180 The Lan, andPrecepts thereof. pointed thereunto be hanged up after death, Peet. 21 22. _8. That all.who'feffer death, be buried the fame day, Deut. 21. 23. 4. 17. , The Twelfth and Taft Family of this fort ofPrecepts which is about Judgem.nts in Civil Caufes contains fevenieen Precepts. s. That the Hrbrew fervant be dealt with allaccording to the Law,-Exod. 21.2. 2. That an HebrewMaid Servant be married toher Mallet, or his Son, if humbled by either of them, Exod. zr. 8. 3. That an Hebrew MaidServant may be redeemed, Exod. z r . 8. 4. That only Canaanites or Heathens, maybemade perpetual Servants, or brought into bondage for ever , Lev. 25. 46. 5. That he who procures the hurt of any one, do repair. it by a pecuniary muli{. - 6. That hurt done by a Beafbe repaired, Exact. 21. z8, 29. 7. That lots or hurt from the not covering or fafegnarding of a pit, be repaired, Exed. 21. 23. S. That theft be judged according to the Law, Exod. zz. I. 9. That thedammage doneby one Mina Beefs in other Mens Fields, be repaired, Exod. 22.5. t o. That dammageby fire voluntarily be repaired, Exad. 22.5. s s. That judgement be made ofany thing depofited or trufted, without reward, according to the Law, Exed. za. 6. Ia. That what is lent or hired for gain, if loft, be judged according unto the Law, Exod. z z. so. 13. Altowhat is borrowed for life, v. 14. 14. That things concern- ing buying and felling be judged according to the Law, Lev. 25. 14. 15. That the caufe ofthe PlaintiffandDefendant be judged according to the Law,Exod.z2.9.ao.That a Man purfaed by hisEnemy todeath, may be deliveredwith the death ofhis purfuer, Deut. 25. 12. 17. That the rights of Inheritances be determined according to the Law, Numb. 27, 8, 9, IO, I I . 0. s8 Thefeare the Precepts which they gather out of the Law, as Affirmatively cxpref- fed. That fomeof them are by no means rightly educed from thofe Texts which they draw them from, will appear at brit view unto him that fhall examine them. It is Ora juftly quellionable, whether fundry of thembe indeed Precepts of God or no, cfpecially.as by them explained. But that this is the jolt number of the Affirmative Precepts-of the Law, that these are no more of that kind, attd that thefe are all fo many diffind'r precepts, is vain to imagine. Only whereas ingeneral, the molt ofthe particular commands that belong unto the fame things, are gatheredby them into certain heads, wherein theyare fummarily reprefented, I thoughtnot unmeet togive them here in their order. $. 19. . TheNe,ativi'Precepts alto are by them in like manner call into twelve diftin6t Fami- lies, which with the fame brevity we fhall 'pats through. . zo. The Firfl Family of thefe Precepts relates unto Ea f Worfhip , concerning which they gather up f rty /even Prohibitions. I. That we have no other God but Jebovac, Exod. 20.3. z.That we make no Images for our Pelves, nor have others make them for us, Exod. 20.4. 3. That we make no Images for others, or for their ufe, Lev. 19.4. 4. That we make no Images for Ornament, Exod. 2o. 23. 5. That we bownot down to any Idols. 6. Nor free them, Exod. 20. 5. 7. That noneofferhis Sonor Daughter toMolock in the fire, Lev. 18. a. 8. That none have a familiar fpirit br Ob. 9. That none have afamiliar fpirit, or7ideoni, Lez-. 19. 31. so. That none confult with Ob. I1. That none ask counfel ofJidesni, Dent. s8. I I. 12. That we look not towards, Idols, Lev. 19.4. 13. That vlte let notup a Statua, or Image any where, Deret.r6.2z. 14. That nopaintedor carvedStone be let to be bowed unto, Lev. 26.1. 15. Thar no Tree be planted in the Sandtuary, Dent. 16. 2.1. 16. That we fwear not by falle Gods, Exod. 33. 13. 17. That none leadthe Jews to Idolatry. 18. That none flit pp anyfingle Jew to Idolatry, Dent. 13.6. 19. That we love not aSeducer. 20. That we hate him. 21. That weaid him not in danger of death. 22. That he whom he would feduce , intercede not for him. 23. That he conceal nothing which may tend tohis condemnation,.Dent. 13.8. 24. That we covet not, or turn to our ufe, any things, wherewith Idols have been adorned, Dent. 27.25. 25. That we make no profit of any thing that belongs to falfe woríhip, Dent. 7. z6. z6. That no City feduced to Idolatry and deftroyed, be ever built again, Dent. 13. 26. 27. That no- thing of itsfoilsbe turned to privateufe, v. 17. 28. That none propbefie fallly, Deut. 18.20. 29. That we fear not to flay a falfe Prophet, r. 22. 30. That none prophetic in the nameoffalfe Gods, Deut. 18. 20, 31. That none fo prophefÿing, be attended unto,Deut. 13.2. 32. That we walk not in the wayes and cultoms of the Heathens, Lev. 20.23. 33.That none ufe Divination, Deut. 18.20. 34. Nor Sorcery, v. 70. 35. Thatno Southfaying beufed, Lev. 19. 26. 36. That no divination by times, or hours,