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294. TheSant ionof the La, copulation with Women; free and unmarried, for adultery, as is known, was capi- tal by the exprefs fentence of the Law. As a. With a Sifter.. 2. A Fathers Sifter. 3, A Mothers Sifter. ç. A Wirer Sifter. 5. A Brothers Widow. 6. An 4hieles Widow. 7. A Woman feparated. Manyother Crimes also they reckon up with reference unto Ceremonial Inftitutions, as eating of fat, and blood, and leaven on thePasfeover, making an Oyle like theholy Oyle ; even all fach trangrelfions as are threatned with puni(h- meist, but have no exprefs kind of punishment annexed unto them. 28. Secondly, Punishments refpetting State and Condition, were of two forts. First, Pecuniary in a quadruple reffitution, in cafe of Theft. Secondly , Terfinal in ba- nishment, or confinement unto theCity of Refuge for him that had flail: a Man at un- awares; Numb. 35. 25. 4. 29. Thirdly, Capital puni/ttmems they infli6hed four wayes. Fitti, By Strangulation which was infliEted on fix forts ofTranfgresfors. 1. Adulterers. 2. Strikers of Parents. 3. Men-ffeaters. q. Old Men exemplarily radians againff the Law. 5. Falfi Prophets. 6. Prognofficators by the Names of Idole. Secondly, Burning, Lev. 20. 14. And this the Jews fay, was infli6ted bypouring moltenLead into their mouths ; and the Crimes that this punishment were allotted to, were 1. The Adulteryof the Priefls Daughter. 2. Ineelti 1. With a Daughter. 2. Witha Sons Daughter. 3. AWiles Daughter -, q. A Wifes DaughtersDaughter. 5. AWifes Sons Daughter. 6. A Wifes Mother. 7. The Mother of her Father. 8, The Motherof her Father in Lary. Thirdly, Death was inai- &ed by the Sword, Dens. 20.21. 1. On the voluntary ManPrayer. 2. On the Inhabi- tants ofany City thatfall to Idolatry. Fourthly, By Stoning': Which was 'executed for Inceff : r. With aMother ; 2. AMother in Law : 3. ADaughter in Lai, : 4. Adultery with, a betroathed Virgin : 5. Vnnatural seneleaneffwith Men: 6. With Bea(fs, by Men : 7. With Beafisby Women: 8. Blafßbemy : 9. Idolatry 10. Offering to Moloch; 1s. A Familiar Spirit ofOb : 12.OfJiedeoni :. 13., On Impoffors : 14. OnSeducers : 15. On Enchanters or Magicians : 16. Propbanerspf the Sabbath : 17.Curfers ofFather or Mo- ther: 18.7he difflute and ffubborn Sots: Concerning all which it is exprefly ford, that they shall bef toned. 4.30. Unto the execution of there penalties there was added two Cautionary Laws., First, That they thatwere put to death for the increafe oftheirignominy, and terror ofothers, should be hanged onaTree, Dent. 21. 21. Secondly, That they shouldbebxryed the fame day,v. 23: And this is abrief abftraeeof the Penalties ofthe Law, as it was the Rule of the Polityof the People in the LandofCanaan: Exercitatio