inPrormifer andMeanings. God is forbidden under thename of i=MI:I1WKtt]1Dl'1 `77 Exod. 2o. 3. The likeriefi' of_any thing in the heavens above. The fielt mention ofCberubims is Gen. 3 24. God placedCherubims ; whichfcems to intimate, that theproto-types oftheft figures, were heavenly Minifters, or Angels, though Abeit-Ezrafuppofe, that the word denotes any erected figures tit appearances what ever. Others of the Jews, as Kimchi, think the word to be compounded of7 capb, a note of fimilitude, and W71 a child, to fignific, likea child,being fo called from their form and [nape. But thisanfwers not unto the defcription given afterwards of them inEzekiel, much lefs with the fameappellation given tothe winds andclouds, Pfal. tß. ro. Thewordhash a great affinitywith 1171 aChariot ; fo are the Angelsof Godcalled his Chariots, Pfal. 68. 17. and David fo calls exprefly the Cherubims that were to bemade inSolomon's Temple, t Chron. 28. r8. gold for the pattern, '1177 r171O`t hammercheba hacherubim , where the al- lufion is open; the Chariot ofthe Cherubim , and Ezek?eldefcrbes his Cberubims as a triumphant Cbariot, chap. ao. It is not therefore unlikely that their name is derived from 3n which fignifies to ride, or to be carried, to pafs on fwiftly, expreffing the AngelicalMiniftry ofthe blelfedSpirits aboves if they were not rather nicer emblems ofthe power and fpeed ofGod in his works ofgrace and providence. Thefe Cherubims are faidto beritIp? that is, not-molten, lut beaten, even and If. r5: fmooth, and feem to have been one continued piece with the Mercyfeat, beat out with it and from it. There is no more mentionoftheir formbut only that they had faces and wings. Ofwhat fort thofefaces were, or howmany in number were their wings, is notexpreffed. In Ezekiel's Vifion of the livingcreatures, which he alto calleth Cherubims, chap. tf. 16. to. z. there is theJhape ofaman afcribed unto them, they had the likenefl ofanion, chap. t. 5. faces, ver. 6.feet, ver.7. hands, ver. 8. fides, orbody, ver.8, i a. each of them altohad fourfaces; ofa Man, a Lion, an Ox; and anEagle, ver. to. and each had four wings,ver. 23. In John'svifion in the Revelation, feeming toanfwer thisofEze- kiePs Cherubims, from the eyes that his living creatures werefull of, and theappearance oftheir faces, they had eachof them fixwings, anfwering unto thole of the Seraphims in the Villon of Ifaiah, chap. 6. 2. The Jews generally affirm, that their vifionsof thegloryofGod by Ifaiah andEze- ¢. ty. kiel were the fame, and that Ezekiel faw nothing but what Ifaiah faw alto ; only they fay, that EzekelCaw the glory ofGod andhis Majefty, asacountryman who admires at all the fplendorof the Court of the King, Ifaiah as a Courtier, who took notice only of the Perfonofthe King himfelf But there aremany evident differences in their vifions. Ifaiah calls the glorious Miniflers of God l=firmSeraphims, from their na- ture, compared to fire and light; Ezekiel t=+1117 Cherubims, from their fpeedin theaccomplifhment oftheir duty. Ifaiah faw his vifionas in the Temple ; for although from thofe words, /faro the Lord fitting upona throne, high and liftedup, and his train filledtheTemple. Aber-Ezra and Kimchi, fuppofe, that he law the Throne ofGod in Heaven, and only his train of Glory defcending into the Temple ; yet it is more pro- bable that he law the Throne it (elfin the Temple, his train fpreading abroad to the fillingofthe wholehoufe. For he calls theTemple, theThrone ()Ibis Glory, Jer. 14. yr. and a glorious high Throne, chap. t7. 12. that is, aThrone high and lifted up, as in this place. Ezekiel faw his vifion abroad in the open field, by the River ofCbebar, chap. t. 3. Ifaiah firft faw the Lordbimfelf, and thenhisglorious attendants; Ezekiel Eft the Chariot of his glory, and then God above it. Ifaiah's Seraphims had fix wings, with two whereofthey covered their faces, which EzekiefsCherubini, had not; _ and that becaufe Ifaiab'svifion reprefented Chrift, Job. 12.41. with the myfterieof the callingof Gentiles, and rejed`tionofthe Jews, which theAngels werenot able tolook into, Epbef. 3. 9, to. and were therefore laid to cover their faces with their wings, as not beingable to look into the depths of thofe myfteries ; but in Ezekiel's vifion, when they . attended the WillofGod in the works of his Providence, they looked upon themwith openface. Wherefore from the diverfity in all thefe Vifions, it appears, that nothing certainconcerning theform or wings of the Cherubims made by Mofes can be colleéted. Mott probably they had each of themonly one face di- rectly looking one towards the other, and each two wings, which being [tretched out forward over the -Mercy-feat, met eachother,. and were meet Emblems of the Divine prefence andcare overhis Covenant, People and Worfrip. And this was the whole furniture of the molt holy Place in the Tabernacle of Q: sf. Q.9 z Mofes. 299