenant wherein the whole People became thepeculiar Treafure and inheri- tance ofGod upon a new account which is refpedled. Now this Covenant was not yet made, nor was it ratified until! the dedication of the Altar in the fprinkling of it with the bloodof the Covenant, as Aben Ezrawell obferves, and our Apollle ma- nifefts at large, chap. 9. 19, 20, 2s. Wherefore the People taking upon themfelves the performance of it, andall the Statutes and Laws thereof, ofwhichyet theyknew not what they were, did give up themfelves unto the Soveraignty and Wifdomof God, which is the indifpenfible duty of all that will ente} into Covenant with him. Foi,