The High Triefi andhù Office. 3a1 ExercitatioXXIII. Of theOffice of the Prieffhood ; the High Prieff in particular. The molt ilfuifrious.Type of ChriJi. The Call of Aaron unto the Prieffbood Things concurring unto his Call, and Separationunto bio Office The Garments profcribed unto him. Ordinary. Ex- traordinary. The Natureof theOffice of the High Prieft. What he performed hin"rfelf alone. What with theAffiance of other Priefts. What with the Afjianceof Prieffs. andLevites. His blejing the people. His judging of them. The fuccefflonofthefe Priefts. How many fervedunder the Tabernacle. How many under the FirJf Temple. How many under the SecondTemple. The difturbance of Wit- Succefgon. Fatal Endof the Aaronical Priefhood. . He principal Glory of all MofaicalWorfhip conlfed in the Ferfon and Office of theHighPrieft. The Scripture calls him ,'pram in the Great Prieff, ietoit i p<tiyar, or dpxispeúr. This Prieft with lais Attendants of the fame Family was the hinge, whereon the whole Worfhip ofthe Judaical Churchde. pendedand turned. And therefore our Apofledothundeniably prove,-that the Law of Conìmandments contained in Ordinances was to be changed , becaufe there was a promife ofraifing up a Prieft that was not of theHoule ofAaron, nor of the Tribe of -Levi, which the obfervation of the Law in the Worfhip of God could not confift withal, Heb. 7. r, 12. Now this HighPriettbeing in his Perfon and his Office, the Molt IluffriourType of the Meffisb and his Office , and the principal means whereby God intru6fed hisChurch of Old in the MyfterieoftheReconciliation and Salvation of finners,mof things concerning him, are exprefly and at large handled by our Apoftle, andmuff, Godafiifting,come under our confiderationin the feveral places wherein Byhim theyare infifted-on ; I (hall therefore here only in thefe previous difourfes give a brief account of forne fetch concernments of his Perfon and Office as will not di- redly again occur unto us. What was the [late and condition ofthe Prieffhood in the Church from the foundationof the world , umill the time we now treat of, by whom that Office was executed, how they carne unto it, and wherein it did confill, I have de- clared elfewhere. TheFoundation of an elpecial Priejihood in 'the Church ofIfraet, is laid, Exod. A. v. r. Provilion beingmade ofHoly Things, God proceeds to fupply the Churchwith Holy or Dedicate Perfino for their Adminiftrat'ion. The 1ìr1í thing expreffed is the Call of theHigh Prieft. Hereof there are two parts. Fir I, Gods Revelation and Authoritative Conlfitutionconcerning it. Secondly, His actual Confe- oration. The former is expreffed, 'Exod. 28. t. And take thou unto thee Aaron thy Brother andhis Sons, that they may MinifIer unto mein the Pries Office. 'Aaron was the Elder Brother of Mofes, both three years before him, Exod.7.7. and was now eighty four oreighty five yearsof Age, when God thus calls- and appoints him to the Of- fice of thePriefthood With him all his Sons, all the Males of his Family were . dedicated unto the Service of God in their fucceflive Generations. And in this Call unto his Office, he was a Type ofChriff, who entered not on his Priellhood, but by the Defignation and Authority of the Father Heb. 5.4, 5. Secondly, Untothe compleating of his Call, there concurred -his Conficration of Se- paration unto God,- at large defcribed, Exod. 29. In general it is expreffcd, v. r. by Wip4, which we render to Hallow, that is, tofanllifte, to feparate unto God in the Work of the Priefthood. Thisis the general expreflion ofhis Confeìcratiotz, for what we afterwards tranflate to confecrate, v. 9.29. refpels only one particular AO ofthe whole work or Duty. Now the parts hereof were many, which may briefly be enumerated. lira, There was their Manuduiïion, their bringing to theDoor of the Tabernacle, chap.