2$4 The Lair and Precepts thereof him withbitternels. 34. That no Heathen be fàtfcred to treat him hardly, Lev. 25, 39. 42, 43- 46, 47. 35. That a Jewiíh Maid-fervaxt be not fold to another. 36.That the three things required in the Law be not donyed to filch a Servant, Exod. 21. 7, 8, 9; 10, 11. 37. hata fair Woman taken in War be not fold. 38. That the be not ufed as a Bond-woman, Deut. 21. 24. 39. That we covet not, Exod. 20. 17. 40. That nothing of other mens be ddfiired, Deut. 5. 21. - 41. That the hire ling eat not whilelt he is in the field. 42. That he take no more our of the fidd,'then what he can eat, Deut. 23. 24. 43. That what is loft, be not hidden, Deut. 22. 1, 2, 3. 44. Thatwe leave not a Beatunder his burden, v: 4. 45. That there be no deceit in weights and meafures, Lev. 19. 35. 46. That we keep nofä4weights or meafures in our Houles, Deut.25. 13, 14. 4.28. The Eighth Family relates unto 7uffice and Judgement in forty fix Prohibitions. t. That Juliice benot violated, Lev. a 9. i 5. 2. That gifts be not received in Judge- ment, Exod.2 ;. 8, 3. That none be refpeEted inJudgement, Lev. 19. 15. 4. That none fear a wicked man inJudgement, Dent. I. 17. 5. That we pitty not a poor manin Judgement,Exod. 23.'3. 6. That we have nopity for a Man {layer, orother criminal perron, Deut. t g. 13. 7. That the Judgement of the poor be not perverted, Exod. 23. 6., 8. Nor of dieftranger, Widow, or Orphan, Deut. 24. 17. 9. That one party be'not heard in the abfenceof another, Exod. 23. 1., 10. That we decline not after man. in the Judgement of Law. a Nor (halla Judge condemn according to the opinion of another, but hiscwn, Exód. 23.2. 12. That none be chofen a udge, that is not learned in the Law, though he be wifè in other things, Dust. 17. s 7. 13. That none bearfalle witne(1, Exod. 20.14. 14. That no Offender be jellified, Exod. 23. 1. 15. That Kinfmen be not Witneffes , Deut. 24. 16. '16. That none be condemned upon one witnefs, nut. 19. 15. 17. That none be condemned todeath on conje' ure , opinions , or thoughts , but upon clear roitnefes, Exod. z3.7. 18. That we kill not; Exod. 20. 13. 19. That a guilty perfonbe not put to death, before he appear in Judgement, Numb. 3 $. ta. 20.That no reward be taken for the life ofa Murtherer. 21. Nor for him that commits Man-{laughter by error, Numb. 35. 31. 22. That none be Judge and Witnefl in a Criminal Caere, v 3o. 23. That none pity the Woman mentioned, Deut. 25. 12. 24. She that is forced, is not to be punifhed, Deus. zz. 26.. 25. That none appear again(} the blood of his . Neighbour, Lev. ig. 16. 26. That no caucof offence, or falling be left in an houfe, Deut. zz. 8. 27. That none lay a (tumbling blockbefore an Ifraelite , Lev. 19. 14. 28. That the beating with.ftripes exceed not the number of forty, Deut. 25. 3. 29, That none calumniate or aceúfe falfly, Lev. 19. 16. 30. That we hate not our Neighbour in our heart, v.17.. 31. That none put an Ifiaelite to reproach, v. 17. 32. That none exercife revenge on his Neighbour. 33. That none bear ill will in their mind, v. 18. 34. That the Mother and its young be not taken together , Dent.22.5. 35. That a Scall be not fhaven , Lev: 53. 33. 36. That the fgus of Leprolie be not removed, Deut. 27, 8. 37. That the place where the Heifer is beheaded, be not tilled, Deut. 21.4. 38. ..Thai a Sorcerer be twit feffcred to live, Exod. 2z. 18. 39. That 'a new Married Man, be not bound to go forth to War, Deut. 24. 5. 40. That none be rebellious againfi the Sanhedrin at lerufalem, and their Dodtrine, Deut. 17.11. 41. That nothingbe added to the precepts of the Law. 42. That nothingbe taken from them, Deut. 4. 2. 43. That we {peak not evil of the Judge, nor of the Prince of the People, Exod. 22. 28. 44. That none {peak evil of any in Ifraet, Lev. 19. 54. 45. That none eurfi Father or Mother. 46. That noneftrike. Father or Mother, Exsd. 21.17. 4. 29. The Ninth Family of Negative Precepts, concernsFeaffs, and contains Ten Prohi- bitions. r. That no work be done on the Sabbath, Exod. zo. 10. 2. That none go Out, or beyond the bounds of the City on the Sabbath, Exod. 16. 29. 3. That nopuniJhment be infliéted on theSabbath, Exod. 35.3. 4. That no work be done On the firft dayof the Pafover. 5.That no workbe done on the fiventb day of the'Páfover, Lev. 23. 7, 8. 6. That no work be done in the Feaft of Weeks, v. 21. 7. That no work be done on the fide day of the feventh month, v. 24, 25. 8. That no Work be done on the day of Expiation, v.30. 9. That no work be done on the firti day of Tabernacles. 10. That no work be done on the eighth day of releafe, 1434235 / 37. The