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The Lan, acidPrecepts thereof. 285 The Tenth Family of Negative Precepts is concerning Chafity , and affinity, and 4. 3o, purity, in twenty four Precepts. 1. That none uncover the nrl:echnß of his-Aft- ther. 2.0f his Fathers Wife. 3. Of his Sitter. 4. Of the Daughter of his Fathers W-f, Lev. 18. 7, 8, 9, 22. 5. Of the Daughter of his Son. 6. Of the Daughter of his Daughter. 7. Of his own Daughter, v. so. g. Of a Woman and her Daugh-' ter. 9. Of a Woman and the Daughter of her :Son. re. Of a Woasan and the Daughter of her Daughter, v. 57. I. Of a Iaihert Sifter. 12, A Mothers Sifter, V. 12 13. 13. Of an Vnkles Wife, v. 19. 14. Of a Daughter irl law, v. 55. t5. Of a Brothers Wife, v. 16. 16. Of a Wiles Siltcr, (he being living, ver. y4. 27. Of a married Woman, Exod.20. 53. 18. Of a fcparated lVoman, Lev. 18. 19. 19. That nonecomhit the fin ofSodomy, v. 22. 20. That none uncover thena- kednefs of her Father. zr. Nor of the Brother of her Father; V.'yo. r4. 22. That frlthincflbe not committed with any Beaft by a Man. 23. Norby a Woman, Lev.r8.z3. 24. That none drawnigh to a prohibited Woman, Lev. r8. 6, The Eleventh Family concerns Marriages in eight Prohibitions. 1. That a Ba- 4. 31: liard take not an Ifraelitefi to Wife, Deut. 23..2. 2. That no Eunuch take a Daugh- ter of Ifrael,'v. 1. 3. That no male bemade an Eunuch , Lev. 22. 24. 4: That there be no Whore in Ifrael, Deut. '23. 17. 5. That 'he who hath elivorced his Wife, may not take her again, afterthe hathbeen married to another, Dent.24 4. 6. The Brothers Daughter many not with a stranger, Deut. 25. 5. 7. That :he divorce not his Wife who bath defamed her in her youth, Peut. 22. 29. 8. He that . hath forced a Maid, (hall not divorce her, Dzue. 22. 29. ' The Twelfth Family concerns the Kingdom and is made up of four Precepts. 4 32° 1. That noKing be chofcn ofaftrange Nation, Dent. 57. 15. 2. That theKing get not himfelf many Horfes, v. 16. 3. That he multiply not Wives. 4. That he heap not up to himfelf Treafures of Silver and Gold; v. 17. This is the Account that theJews give of the precepts of the Law, and both the 4; 33° nutnher of them, as alfo their diftribution and diftindtion which they have call them into, ate part as they pretend of their Oral Law, which may eafily be improved unto a conviátion of the vanity of it. For whereas it is evident, that many of theft precepts are coincident, many pretended fo to be, are no pre- cepts at all , and fundry of them are not founded on the places from- whence they profefs to gather them; yea, that in many of them the mind of the Holy Ghoft is plainly perverted, and a contrary fenfe annexed unto his words, Co it is molt unquciionable, that there are fundry Commands and Inftitutions, (Specially in, about and concerningSacrifices, that are no way taken notice of by them in this colleétion, as I could eafily make good by inflances fufficient, it is .evident that that Rule cannot be of God, whereof this colleiion is pretended to be a part. But as I have faid before, becaufe there is a Reprefentation in them of no fmall multitude ofcommands, efpecially in things concerning their. carnal Wor- Jbip, it was neceffary that they fhould be here reprefented, though they have been before tranfcribed from them by others. My principal defign herein, is to give light into fume paffages of our Apoflle, as alto to other expreflions con- cerning this Lam of Commandments' contained in Ordinances , in other places of the Scripture. ' TheCenfure our Apo le gives of this wholeSyffem of Divine Worship, Chap. 9. 4 34° vei, ro. The ,firff Covenant had alto Ordinances ofDivine Service, and a worldly San- lïuary, which food only in meats and drinks, and divers wafhings, and carnal Ordi- nances, impofd on themuntil the time of reformation , it very remarkable. Let any one cart an Eye upon this multitude of commands about meats and drinks, walh- engs and outward carnal obfervances, which are here colleéted, and he will quickly fee how direétly and pertinently the defcription given by our Apofile, is fuited to theirCervices. And that not only as to the manner and multitude of them, but al- Co as to their,natures. They are carnal things, and could by no means .effe6t the great, fpiritual, glorious and eternal ends, which God had defigned, propofed and promifed in thatCovenant unto whofe ádminiftration they were annexed , until the time ofReformation should come. Hence elfewhere, as Colof:10.20. He calls them the rudiments of the world, Ordinances about touching, tailing, and hand- ling