.k96 The Tabernacle and flrI. It appears therefore that Mofes wrote the Law as he received it from God.. This be- i,r doíre, he came down and read it in the ears of the people. And he propofed it unto thetn,as containing the Terms of theCovenant that God would have them enter into. This they folemnly engaged to the performance of, and thereby had their ad- minion into a New Church State. This being done, thewhole was confirmed by Sacrifice, and the fprinkling of blood, to prefigure the great confirmation of the New Covenant by the bloodofChrill, as we than fee afterwards. 4. 4 Things being thus fetled, Mofes goes up again into the Mount,. to receive direéti- ons for that Worjhip.al God, which he appointed and enjoyned unto them, in that Church-State whereunto theywere newlyadmitted. And here inthe firi place,the Lord infiru&s him in the frame and whole fabrick ofthe Tabernacle, as that which was an eminent Type of theHnmane Nature . ofChriM}, and fo indifpenfbly rìecef fary unto the folemnWorth') then ordained, as that no "part of it could be rightly performed but with refpetd thereunto. This therefore with all the Parts and Vten- fils of it fhould nowcome underconfideration. But there are fundry Reafons for which I !hall omit it in this place. As r. Themolt material things belonging unto it, muffneedfully be confidered in our Expefitionofthofe places in our Apofle,where they are exprey infifted on. 2. Many things relating unto it, as the meafures of it, Tome part of thematter whereof it was made, divers Colours ufed about it , are very dubious, andfome of them foabfolutely uncertain, that the Jewsthemfelves can come to no agreement about them ; and it is notmeet toenter into thedifcufflon of fuch things, without more room and liberty, then our prefent defign , will allow unto us. 3. Many Learned Men have already travailed with "great diligence and skill in the difcovery of all the feveral concernments of the Tabernacle and Temple; fromwhom theReader may receivemuch fatisfaódion, whohath a mind to enquire in- to there things. Add untoall this, that the Writing of this part of thefe Difcourfes, is fallen upon fuch afeafon, as affords me very little encouragement, or affifiance to enlarge upon them. Only that theReader may not go away without a talle in one inffance of what hemight have expet`ded in the whole,I (hall chute out one portico- lar Vtenfil of theTabernacle, and give an account of it untohim. And this thall be the Arkand its Attendencies. 4 5, The Ark was theonly furniture ofthe molt HoyPlace; the molt facred and holy of all theVtessfil.t of theTabernacle and Temple. And it was the fame in themboth, as is evident, r Kings 8.4.6. It was the Repofitory of theCovenant ; for fo the Law written by the finger ofGod in Tables of hone, is often calledMetonymical/y, and be- ing annointed, Exod. 40. 9. became a+w1p up, holineft of holines, or moll holy, a Type ofhim whowas to fulfill the Law, and elfablith the Covenant between God and Man, being thereunto anointed asthe molt holy, Dan, 9. 26. It was alto the great pledge of the prefence ofGod in theChurch whence it is not only fometimes" called his Glory, Pfal. 78. 6 t. he gave Trite931, hie Glory, Beauty, Majef}y into. the hand of the Enemy, when theArk was taken, whereon the Wifeof Phineas cryed, 1137 'tt, Where is the Glory? Sam. 4.. 2r. becaufe therein the Glory departed from Ifrael, v. 22. but in its prefence alfo,Glory wasfaid to dwell in the Land,-Pfal. $5.9. 1137?nth becaufe therein theShechina, or Chabod, or Glorious Prefence of God , dwelt and abode among hisPeople. Yea, it hath thename of God himfelf attributed to it, by reafonof itsreprefentation of his Maje(ty, Palm 24. q, 9, ro. Wecall it by the famename with the great Veffel whereinNoah, and the feed of all livingCreatures were preferved. But their Names are .far diftant in the Original both in found and fignification, this was 11D1, Aaron, a Cheat, it may be from í1t3, a certain'rood whereof fuch Che(is were made ; that was 5311, Tebah , the name òf any Veffell in the water great or finall , though made with Bulrufher,\ Exod. 2.3. §. 6. It was, as the principal, fo the fir(tVtenfil of the Tabernlcle that God appointed to bé made,Exod.25.ao.and therein was as the heart from which,by a communication of facredholinefifrom the prefence ofGod, all other things belonging untothe Worfhip of the whole were fpirited and as it were enlivened. And immediately updn its entrance into the Temple, the vifiblepledges of the pretence ofGod therein 'appeared to all, and not before, r Kings 8. 8, 9, to, ta, 12. ß7. The matter whereof it was made, was (»tow ttly, Exod. 25. to. Shittim wood, or boards oC the mow Tree,mentioned Ifa. 41. 18. What wood it was, is altoge- ther