TheLa11, andPrecepts thereof 179 The Eighth Family, concerns Rule and Judgement, made up of thirteen Prftepts. . 13., I. That obedience beyielded to every Propbet fpeaking in the . name of God, Deut. 18. 15. 2. That the people chufe a King, Deist. 17. i5. 3. That Judges andRuleis beappointed in everyCity of the people, Peut, x6. 18. 4. That the Laws andDe- crees of the greatConneel be obferved, and obeyed, Deut. 17. IO. 5.That indoubtfu1t Cafes the majar part of,fujfráges is to determine, Exod. 23. e. 6. That all men be judged equ4without refpeét, Lw. 19. 15. 7. That every one who can teJllfie the Truth in any calif:, he is ofhis own accord to repair to the Judges fo to do, Lev.5. 1. B. That Witnefs beexamined ftriEtly and their teftimonyduly weighed, Dear.13. r 4. 9. ThatfalfeWitnef s have that done to them , which they would have done unto others, or brought upon them, Deut. 19. 19. ,lo. That a Calf be (lain where a dead Bselj is found, the Murtheret not known, Dear. s. 1. I. That fix Cities ofrefuge for the Man-flayerbe appointed, and the wayes to them be prepared, Peut. 19. a. 12. That the Levites have Cities and Suburbs granted them, Numb. 35.2. 13. That the tops of. the Houles have a battlement about them, Deut. za. 8. TheNinth Family ofAffirmative Precepts, refpeéts truthand Doctrines, compre- 4. 14. hending twenty five Commands. 1. That the Idolatry of theGentiles be extirpated tint of the Land, Peut. I a. a. z. That the City andCitizens which fall to Idolatry, be utterly deftroyed, Deut. 53. 16. 3. That the feeven Nations ofCanaan be blotted out, Deut. 2o. 16. 4. That the Ifraelites remember what Amalek did unto them, Deut. 25. 15, i6. 5. That the meulory ofAmalek be blotted out from under Hea- ven, Exod. 17. 54. 6. That War be undertaken and managed according to the Law, Deut. 20. I. 7. That a Prieft be annointed to go forth to the War, Deut.2o.2. 8. That every one carry a Paddle with his arms, Deut. 23.13. 9. That a place be affigned for covering of ejections of nature, v. 1 z. t 0. That what is (folen be re- ftored, Lev. 6.4. I t. That an Hebrew fervant be well rewarded at the endof his fervice, Deut. 15. 14. 12. That we lend freely tothe poor and needy, Exed. 22. 25. 53. That the pledge ber'eftored unto the owner, Deat. 24. 13. 14. That theLabou- ter be paid his hire, or wages the fame day, Deut. 24. 15. 15. That the hire-ling working in the Field, or Vine-yard may eat of the fruits tò his fatisfa0`tion, Dear. 23. 24, 25. 16. That we help the Beail of our Neighbour fallen under his burden, Exod. 23.5. 17. That we help our neighbour in leading his Beall by the way, Deut. 22.4. 18. Thatwhat is loft by one, and found byanother, be xeltored to the owner, Deut. 22. I. 19. That we rebuke our neighbour when he finneth, or offend - eth,.Lev. 19.17. 20. That we loveour neighbour, Lev. 19.18. 21. That we love a Stranger,Lev.a0.19. 22. That weights and meafures, and fcales be exadì,Lev.19.36. 23. That WifeMen, or Men skilful in the Lawbe honoured, or had in reputation, Lev.. 19. 3 2. 24. That Father and Mother behonoured', Exod. 20. 12. 25. That they befeared,Lev. 19.3. The TenthFamily concernsWomen and Matrimony, in twelve Precepts. 1. That marriage beentered intoby all, Gen. 1. 28. 2. That a Contrail, or betroathingprecede marriage, Deut.24. I. 3. That the new married Man rejoycewith his Wife the firft year, Deut. 24. 5 . 4. That the Male Children of Ifrael be cireumcifed, Gen. 17. Io. Lev. 1 z. 5. 5. That the Widowof a Mandying without' Children, marry unto her Husbands Brother, Deut. 25.5. 6. Thathe who refufeth fo to take the Widow, of one dying withoutChildren, being next of kin, have his Jhooepulled off; and be fpit upon,Deut; 25.7. 7. That he who bath violated the Chaff icy of a Virgin by force, be compelled to marry her, Deut.z2.29. 8. That He who hath defamed his Wife without caufe, keep her without hope of divorce , Deut. 22. 19. 9. That he who feducetb a Virgin to Fornication, pay fiftyibekels, Exod. 22. 16. t 0. That a fair Wo- man taken inWar be dealt withall according to the Law, Deut. 2i. sr. 11. That divorces be made by a Writing,' or Bill of divorcement , Duet. 24. I. 12. That a Woman fiddledOf adultery be dealt withall according to the Law, Numb.5. 30. The EleventhFamily concerneth criminal Judgements. and Punifhments, and bath eight Precepts belonging unto it. I.That criminal perfons not guilty offins who' capital punithments bebeaten with(tripes, Deut. 24. 3. z. That he . flew a man at unawares be banifhed frotn converting among the people., Numb. 35.25. 3. That thofe guilty ofit, be banged, or ftrangled, Lev. zo. so. 4. That others as is appointed, beflour by the Sword, Exod. 20. 21. 5. Others to be burned , 20. 14. 6. That thofe who deferve it by the Law, be Jtoned with (tones. 7. That thofe ap- pointed 4. 15. 4.16.