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The Lawand Precepts thereof. cfpeciai Sacrifice, Levit. 23.17. 13. That all things be done aright on the Fèaff of Expiation, Levit. 16. ( Thefe general things are evidentlyput in to fill up the number ofPrecepts that they had fixed on, there being no fpeeial Precept in them. ) r 4. That times in the year anholy Feaff be kept unto the Lord, Exod. 23. 14. 15. That on theft Feafts, all the Males appear before the Lord, Dear. 36. i6. '16. That they,fhould reinyee in all their Feafts, Deut. 16.14. 17. That the Pafrhal Lamb be Hain; Exod. n2. 6. 18. That hisflefh be eaten maned , Exod. i2.8. 19. That on the frond month on the fourteenth day, another Pafver bekept. 20. That the Lambbe theneaten with unleavened bread,and four herbs, Numb. 19.1o, r1. 21. That the foundingrfTrumpets be ufedwith the Sacrifice, in theday ofthe afilit'ingtheir fouls, Numb. 1o. 9,.10. 22. That the Creatures to be facrificed fhould be eight days old and upwards, Levit. 22. 27. 23. That everycreature to be facrificed, beperféït, Levit. 22. 18. 24. That be ufed in all Sacrifices, Levit. 2. r3. 25. That Whok burnt offerings be ordered ac= cording to the Law, Levit. i. 3. 26. That fo alfo be the Sin-of ring, Levit. 6.18. 27. And likewife the Trefpaß-ofering, Levit. 7. i. 28. And the Peace-offiring, Levit. 7.2. 29. And the Meat-offering, Levit. í i. T. 3o. That if the whole Congregation offend, a Sacrifice be Offered forit, Levit. 4. 13. 31. Ifa private man fin by ignorance, hemuff offer his fin-offering, Levit. 4. 27. 32. That a facrifice be offered for an uncer- Cain crime, Levi:. 5. 17,'i8. -33. That a Sacrifice be offered for fin certain and known, Levit. 6. 2. chap. 5. 16. 34. That every one's facrifice beaccording to his .fiebffance or wealth, Levit. 5. 7. 35. That whofoever finned, together with his facrificehe make Confef ionofhis fin, Numb. 5. 6, 7. 36. That involuntarypol'ution becleanfed by Sa- crifice, Levit. 15. 13. 37. That women do fo likewife in the cafe mentioned, Levit. al. 28. 38. That theLeper, being cleanfed, do offer facrifice, Levit. 14.1a. 39. Thata Womàn, after child-birth offer facrifice; Levit. 1 z. 6, 7, 8. 4o. That the tenth of every clean bean be feparated ontothe.Lord, Levit. 27.32. 41. That every tuff'-barn Male be fan6tified andoffered unto the Lord, Exod. 13.2. Deut. 15. 19. 42. That everyfirff- born ofman be redeemed witha certain price, Numb. r8. 15. 43. That the firff-born of an Aß be redeemed witha Lamb, Exod. 13. 14. 44. That if it be not redeemed, its neckbe broken, Exod. 13. 14. 45. That any fatted beati, that isfilling or tenth, wherein is a blemilh, beredeemed, Deus. sa. 15. 46. That which is changed, and that which it is changed for, are tobeboththe Lord's, Levit. 27. I O. 47. That all offerings, both neceffary on legal prefcription, and free-will-offerings, be brought unto Jerufalem on the next Feat}, Dent. 12. 5, 6. 48. Thatall facrifices be offeredat the Sanctuary, Derer. na. 14. 49. Thatfacrifice{ vowed out of the holy.Land, be offeredat Jerujalem, Dert. 12. 27. 5o. That Aaron and his fons eat the remainder of the meat-offering, Levit. 6.16.. 5 r. That the Males of the houfe of the Prisas, eat the flefh of the Sin and Trefpafs -off ring, Exod. 29.33. 52. That holyflails which hath touched any unclean thing, be burned in the fire, Levit. 7. 19. 53. That the flelhofthe facrificesthat remain abeve the thirdday, be confirmed with fire, Levit. 7. 17. 54. That a Navarite fuller his hair togrow, Numb. 6. 5. 55. That he /have his hair after his vow is.accomplifhed, ver. 9. 56That every mati perform his vows to God, Deut. 23. 23. Num. 30.2. 57. That judgment be made of the Obligation of vows according to the Law, Numb. 30.3, 4, 5. The fourth Family of Affirmative Commands, tefp'eéts Ckannefl and Vncleannef?, whereofthey reckon up eighteen Precepts; as, 1.'He that touches that which dies ofil'filf is unclean, Levit. di. 39. 2. Light kind ofcreeping things are unclean, Levit. 11.29. 3. Sundry things that may be eaten, are yet capable of uncleannefs, Levit. In. 34. 4. A woman in her natural difeafe is unclean. Levit. 15.59. 5. And the that is delivered ofa child, Levit.13. 2. 6. The Leperis unclean, and defilerh other things, Levit. 13.2. 7.A cloth infe6ted with Leprofie is unclean, Levit. 13.47. 8. And an houfe likewife, Levis. r4. 35. 9. He that hath aniffue is unclean, Levis. 15.2. no. And to the fame purpofe, Levit. 15.16. r 1. And in a woman, v. 25. 12. A deadbody is unclean, and de- fileth, Numb. r9.14. 13. All cleanfingmuli beaccompanied with bathingor wafhing, Levit. 15. 16. 14. The cleanfingof the Leper muff be withCedar, Hyfòp, fearkt Wool, and the other Ceremonies, Levit.14.a. n5. The Leper muftfhave all the hair offhis head on thefeventh day, Levit.13. 45. 16. The Leper mutt not go abroad but with thefgns ofhisLeprofie, Levi:. 13.45. 17. That the red Heifer beburned according to order, Numb. 19.2. 18. Thatthe water ofthe afines ofa redHeifer be fprinkled inPu- rification, Numb. 19. 19. The fifth Family of this fort ofcommands, concernsAlms and Tithes, confining of Z77 p.9 4. no.