z86 The Jaw andPrecepts thereof. ling, about meats, and drinks, things outwardlyclean, or unclean, all which perilh with their uling. 4. 35 A little view alto of the multiplicity of there precepts, and the fcrupulous obfer- vances required about them, and their circumfances, will give light into that of another Aponte, AO: r5. 20.. Callingthe Law, a yoke which neither their Father:, nor tbemfelve: wereever able to bear. For although theweight ofthis yoke did princi- pally confift, in the matter of it, and the performance of duties required in it, yet it was greatly increafed and aggravated by that multitude of commands where- in it confided. Whence our Apofle calls it, the Law of Commandment: 'contained in Ordinance:, EpheC2. 15. Confining of an endlefs number of commands, concerning which their minds could neverattain any comfortable fatisfaétion whether they had anfwered theirduty aright in them or no. EXErCitltt0