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282 The Lam andTrecept.r thereof, the fame- day,,Levit. 22.28. 14. That no Oil be put to the offering ofhim that offers the fn-offering. 15. Nor Frankincenfe, Levit. 5. lr. 16. That Oil be not put to the gift ofa woman Gtfpe&cd to have gone affray. 17. Nor Frankincenfe, Numb. 5.15 18. That nodevoted beat be changed, Levit. 27. 32, 33. 19. That one facrifice he not changed intùanother, or for another, ver. 28. 2o. That the firftling ofa clean beaft be redeemed, Numb. 18. 17. 21. That the tenths of beafts be not fold, Levitt z2. 23, 22. That a devoted field be not fedd,23. Nor redeemed,Lev.27. 28. 24. That the head of the Bird to be offered on the flay of expiation, be not feparatedfrom the body, Lair. 5.8. 25. That facred beafls be not ufed tolabour. 26. Nor be Thom, Deut. 15.19. 27. That the Yafchal Lamb be not flain whilft any leven remains, Ex,d. 23. 18. 28. That noshing be left of the Pafhal Lamb, Exod. r 2. 10. 29: That nothing be left of the Pafchal Lamb to be offered on thefecond month, Exod. 12.46. 30. That no bone of the Pafchal Lamb bebroken, Exod. 12.46. 31. That its flab be not eaten raw or boiled, Exod. r2. 9. 32. That nothingof its flefhbe carried out of the company, by whom it is to be eaten, ExocG 12. 46. 33. That no ftranger or hireling eat of it, Exod. la. 45. 34. That no uncircumciyd perfon eat of it, ver. 49. 35. That no Ifraelite that hathbeen changed, do eat of it, Fiend. 1 z. 43. 36. That the.)at ofit abidenot one night, Exod. 23. 18. 37. That the flefh of the Peace offerings benot kept until the morning, Levi::7. 15. 38. That nothing remain offacrilìces to the third day, Levit. 7. 16, 17. 39. That the Priefts portion of the facrifices or meat- offerings be not baked with leaven, Levit. 6..17. 40. That no unclean perfou cat that which is holy, Levit. 7. zo. 41. That the holy things once defiled, be not eaten, Levi t.7. 19. 42. That what re- esalns of the facrifices above the time appointed benot eaten, Levit. 19. 18. 43. That nothing be caten which is an abomination, Lvit. 7. 18. 44. That no ffranger eat of holy flefh. 45. Nor the hiredfervant of thePried, Levit. 22. 1o. 46. Nor he that is un- circumcifed. A.7. Nor thePried when he is defiled, Levit. 22. 4. 48. Nor thedaughter of the.Prieft which is married to a Manger', Levit. zz. 12. 49. That the offerings of the Priell be not eaten, Levir, 6. 22. 5o. That the inwards of the fin- cfferingbe not eaten, Levit. 6..3 o. 51. That beaus made holy, that are any ways corrupted, be not eaten, Deut. 4. 3. 52. That theficond tenths of fruitsbe not eaten out of,f erulàlem. '53. That the tenth ofthe Wini benot drank. 54. That the tenth ofthe Oil be not eaten efe- wbere, Deut. 1 z. 17. 55. That the Priefts eat not the firftlings out of jerufaie,m, ch.7.,7. 56 That, they eat not the fin-offering out of the holy place, ver, 17. 57. That none of the flefh ofthe burnt- offeringbe eaten, ver. 17. 58. That the flefh ofthe free -will-ffhring be not caten, before the blood ofthe facrifice be poured upon the Altar. 59. That the Priefts eat not the firft-fruits before he have laid it up in the Temple.- Co. That nofiranger eat that which is moff holy, Exod. 29.33. 61. That the fecond tenths be noteaten in mourning. 6z. Nor in uncleannafs. 63. That the tnony it is fold for be nor laid out in any thing, but what is to be eaten or drunken, Deut. 26. 14 64. That no meat be eaten before the things to be Gparated from it be taken away, Levit. 22. 25. 65. That the order of tenths, and fall-fruits or heave-offerings, be not per- verted, Exbd. 22. 29. 66. That townbe not deferred, Dent. 23. 22. 67. That none go up to thePaffover without a facrifice, Exod. 23. 15. 68. That none breakhis vows, Numb. go. 3. 69. That the High-pried marry not an Whore. 7o. Nor one any way corrupted. 71. Nor one divorced. 72. Nora widow, Levit. 21.7. 73. Nor defile him- fell with a widow, Levit. 21. 14, 1.5. 74 That the Priefts enter not the SanDyary with longhair. 75. Nor with torn garments, Lrvit. io. 6. chap. 21. 10. 76. That the Priefts go not form ofthe Temple at the time ofdivine worfhip, Levi!. 10.7. 77. Thatno inferiour Pried defile himfeiffor thedeath ofdrangers, Lair. 21. I. 78. That the High- pried defile not himfelf, no not for his Patents, ver. u. 79.1 hathe go not in wherein any dead, ver. n. So. That the Tribe ofLevi have no lot in the land. Si. That they have no lotin the fpoils ofwar, Dent. 18. 2. 25. The fifth Family of Negative Precepts comprifeth thirty eight prohibitions about meats, or what maybe eaten. r. That nounclean buffs beeaten, Levit. 11.4. 2. That nounclean f h be caten, ver. a1. 3. That no unclean bird or foul be eaten, ver, 13. 4. That nocreeping thing that alto flieth be eaten, ver.41. 5. That no creeping things of the earthbe eaten, ver. 41. 6. That no creeping thing of the waters be eaten, ver. 41. 7. That noworms of the earthbe eaten, ver. 44. 8. Nor the worms of fruit, ver. 42. '9. That what dieth of it fell be not eaten, Dent .14. 21. 1o. Nor. that which is torn, Exod. 22. 31. n . No blond be eaten, Levi,. 7. z6. 1 z. That the fat be not eaten, ver. 23.13. That nomember taken from a living creature be eaten, Dent. 12. z3. 14. That