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Treparationsfor thegiving oftheLO. 273 ouchingthe Montain, or the border, limit, or bound let unto it My 'Gods appoint thefns orbidden. And the end of it as was fsid, was that they fhonld ` Mot break through nrl4,' to fee, to gaze fay we, properly ; to lookwith curíot tyon the appearances ofGods glory, for which caufe he (note the men of Bethlhemehi tap - on' the.ir looking into the Ark, r Sam.6. God intending by this prohibition, tobeget in the People in awe and reverence of his holy Majefly as the Great Law-giver, and by the terror thereof to bring them and their potterity into that bondage frame ofSpi.. sit, that fervile awe that sts to abide upon them, until) filch time as he came, who was togive liberty and boldncfs tohis Church, by difpencing unto Believers the Spi- rit of Adoption, enabling them to cry AbbaFather, and to enter, with boldneí into the I-Ely Place, even to the Throne of Grace. . Ist cafe the.punifhment appointed were negleCedby the people, God threatens to fee the executionof it himfelf, v. za. Left theybreakthrough unto the Lord_ togaze,and many of them perifh. v. 24. And let not the Prieffs and the People break through tocome upunto the Lord , left he breakforth upon then. For to_make them watchful] in their duty, he lets themknow, that their mifcarriage in this matter , devolving the pu- nifhinent of the Tranfgreffor by their negleét upon bim, Gould be imputed by him unto the whole People, fo that hewould in fuch a caufe breakforth upon them with his judgements, andmany of them Gould beconfumed to the terrour and warning of the remnant. TheContinuance of this prefcription, was from the doy before the appearanceof the Glory ofGod on the Mount, umili by the long founding of the Trumpet they perceived the prefencé of God had left the place, v. 13. When the Trumpet foundeth long, they 'hall caneup to the Mount, that is, they had liberty fó to do. Things thus prepared, the people were brought forth unto their flatioo to attend unto the Law, v. r7. AndMofes brought forth thepeople out of the Camp, for to meet with God, and theyJtood at the nether part of the Mount. This Station of the People in Mount Sinai, is amongft the Jews, the marcelebrious thing that ever befell them. And many difputes they have about their order therein, force few things we may obferve from it. Mofes brought forth the people 177+CILH71 nl7 in occurfum ipfius Dei, to meet with God himfelf r51rot4 rii1+7p4, to meet, with or before theword of God, faith Onkelos, +'1 rtn)+7tts faith Ben Vzziel, the glorious Pretence ofGod, 1, uá.- añ 0G, and ¿eebo aove } Sabra ¢,r2. The effential Wordof God , the brightnefb of PM glory, theSon ofGod, the Head and Law -giver ofthe Church in all ages. And they stood at the nether part ofthe Mount, v. 2. it is Paid, 4N1m+ OID 1 t IA, And Iliadeftcamped there before the Mount, in the finguLtr number, that is, in Etch order , faith Jarchi , that they were all as one Man. And faith he, they were on the East Jide of the Mountain , where allo they kept their Ration at the giving of the Law : for fo he would have the word in, to denote though he give no inliance to confirm his opinion. But Alen Ezra exprefly rejeéts this fancy, and that by a notable inliance, where it is laid, the People pitched their Tents before (in) the Tabernacle of the Congregation round about. So that although they were round about the Tabernacle, they arelaid to bebefore et,be- eaufé of the fpecjal regard which they hadunto it. And at this Station in the Wil- dernefs, command was given to fet bounds to the Mount n)nt round about,v. 12. which there had beennoneed of, had not the Peoplebeen gathered round about the Mountain. Now theygenerally agree, that this wasthe order wherein they flood. Grit Hood the Priefts, mentioned exprefly, v. 2 z. and laid there to draw near unto the Lord that is, nearer then the refs of thePcople, though they alfo are exprefly forbidden to come fonigh as to touch the Mount, v.24. Titefe Priefts were as yet the firft born, be- fore a commutation was made, and the Tribe of Levi accepted in their room. Next to the Priefts flood the Princes or Heads ofthe Tribes,attended with the Elders and Officers of the People. The body ofthe People, or theMen of Ifrael as they fpeak, flood next to them; and behind them, the Women and Children. The remote') of all in this order being as they fuppolo the Profelytes that adhered unto them. Thus Aben Ezra exprefly, ++ t71,1 CM= +1173 1+.t `14rtn7 +7, Surf, Were the firft borot who drew nigh to God. taNlitUrf rmri =Don +oN! t7rit1ris1; and after them were theheads of the Tribes, that is the Princes. a +)prti t7`p1r l t , after .them iheElders. t=i+ltWtttari arl+lr1N+; after then, the Officers, 61A21U,t Iü+N 47 ari-irm,, N is after 44i 4. 4L 4. 49, 4.51.