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The Lawand Precepts thereof. z8t hours, be ofd, Levit. 19.26. 37. That there benoenchantments or conjuring, Deut. 18. r. 58. That none askcounfel of thedead, Deut. 18. 1 r. 39. That a woman wear not the apparel of a man. 40. That a man wear not the apparel of a woman, Deter. 22.5. 41. That no cutting or incifion bemade in the body, Levit. 19.28. 42. That cloathes made of linnen andwoolenbe not made or worn, Deut. 22. 11. 43. That the corners ofthe head benot rounded. 44. That thecorners ofthebeard be not marred. Levir. a 9.a7. 45.That none tear their flesh with their nail% Or, 46. Pull offtheir hair for the dead, Deut. 14. 1. 47. That we walk not after thethoughts of ourhearts, or' fight of our eyes, Numb. 15.39 It is evident that in this Family, manyPreceptsaredilinguifhed, and the number 4. z I.' multiplied thereby. In particular, the fecond command is divided into two, or three, whichGod makes to be but one ; and general rules are made particular prohibitions, all to, fill up the number which theyhad designed. However, most things, as we ob- ferved before; belonging to this general head, are brought into thiscolleétion. The fecond Family concerns separation from theHeathen, in thirteen Prohibitions. 4. 22. I. That no Covenant be made withanyofthe (even Nations of Canaan, Errad. 23. 32. 2. That none of them be fuffered to live, Deut. 20.16. 3. That wepitynot thofeIdo- late, s, Dept.?. 2. 4. That we Puffer them not to inhabit in the Land, Exod, 23. 33. 5. That no marriages be made with the Heathen, Deut. 7.3. 6. That no Ammonite or Moabite marry a jewelIwoman, Deut. 23. 3. 7. That no peace be offered to the Ammonites or Moabites as to otherNations, Deut.23. 6. 8, That they feparate hot from the Edontites beyond the third generation. 9, Nor from the Egyptians, Deut. 23. 7, 8. lo. That they never return to dwell in Egypt' Deut. 17.16. ra. That they deltroy not fruit-trees, Peut. zo. 59. 12, That Souldiers in war be not fearful, Deut. 20.3. 13, That they forgetnot the wickednefs ofAmslek, Deut. 25: zo. Thethird Family ofthis fort ofPrecepts, concerns the due regard that is to be had 4. 23. to things Sacred, in twenty nine Precepts. r. That none blafiheme, Exod. 22. 27. 2. That none frbearfs1e1y, Levis. 19. 12. 3. That none fwear invain, Exod. 20. 7. 4. That the nameofGod benot profaned, Levit. 22. 3 2. 5. ThatGod be not cön- temned, Deut. 6. 16. 6. That holy places benot d4froyed, Deut. 3.4. 7. That he who is hanged on the tree, abide not all night thereon, Deut. 2 I. 23. 8. That the watch about the Sánctaary fail not. Numb. 18. 5. 9. That the Prieffs go not at all hours into the SanEtuary, Lent, u6. z. 1 o. That none defiled come to the Altar, Levit. 21. 23. 1 r. That none 'defiled ferve in the Sanüuary, ver. 17. 12. That none polluted by acci- dent draw nigh tothe holy fervice, ver. 21. 13. That the Levites invade not the Priefls office, nor. the Prieefs do the work of theLevites, Numb. 18. 3. 14. That none who have draniwineenter the Sant`.`tuary, Levit. 10.9. 15. That ao f ranger serve in the Sandtuary, Numb. 18.4. 16. That no Priest that is unclean draw nigh ro it. 17. Nor on that day wherein he waflíeth from his uncleannei, untilit be evening, Levit. 22.23. 18. That no unclean person enter into anypart of the Temple, Numb. 5-3. 19. Norintothe campor tentsofthe Levites,Deut.23.ìo. 20. That theAltear be not built ofhewen (tones,Exod. 20. 25. 21. That they go not bpby ffeps to the Altar; Exod. zo. 26. 22. That no Sacrifices be offered on thegolden Altar, Exod. 30.9: 23. That no Odor Ointment be made like that ofthe Tabernacle. 24. That noflran- gee be annointedwith it, Exod. 3o. 31, 3z, 33. 25. That no incenfe or perfume like that prefcribed in the Law, be made; Exod, 30. 37. 26. That the fire on the Altar gonot out,,Levit. 6.12. 27. That the bars or (laves be not pulled out of the fides of the Ark, Exod. 25.14. 28. Thatthebreaji-plate in thePrietts garment be not looted from theEphod, Exod. 28.28. 29. Thatthe robe ofthe Ephod be not torn nor rent, Exod. 28.32. The fourth Fami(y iscomprrhenftve ofthe prohibitions given about Sacrifices, and 4.24 Priefts,being innumber eighty two. 1.That no Sacrifice besledbut at the Temple, Deut. 12.13, 24. 2. That nosacredbea¡f be kill'd but at the Temple, Levit. 17. 3, 4. 3. That ltóblemijhed thingbebrouglltto the Altar, Levit. 22.20. 4.That no blemifhed thing be offered in farrifice, ver. 2i.22. 5. That the bloudofablemished beast be never laid on theAltar, ver. 24.6. Nor thefat ofit, ver. 22. 7. That nobeaft with an accidental bie- r/nth be offered, Deut. 17. t. 8. That no blemished beaft receivedofa Heathen or Gen- rile be offered, Levit. 22.25. 9. That no blemishbe in any dedicated beast, orfirffling, LevP. 22. 21. t o. That no of ring beof leven or honey, Levit. 2, it.. II. That no fa- erificebe without fait, Levit. z. 13. I2. That the price ofa dog, or an Whore, be not offered to God, Deut. 23.18. 13. That a beaft and its youngbe not kill'd or facrific'd O o the