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z88 the Sa nClion ofthe Law whole Lase to do it. Thirdly, It had. merciful relief provided againft fin, for the fupport- ment and confolation of [inners, as we (hall fee in the confideration of their Sa- crifices. 4 5 Thirdly, it may be confidered as it wasthe Infirument oftheRule and Government of the People andChurch of,Frrael, according re the tenure"of the Covenant made with them about the Land of Canaan, andtheir living unto God therein., And in this re- fpe& it had four things in it.. Fint, That itreprefented unto the people the Holineß of God, theEffefts whereof are implanted in the Law according to itsOriginal confti- tution; whereupon in it they are fo often called tobe holy, becaufe the Lord and Law- giver was holy. Secondly,A Reprefentation of his Grace and Condifcenrion i , pardon- ng of fin in the Covenant of mercy, in as much as he allowed a Compenfation by Sacrifices for fo many .tranfgre(tions, which in their own nature were forfeitures of their interefl in that Land. Thirdly, That it was a righteous Ruleof obedience 'unto thatPeople, as unto tlî'eirefpecial Covenant condition. Fourthly, That it fully repre- tented thefeverity, ofGod againft wilful tranfgreffors ofhis Covenant, as now renewed inorder to the Promife, feting.every filch tranfgte(lion was attended in theirAdmi- niflrationof Rule, with death without mercy. -4, 6. It is of theLaw, under this thirdeo>fderation, though not abfolutely as the Inftru- ment pfthe Government of the People in Canaan, but as it had a Reprefentation fnit ofthat Adminifiration ofgraceand mercy which was contained in thePromifes where- of we treat. Concerning this, or the Law in this fenfe, we may confider; firfl, the Promifes, then the Threatnings of it. And the Promifes are of two forts. Firft, fuchas God took immediately upon himfelf the accomplifhnent of; Secondlÿ,fuchas others,by his institution and appointment were to communicate the benefit ofunto the obedient. 4, 7, The iii ft are of threeforts. Firff, ofLife Temporal, as it was -an L ttrument of their Government, and eternal with God, as the Promife or Covenant ofgrace wasexem- plified or reprefcn;edtherein. Levit. 1S.5. Ezell 20. I t. Rom. 10.5. Gal. 3. t 2. -Se- condly, Of a Spiritual Redeemer, Saviour, Deliverer, really to efcï what the Ordi- nances of Inftitution did reps int, fo to fave them eternally, to be exhibited in the hlnfs oftime, as we have at largealready proved. Thirdly, There are given out with the Law various Promifes of intervenierst and mixed mercies to be enjoyed in earthly things in this world,that had their immediate refped unto the mercy of the Land ofCanaan,reprefenting fpirltual Grace, annexed to the then preterit Adminifiration of theCovenant ofGrace. So: ne oftheft concerned the collationofgood things ; others, the p eventingof, or delivery of them from Evil,, both expreffed in great variety. Ofthe Promifs, whofe accomplifhment depended on the Inflitution of God by others, that is the principal and comprehenfive of the ref}, which is expreffed, Exod. 2o. r i.Honour thyfather and thymotber,that thy days maybeproloned. This,fàith our Apo- file, is theffrff commandment withpromife, Ephef. 6.2. -Not that theMee-going Precepts have no Promifes annexed eo the obfervationofthem, nor meerly beeaufe this bath a Promife literally expreffed, but that it had the fpecial kind of Prómìfe, wherein Pa- rents, by Gods inftitution, have power to prolong the lives of obedient Children jntrThey!hallprolong tby days; that is, negatively, in not cutting of their life for difobedience, which was then in the power of natural Parents; and poffibly by praying for their profperity, bleng them in the name ofGod,arrd direliïng them into theways and means ofuniverfal obedience, whereby their days might bemultiplied : andon fundry other accounts. 4.9. For the penalties annexed unto the tranfgreffion of the Law, which our A'poflle principallybath refpedt unto in his difcourfes on this fubjedi, they will require forne- what a larger confderation ; and they wereof two forts : Firfl, fuch as God- took upon himfelfto iniid`t ; and fecondly, filch as heappointed others to feeunto the ex- ecution of. The hifi ate ofthree forts. FiniI, That Eternal punifhmentwhich he threatned unto them that rranCgreffed, and difannull'd his Covenant, as renewed and ordered in the Adminifirationofthe Law, and the Ordinances thereof. This we havemanifefled elk- where to be the importance of the Curte, which everyfuch tranfgreffor was obnoxious unto. Secondly, The punifhment which theJews exprefs byrro and !won Exci ion, or cutti .g off. It isfir(} mentioned, Gen. 1.. 14. in the matterofCircumcifion.. Some- tines emphatically, Numb. 15. 3r. n77n n-77Cutting off thatfoullhall be cut offfrom among his .people -, and frequently afterwards, Exod. s z.. 15, 19. ehap. 3r. 14. Lent. j. ro. chap. aó. 3,, 5, b. It is rendred by the Apoflle, igoeiSgenefirmnn AEt. 3.23. fhaU be Q. 8. i