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..111111 278 The Law andPrecepts thereof. of thirty twoPrecepts. 1. That Alms be given to the poor , Deut. 15. 8. 2. That he who promifeth the price ofRedemption for the firll-born, pay it affuredly L s. 27. 2. 3. Thathe who is to pay the Redemption price of an unclean firff -ling, pay is accordingly, Lev. 27. 11. 4. That theprice of a devotedhaufi be fo paid , according to the judgementof thePriest, Lev. 27. 14. 5. The fameof a Field,Lev.27.16. 6. That he who deceiveth by ignorance, add a fifth part unto the price of the thing its felf, Lev. 15.16. 7. That the fruits of thefourth year be dedicated to God,Lev.i 9.24. 8. That the corners of the Fields be left unto the poor to cut and gather , Lev. 19. 9. 9. That ears of Corn be left for the poor in Harwell, Lev. 19. 9. lo. That a fheaf of corn forgotten, be left for the poor; not fought for again, Deut. 24. 19. 11. That the,gleanings of the Visit branches, be left to the poor, Lev. 19. to. 12. And the Grapes that fall to the ground, v.2o. 13. That all firfi fìuìtes of the Earth, be brought to the Sanfduary or Temple, Exod. 23. 19. 14. That the Words appointed, Deut. 26. 5, 6, 7. be repeated over the fish truits. 15. l hat the Heave-Of wing, or Terumah for the Prieft be obferved, Dent. 18. 4. i 6. That theTytbes be feparated for the rifeof the Levites. 17. That a $econdTythe he taken by the owners, to fpend at the Tabernacle, or at 7erufälem,Deut.14. 22. I.S. That out of the tenthof the Levites, a tenth be taken for the Priefis. r 9. T hat on the third and birth year, in the room of this fécond tenth, a tenth be given to the poor, Dent. 14. z8, 29. c zo. That Con.. fef ìonbe made over the Tythes, Deut. 26.13. 2i. That a Cal¿g of the Dough be feparated unto the Priefts, Numb. 15. 2o. 22. That the rnbok encreafe of the Landevery feventh year be common to all, Exod. 23. 10, r r. 23. That the feventh year be a year of refs unto the whole Land, Exod. 24.21. Lev. 25. z. 24. That the year of the Ju- bilee be reckoned by the years of reti, or weeks of years, Lev. 25. 8, 9, to. 25. That the year of jubilee be feparated or fanEti1ied, v. 8,9, lo. z6. That on the tenth day of the Moucth Tifri the Trumpet found for the beginning of the jubilee, Lev.25.ro. 27. That a Redemption, or rellitu Lon of the Land be granted in the year of jubilee, Lev. 25.24. 28. He that fells an Houfe in a stalled Town, may redeem it within an year, Lev. 25. 29. 29. That debts be remitted on the feventh year Deus. 15. 2. 3o. That in all Offerings and Sacrifices for fin, the Priest have the right Jhoulder, the breafi, and the ehrek for his porribn, Deut. 18. 3. 3i. That the frit fleeceofSheep be- ing fhorn be given to the Prick, Deut. t 8. 4. 32. That right Judgement be made of things devoted, as to the part of God, and that of the Friras. sf. a i. The Sixth Family contains (even Precepts about things to be eaten. 1. That all Creatures to be eaten, Beafis and Birds have their heads taken off , Deut. 12. 2. 2. That the blood ofBeafts and Birds killed to beeaten, be covered with earth or duff, Lev. 17.23. 3. That the Mother beleft free from the Neft, when the young ones are taken, Dent. 22. 6. 4. That thefgns ofclean and unclean Beans be diligently obferv- ed, Lev. 2. 25. 5. That figns to the fame purpofe be obferved in (brae Birds, Deut. 14.11. 6. And the fame concerning Locuffs that may be eaten,' Lev. it. 21. 7. That the figusin Fifies be obferved, Lev. r t. 9. 1z. TheSeventh Family of Affirmative precepts, refpeds the Páffeover, and other Feafts as to the time of their obfervation, having twenty commands appertaining unto it. 1. That the Courfiof the Sun and Moon, be exaetly obferved for the right conCtituti- on of the Anniverfary Fcalis, Deut. 4. 6. z. That the beginning of the moneths be appointed by the Houfe of Judgement, Exod. 12. 2. 3. That we refl. on the Sabbath, Exod. 23. 12. 4. That the Sabbath be fan6tified, Exod. zo. 3. 5. That all Leaven be thruft out of doors on the Feafl of thePaffover, Exod. 1z. 15. 6. That on the night of the Paffeover, thefait difcourfi be about the deliverance out of ./Egypt, Exod. 13.8. . 7. That unleavened bread be eaten on that night, Exod. 12. 18. 8. That the fish day of the Feafl of the Paffeover be a day of riff-. 9. Likewife the feventh day alfo, Exod. 1a. r 6. Lev. 23.7. 10. That fortynine dayes be reckoned tothe Feaf rf !reeks, L,v. 23. 55. ji. That onthe fiftieth day roll be declared , Lev. 23. 21. 12. That on the firli day of the feventh moneth, there be ref from all works, Lev. 21.24. 13. That the Trumpet found on that day, Numb. z9. 1.. 14. That every one afilad his own foul on the tenth day ofSeptember, Lev. 23. 27, a8, 29. 15. That there be a nit and ceafing from all workson the day ofExpiation, Lev. z3 3z. 16. That there be a teft fromlabour on the firfi day of the Feaff ofTabernacles, Lev. 23.35. 17Like- wile on the eighth day, v. 36. 18. That the people dwell in Booths feyen dayes, Lea. 23.43. 19. That on the firff day of the Feaft of Tabernacles, branches of Palms be carried, Lev. 23.40. 20. That every Ifraelite that is a Male, offer every year half a fbe4l to theLord, Exod. 30, 13. The