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291 The SanJiönof the Law, . . hr fhouldbi put out of the Synagogue. He thould be mom, , Menuddeh s plat undeq the fentence ofNiddui. And according to this fentence they proceeded with the blind man, whole eyes were openedby the Lord Chrift, v. 34.sç ßaTOV, that is, faith the Margin of our Tranflpion, they excommunicated him: But that isnot the figmfication of the word ; it "denotes only their caning him tobe tbruff out of the Synagogue by their Officers, although there is no doubt, bur that at the fame time theypronounced fen- truce againli bun. ¢' 2 t If a Mandyed under thisfenténce, they laid a ftoneupon his Beir, intimating that he deltrved Lapidation if he had lived. Howbeit they excluded him not from teach- ing or learning ofthe Law, fo that hekeptfour paces defiant from other perfons. He Came in, andwent out of the Temple at the contrary door to others, that he might be known. All which with fundry other things were of their Traditional Additio- nals, to the jull prefcriptionsof the Word. 4, 22, In cafe this Procefs fucceeded not, and uponCome greater demerits, the fentenceof O,n,Cherem was tobe proceeded unto. This is an highdegree ofAuthoritative Separation from the Congregation, and is made ufe ofeither when the former isdefpifed, or as was raid upon greater provo- cations. This fentence muff not be denounced , but in a Congregation of ten at leali, add with fuch a one that is moo, thus Anathematized, it is not lawfulCo much as to eat. The third and laft fentence in this kind which contains a total and irrecoverableEx- emption ofa perfonfrom the Communionofthe Congregation, is called Nntow, Sham- matha. Some of the Talmudical Rabbins in mord katongive the Etymologie of this word, as if it Ihouldbeasmuch as limo aW, Sham metha , death is these. But it is generally agreed, that it is from YIt7w, to-exclude, expel!, call out, that is, from theCovenant ofProtiiife, andCommón-wealth of Ifrrael. And this the moll take to be total and tînal, the Perlons that fall under it being left to the judgement of Godwith- out hope of Reconciliation unto the Church. Hence it is called in the Targum, Numb. 2r.25. Deut. 7. 27. TheCurß, the Execration of God; and by theTalmudi(fs, Niöw `7Nltb' m7N7, the anathema of.the God ofIfeael. But yet it cannot be denyed, but that in many places, they fpeak of it as the general name for any Excommunication, and fo as not at all toditlerence it from Niddui, which is taken to be the leaft de- gree thereof. The molt learnedBuxtorf hath given us out ofan ancient Hebrew Ma- nufript, a form ofthis Excommunication which is truly ferale carmen, ai fad and diC- -mall an imprecation, as according to their principles could well be invented. It is indeedby him applyed unto theCherem, but asL'Empereur hath obferved in his An- notationson Bertram, it was doubtlefs,only made life of in the lait and greatelt ex- clufion, which is fuppofed to be the Shammatha. The form of the Curfc is as enfues. 23 By the Sentence of the Lord ofLords, let fuch a one,the Son offuch aone.(, 70 p ']79 ) be in anathema, or be accurfed in each bottle' of Judgement, that above, and that below, ( that is,by God and his Church) in the curfe of the holy Ones on high; In the curfe of theSeraphim and Ophannim, ( the Wheels or Chem/aims in Ezekiel's Vifion ) In the curie oftee whole Church from the greater} to the leafs ; Let there be upon. himJfrakes great and abiding; Difeafes great and horrible: Let his houfe be an habitation of Dragons, ( OUI t ) or Serpents. Let hieStar, or Planet, be dark in she Clouds ; Let him be expofed to Indignation , anger and wrath ; And let his dead Body be calf to Wild Bealls and Serpents; Let his Enemies andAdverfiries rejoyee over him : And let hú Silver andGold be given to others : And let all his Children be calf at the doors of .his Adverfaries : And kt Pofferity be affonifbedat bis day : Let him be accurfed eut of the mouth. ofAddiriron, and Athariel;from the mouthof Sandalphon, and Hadraniel,from the mouthof Antuel,and Pa- thiel ;from the mouth of Seraphiel, and Saganfael ; from the mouth ofMichael,and Gabriel; from themouthof Raphiel,and Mefharethiel ;Let him be accurfed from themouthoflazabib, a dfrom the mouth of Havabib,whoit thegreat God; andfrom themouth ofthefeventy names of the great Kinf ; andfrom the mouth ofTzodak thegreat Cbancelor ( thefe names partly fignificant, and partly infignificant , coined to (hike a terror into the minds of weak anddiftempere Perfons, they invent and apply at their pleafure to Angels, good andbad ; not unlike the monftrous names which the Gnofficks gave to the }Eons who borrowedmany things from the Traditionof the Jews, and returned them again unto themwithan improvement, but they proceed) Let birobefavallowed up at Corah andhis Company ; and let his foul depart witb fear and terror : Let the rebuke of the Lord flay