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z b The LawandPrecepts thereof. the lá(ß two words, which in common civility cannot be well denied unto them.. 4, 5, -There613 Precepts, they divide or diftinguilh into twelve Families, according to the number of the Tribes ofIfìael, that is, either general part into twelve. Fiat, the Affirmative, and fecondly, the Negative: And although their diflributi p t notfatis- faEtory for many Reafons, and kath been alto reprefénts l byothers, yet for the ad-. p. 6. 4 7. 4.58. vantage of the Reader,,. (hall here give afummary account of'ehem. The fiat Family which hath Relation to God inhis Worfhip conflits of twenty Pm- cepts, which I [hall briefly enumerate as thofe following, without any examination oftheir Ratingof them, and due fixing to their feveral fianions. 1. Faith, andacknow- ledgment ofGod'sdivine Efnee andExifieaee. Exod. zo. 2. z, Faitholdie 'Unity of God, Deut. 6.4. chap. 32 39. 3. Love ofGod, Deut. 6. 5. chap. to. 12. 4. Fear of God, Deut. 6.13. 5. Acknowledgment of God's Righteoufnefs in Afidtions, Deut. 8. 5. 6. Prayer unto God,Exod. 23.25. Deut. 11. 53. 7. Adherence unto God, Dent. I o. 20. 8. To 'Wearby thename of God, Exact. 6. 13. Dent. 10. ao. 9. Towalk in the ways of God , Deut. 28.9. 10. Tofndiffe the Name ofGod, Levit. 22. 32. if,. Twice a day to repeat that Santlion, Hear, O Ifrael, Deut. 6.7. chap. 1 r. 19. 1z. That we learnand teachthe Law, Deut. 5. 1. chap. 11 8. 13. Towear Philatleries or Tephilin on the head, Derer. 6.8. 14. Towear them on the arm, in the fame place. 15. To make Fringes, Numb. 15.38, 39, 4o. 16. Toput Writings of the Scripture on the pofis of our doors, Deut. 6. 9. 17. That the People becalled together to hear the Law, at the end oftheFeaff ofTabernacles, Dent. 3t. 12. 18. That every one write him a Copy of the Law, Deut. 31. 19. 19. That the King moreover write out anotherfor himfelf as King, Deut. 17. 28. 2c. That atOur eating ofmeat we give thanks, or biefs God, Deut. 8. to. This isthe tint Family, which though it fometimes fail in educing itsprecepts from the Word, yet good ufe may be made ofthe obfervation, in reducing theft things' to onecertain head. The fecond Family, of the firfi general Head of Affirmative precepts, contain thof which concern the SanDuary and Priefihood, being nineteen in number. 1. That a Sanctuary, Tabernacle, or temple thould be built, Exod. z5. 8. z. That being built, it fhouldbe reverenced, Levit. 19.30. 3. That the Priefis and Levitesalways keep the Tem- ple, andnoothers, Numb. 18. z. 4. That the work or minifiry of the Temple be per- formedby the Levites, Numb. t8. 23. 5. That the PrieJis wafh their hands and feet before their minifiry, Exec/. 3o. 9. 6. That the Priefisattend the Lamps ofthe San- thaary, Exod. 27. 21. 7. That the Priefls bkß the people, Numb. 6.23. 8. That every day the Shew,bread be renewed. 9. That Incenfe be offered twice a day on the golden Altar, Exod, 30. 7, 8. Io. That the Fire on the Altar be keptalways burning, Levis. 6. 12, i 3. r t. That the Albeit be removed from the Altar every day, Levit. 6. 10, 12. That theVnelean be feparated from the Camp and Temple, Numb. 5.2. Doer. 23. to. I3.That Aaronand his Pofterity have the principal place and honour in Sa- cred things, Levit. 21. 8. 14. That the Prief s wear theGarments appointed to their fpecial Miniflry, Exod. 28.2. '15. That the Ark=becarried on the(boulders ofthe Le- vites, Numb. 7.9. 16. Thatthe Annointing Oil be made to annóint King and Prieft, Exod. 3o. 25, 26, 27. 17. That the Families ofthe Neils minifier in the Sanétuary by turns, but that all be prefent at the great Anniverfary Feafìs, Deut. nP. 6. 18. That the Triesmournand be defiled for their near Relations, Levìt. 21.3. 19, That the Highpriefi marry aVirgin, Levit. 21.13. This is the fecond Family, liable to the fainmiftakes in many things with the for- mer, butyet containing a Colleo`tion of things fuitabie toeachother, and belonging for the molt part to the fame general- Head. The thirdFamily relates toSacrifices, containingfiftyfiven Precepts. As, I. That the 1v. rt Tamid, or continual Sacrifice, be offered every day, Exod. 29.38. Numb. 28.2, 3. z. That the High-priefi offerhis Mincha or Corbanevery day, Levit.6.20. 3.That every Sabbath day two Lambs of an yearOld, be offered as a Sacrifice morning and evening, Numb. 28.9. 4. That the Sacrifice of the new Moonbe obferved, Numb. 28.2. 5. That during the Feaft ofthe Paßver, the efjrecial Sacrifices appointed. be addedto the continual Sacrifrce,Levit.23.6,7. Numb.-28. 19. 6.'That at the Feafi ofPenmen/tithe offeringofnew corn be obferved, Numb.r9. 1. 7. That it beaccompanied with Alms. 8. Likewi G that on the day ofExpiation, Numb. 29.7. 9. And that on the FeafI of Tabernacles for feven days, Lent. 23. 44. to. That on.the eighth, or laic day ofthe Feafi, Numb. 29.35, 36. 1I. That on the fecond day ofthe Fea1t ofthe Paffover an. Homer ofmeal be offered with a Lamb,Levit. ;,3. 1a. That on theFeat}ofPentecofi, twonew Loaves be offered, with its efpccial