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300 The SanEfionofthe L. fj.c, Mops. Its that' of the Temple of Solomon, which was more Auguff and fpatious, there was by God's dire'ion two other Cherubim added. There were great, and large, made of the wood of the Olive tree, over -laid with Gold, and they flood on their feet behind the Ark Weftward, with their backs towards the end of the Oracle, their faces over the Ark and Mercy -fiat Eallward', toward the Saníluary ; their wings extending twenty cubits long, even the whole breadth ofthe houfe, and meeting in the midil, their inward wings were over the Ark, King, 6. a3 yg. 2Chrett, 3. 11, 1 a, 13. Ø. 19. And this was that appearance ofhis Glory, which the Lord Godof Ifrael granted untohis Church of old ; which though it were beautiful and excellent, as appointed by himfelf, yet was it but carnal and worldly, in comparifon of the Heavenly and glorious my(ieries oftheGofpel; efpecïallyof him, who being obfcurely (hadowed out by all this preparationofGlory, was in himfelfthe real brightnefs ofbis Glory, and the exprefs image of his Perfon, as (hall further be declared on chap. r. 3, Er%ercitatio