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in Promfes andThre,4tningr: zp k ofIfráel, or Judah.- Só BethlehemEphratab is raid to be little amongthe thoufnds of Judah, Micah 5.2. One of thefe thoufands that had their efpecial Head and Ruler over them, and their diltino`1. 'Government, as to their own eoncernments among themfelves, fatedown at Bethlehem, whichColony afterwards varioufy tlourifhed or drew towards a decay. After thefe things, by Gods appointment was con(tituted, the great Court of the Sanhedrin, which becaufe we have treated of a-part elfewhere, with thole Leifer Courts of bulfiet which were inffituted in imitation of it, fufficiently to dur pur- pofe, I (hall here whollywhit.. Neither (hall I need to mentiontheir Judges railed up extraordinarily ofGod, for the general Rule of the whole People. Nor oftheir Kingscontinued by SnccelGón in the Family 6f David, becaufe their Rory in general is fufficientlyknown, and the efpecial confederation of their power, With the tnanuer of the Adminilirationofit, would draw us too far outof the way of our prefect d'ehgn. . And their are they untowhom the Lord in their fevers! Generations committed the executionof thofe punilhments that he had allotted unto the tran(greffiott of the Law. The Penalties themfelves ,with the efpecial caufes of them are lastly to be confi- dered. And thefe in general were oftwo forts. Fir(t, Ecclefialfical : Secondly;Civil. Ecclefiaffical penalties were the Authoritative Exclufonofanoffending Perlon from the fociety Of the Church, and the Members of it. That fuch an Exclufion is prefcri- bed in theLaw in fundry Cafes, hath in feveral inflames been by others evidenced. Many Difputes alfo have been about it , both concerning the caufes of it , the Authority whereby it was done, with its ends and effedts. But thefethings arenot of our prefent confideration, who intendonly to reprefent things as they arein Fafio infituted or obferved. Of_this ExcluJon, the _Yews commonly make three Degrees, and that not without - I6me countenance from the Scripture. TheFitti theycall, +)77 Niddui. The fecond Cherem: and the Third t.znat7 Sbammatha. That which they call 7Siddui, from ;IV, to expeli, to feparate, to call off, is with the mofi of them the a rft and lower} degree of this feparation and exclufion. And Perfóns who are to pro, pounce this fentence and put it into execution; are according to the Jews, any Court from thehigheft Sanhedrinoffventy one at Ïerufalem, to the meanett in their Synagogues. Yea any Ruler of aSynagogue, or Wife Man in Authority, might,accor- cording unto them, do the fame thing. And many ridiculous ftories they have;about the mutual Excommunicationand Abfolution ofone another by content. The time of its continuance; or the, firft fpace of time given. to the Perfons offending to re- pent, was thirty dayes, towhich on his negleáhewas; left untofixty , and then to niney, when upon his obllinacy he was obnoxious to the Cherem. As the Collis of it they reckon up in erufalem Talmud, moedEaton, twenty four crimes, on the guilt whereof any one may bethus dealtwithal. s. He that defpifeth a WifeMan, that is, a Rabbi, Mailer, or Doflor, even after his death. 2. He that contemneth a MiniJfer or Menger of the Houfe ofjudgement. 3. He that called) his Neighbour, Servant or Slave. 4. Heto whom the judgefends and appoints him a time ofAppearance ; and he dotb not appear. 5. Ile that deffüfetb the words of the Scribes, much more, the words of the Law of Mores. 6. He that doth not obey, and ftand unto the fentence denounced againfl him: 7.He that hash any hurtful thing inhis power, at a biting Dog, and dotb not remove it. S. He that fear his Field to a Chriflian, or any Heathen. 9. He that gives witnfl againft an Ifraelitein the Courts of the Chriifians. so. A Friefl that kilkth Cattle, and dotb not feparate theguifis that belong toanother Prieff. r t. He that profaneth the Jecond Holy-day inCaptivity. 12. He thatdotb any werk in the afternoon before the P(Seaver. 13. He that taketh thename ofGodin vain onany account. 14. He :that indurethothers to profane the name of God. 15. He thát draweth others to eat of holy things 'without the Temple. 16. He that computes the times, or writes Kalenders, or Almanacks, fixing the Months out of the Land ofIfrael. 17. He that caufith a blind man to fall. 18. He that bindereth others from doing the work of the Law. 19. He that makes profane the killing of any Creature by hisown fault. 20. He that killethandBoth not¡hew hisKnifebefore handbefore a Wile Man, whereby it may appear to' befit. 21. He that is unwilling to, or makes hinofelfdifficult in learning. 22. He that putteth away his Wife, and afterwards bath commerce with her in buying and felling, which'may induce them to cohabitation. 23. AWife Man ofevil Fame and$eport. 24. He that exconemunicateth him who deferveth not that fentenee. An infiance ofthisexclufion, we have exprelly in SheGofpel, John 9. an. The Jews had already agreed, that ifany Manfbeuld confefl He mar Chriff, mmavrdyay®- yfive ag Pp a be 4. 18: 4. 19, 4: 20.