The Lop andPrecepts thereof. 23; the fine'' which fhrankbe not eaten, Gen. 32.3z. 15. That fiJh be not boyled in the Milk of the Beaft, whofe it is.. r6. That the f141' be not eaten with milk, Exod. 23. 19. 17. That the flefh of an Ox (toned for pufhing or goring, be not eaten, Exod. 21. 28. 18. That new bread be not eaten untill after the offering of the Homer. 19. That parched corn. 2o. That green ears be mat eaten untill an Offering be first given, Lev. 23. 14. 21. That the fruit of a young Tree be not eaten untill it hath born three years, Lev. 19.23. 22..Thata mixture of fruits from the Vineyard benot eaten, Deut. 2z. 10. 23. TheWine of Drink- Offerings offered to Idols be not drank, Dent. 32. 38. 24. That none eat as a ,Glutton , Lev. i9.,2ó. 25. That none eat on the day of Expiation, Lev. 23. 27, z8. 26. That no deaven be eaten on the Paffeover, Exod. 12. 15. 27. Nor any thingmixed with leaven, V. 20. 28. That no leaven be eaten on the even of the Paffeover , Deut. 16, 3. 29. That no leaven be found in our houles after thattime, Exod. r z. 19. 3 o. That no leavenbe found in any place under our power, Exod. 13.7. 31. That the Ni- z arise drink no Wine, nor any thing that corns of it. 3 z. That he eat nogreen Grapes. 33. Nor preffed Grapes. j4. Not thekernels ofthe Grapes. 35. Nor the husks of them, Numb. 6.2, 3, 4. 36. That 'he Jkave not his head : 37. That he defile not himfelf for the dead. 38. That he enter not an houle whereany is dead, v. 5,6,7 , The Sixth Family comprifeth eighteen Prohibitions , about Fields and Harveft: ß. 26. 1. That thewhole Field benot mowed orreaped. a. That theears whichfall in reaping benot gathered up. 3. That the Grapes left by Vine Gatherers be not fought. after. 4. That the unripe Grapes be notgathered, Lev, 19. 9, ro. 5. That men return' not for a lheafforgotten, Deut. 24. 9. 6. That mixed feeds be not found in eh; fameField, Lev.19. 19. 7. That Plants of feveral kinds be not fet in thefame Vineyard, Deut. 22. 1o. 8. That therebe no mixture ofBeath of feveral forts, Lev. i 9. 19. 9. That we plough not with an Ox and an Afs, Deut. 2z. 11. r o. That the mouth of a Beafh labouring in that which maybe eaten, be not muzled, Deut. 25.4. I I. That in the feventh year, the Land be not ploughed. 12. Not the Trees dreffed. 13. Nor things mov'd, that grow on their ownground. 14. Nor the fruits gathered as in other years, Lev. 25.4. 15. That the Earth be not tilled in the year of jubilee. 16. Nor things cut down growing on their own Field. 17. Nor the fruits ofthat year be gathered,Lev. 25.-r1. 18. That no field in the Holy Land be fold for ever. The Seventh Famiy, they call the Houfe ofDoilrines, under whichhead they refer ¢. 27. things offundrykinds which they know not well how to reduce unto pne general fort, or head of one Name, and it is branched into forty five Prohibitions. r. That the L'evites benot forfäken, Dint. 12. 19. 2. That the Fields and Suburbs of theLevites be not changed, Lev. 25. 34. 3. That noDebt be claimed after the year of releafe, Deut. r5.2.- 4. That we forget not togive to the poor, what he wants,Dear. 15, 7,8., 5. That we omit not to lend to the poor, becaufe the year Of releafe draws nigh, v. 9. ro. 6. That a JewServant be not fet at liberty empty, ver. 13. 7. That Debt be not exaétedof the poor, Exod. 2a. 25. 8. That nomoney be lent unto an Ifra- elite onufury, Lev. 25.37. 9. That what is lent be not received again with ufuy, Deut. 19. to. That we be not Arbitrators between Lenders and Borrowers on ufury, Exod. 22. 25. 12. That a pledge be not taken of a Borrower with rigor or violence, Deut. 24. ro, rt. 13. That the pledge of a poor Man that wants it, be not detained, v. 12.. 14. Thät a pledge be not taken of a Widows garments, v. 17. 15.That things necelfary to fuftainhumane life,benot taken topledge, v. 6. 16. That noneflea, Exod. 20. 13. 17. Nor take the goods of any by Robbery, Lev. 19. r r. 18. That we opprefl not our Neighbour. 19. Or take his goods by violence , y. 13. 20. That no Mandeny his Neighbours goods thatare withhim. 2r. That nonefwear falfly concerning anything depofited, with him, Lev. 19. 13. 22. That we fraiten not the bounds of our Neighbour, Dem. 19.14. 23. That none deceivehis neighbour in buying and felling, Lev, a5. 14. 25. That we deceive hìtfi riot in Words, 7. 17. 26. That no firanger be deceived in words. 27. Nor inbuying or felling, Exod. 22.21. 28. That the Widow and Orphanbe not oppreffed, v. 22, 23, 24. 29. That aServant flying from bis MaJfer, unto the HolyLand, be not given up to him. 3o. That he be notdefrauded in any thing, Deut. 23. 15. 31. That an HebrewServant be not ufedas a Bond -man. 32. That he benot fold fora nave. 33: That fervice benot exat ed of Oo a hilo