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The Law and Precepts thereof. Z75 h;xercitatioXX. What meant by the Law among the Jews. The common diflribution of it into Moral, Core- ' monial and Judaccal, by themrejebed.. The groundofthat diftribtttion. 613 Precepts col- kited by theJews. ieafons ofthat number. Of theft, 248.Affirmative. 365 Negative. Twelve Houfes of eachfire. Firff Houle ofAffirmatives,concerning God, andhis Wcrjhip, intwenty Precepts. The fecond, concerningtheTemple and Priefihood, in number 19. The third, concerning Sacrifices, in 57 Precepts. The fourthofCleannefi and Vncleannefs, 18. Thefifth, ofAlms andTithes, in 32 Precepts. Thefixth, about things to be eaten, inliven commands. The feventh, concerning the Pafrover, andFeflivals, 20. The eighth, ofRuleand Judgment, in 13 Precepts. The ninth, ofDoeirine and Truth, whofe commands are 25. The tenth, concerning Womenand Matrimony, in 12 Precepts. The eleventh, ofCriminal' JudgmentsandPunifbments, in eight Precepts. The twelfth, ofcivil Judgments, in 17 Precepts. Confiere ofthis ColleElion. Negative Precepts,in 12 Families. 1. Offa fWorfhip; in 47Prohibitions, &c. THe Law it felt, and its Sanlbions, are the next thing that our Apoftle makes mentionof in the Oeconomyofthe 7udaical Church. By this Law, he efpecially underftanas the Law given on Mount Sinai, or partly there, partly from the Tabernacle, the Type of Chrilt, afterit waserected. TheJews by the rrInn or Lam, generally underhand the whole five books ofMofs, is theyarc alfo called in the New Tellament, and all Precepts thatthey can gather out of them any where, they refer to the Law, wherein they are not to becontended withal!. This whole Law is generally diftributed into three'parts: Firft, theMoral; Second- ly, the Ceremonial ; Thirdly; the Judicial part of it. And indeed there is no Precept but may conveniently be referred unto one or otherofthefe Heads, as they are ufually explained. That which is- commonly called the Moral Law, the Scripture terms' =main rrtwg 7mm inn Exod. 34.28. The words of the Covenant, the ten words ;, from whenceis the Greek osamyos, or the- Law often words, or precepts ; all which in theirfubftancearemoral, anduniverfallyobligatorytoalttheConsofinen. That part of the Law which the Scripture calls t=`tnomta Judgments, Exod. 2. I. 1. determining ofRightsbetween Manand Man, andofpunilhments upon tranfgreffions, with efp:- cial reference Unto the intereft of the people in the Land ofCanaan, is by us tribally termed the judicial Low. And the ini itutions ofCeremonial Worfhip are moll com- monly expre[Ced. by the flame of i=171, the whole fyflem whereofis termed the L.tw Ceremonial. The Jews either acknowledge not, or infili not much on this dillindion, which is evidently founded in the things themfelves, but callingall there parts of the Law together, contend, that there is amongft them 613 Precepts. Forthe numeral Letters of rnm denote 61i of them ; and theother two, which, as they fay, are the two firtt of the Decalogtte , were delivered by God himfelf to the people, and fo come not within the compafs ofthe word Torahin that place, whence they take this impor- tant confideration,namely,Dent.,33.4. Mofes commanded ura Lzw,thatis, of 611 Pre- cepts; two being given byGod himfelf,compleats the number of613. There is none who fees not the vanity and follyoftheft things, which yet is a part of their OralLaw, > whereunto, ashath been [hewed, they afcribemore oftentimes; then to the written Word it felt Of theft 613 Precepts, 248 they fay are AffirmativePrecepts ; becaufe there are, as they affirm, which I leave to our Anatemiffs to judgeof, fo many diflinit members orbones in the bodyofa man. And 365 Negative Precepts, becaufe there are fo many days in the year; man being bound to keep the Law with his whole body ail the year long; both which numbers make up 613. Andleft thisobfervation (bat not feetn futfrciently ftrengthned by theft arguments, theyadd that which they fiippole con- clufive, namely, that in theDecalagrte there are 603 Letters, ifyou will but let afide N n z the / f. z. ó. 4.