rhe clabernacle and kit. ExercitatioXXII. The Building of the Tabernacle. Mofes Writing andReading theBook of the Covenant. Confiderations of the particulars ofthe Fabrick andVtexfils of the Tabernacle. Omit- ted. One Inffance infifled on. The Ark The fame in the Tabernacle and Temple. The Glory of Godin what fenfe. The principal Sacred Vtcnfil. The) matter whereof it mas made. TheForm of it. The End andVfe of it. The Kefidence and Motions of it. The Mercy-Seat that was upon it. The matter thereof. Of theChetybjino. Their Form and Fafhion. The Vifions ofIfaiah and Ezekiel compared. Difference in them, andReafon thereof. THe People having received the Law in the Wildernefs, and therein a Foun- dation being laid of their future Church-State and Worfhip, which was to continue until the Times ofReformation, Heb. 9. io. they had alto by Gods di- reCtion a place and Buildingfor the feat of that Wor(hip affigned unto them. This was the Tabernacle erected in the Wilda-mg, fuited to their then moving(late and condition; into the Roomwhereof, the Temple. built afterwards by Solomon fuc_ ceeded, when they had attained a fixed flation in the Land ofPiomife. Our Apo- 'file relpe ping theOrdinances of that Church, as firh inftituted byMofer, which the Hebrews bushed of as their priviledge, and on the account whereof, they obflinate- ly adhered unto their obfervation, infifis only on the Tabernacle; whereunto the Temple and its fervices were referred and conformed. And this he doth principal- ly, Chap. 9. v. a, 2, 3,4, 5. Thenverily the firft Covenant had alfa Ordinances of divine Service, and aworldly Sanl(uary. For there was a 1abernacle made, the firft wherein war the candleftick , and the Table, and the Shew-bread ; which is called theSanfluary. And after thefecondVeil, the Tabernacle which is called theBalieft of all, which had the Golden Cenfor, and the Ark of the Covenant, overlaid round about with Gold, wherein war the Golden Pat thathadManna, and Aarons Rod that budded, andthe Tabler of the Covenant : Andover it the Cherubims ofGloryfhaddowing the MercySeat. The Preparation for the Direi`dions which God gave for the building of thisTaber- nacle isdeclared,Exod. 24. TheBody of thepeople havingheard theLow, that is,the ten Words or Commandments, which was all they heard, Deut. 9. Io. ( what God fpake to themwaswritten in the TwoTables of atone) they removed unto a greater di- fiance from theMount, Exod. zo. 18, i 9. After their Removal, Moles continued to receive from the Lord, thatfummary of thewhole Law which is expreffed, Chap.21: 22, 23. And all this as it lhouldTeem, at the firft hearing, he wrote in a Bookfrom the Mouth ofGod: For it is Paid, Chap. 24. v. 4. that he wrote all the words of the Lord. Andv.7. that he, took the Bookof the Covenant,and readin the audience of the people. The JewifbMailers fuppofe that it wasthe BookofGenefis that isthere intended.For fay they, the rehof the Law was not yet written, namely, before GodhimfeV had written or engraven the Ten Words on the Two Tables of Stone. But this is a fond imagination ; feeing theBook which Mofes read containedthe fortµ and tenour .ofthe Covenant made with thatpeople at Horeb, and is exprefly fo called,' and as fuch, was then folemnly confirmed and ratified by Sacrifice. It may therefore be fuppofed, that there is a Prolepfis ufed inthe recordingof this Rory, and that indeed the con- firmationof the Covenant by Sacrifice,which was accompanied with theReading ofthe Book, was not 'until after the third return of Mofes from the Mount, with the re- newed Tables. But this alfo may wellbe doubted, feting this Sacrificewas prepa- red and offered by theyoung Men of the Children ofIfrael, v. y. that is, the Firft Born, whofe Office was fuperfeded upon the Separation of Aaron and his Sons unto the Priefthood, which God had defigned before that la(t defcent ofMofes from the Mount. We mutt thereforeleave things in the orderwherein they are Cet down and recorded. It 295 0. 3.