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©D The HighPyiefl and his Office. chap.29.v.4. V- pri ; thouJhalt bring Chum nigh,the Word ufed in all facred Approaches and Dedications to God. ThePriefts themfclvcs were made a Corban. Secondly, They were wafhedwith water.v.4. ThouJhalt wafh themwith water. After this the Priells onall occafionswere to wafh themfelves ; at prefent this beinga facred aetion,and they being not as yet confecrated, it wasperformed towards them byMofes, who at this and other times difcharged the Office ofanExtravrdinayPrir(t.. Thirdly, Being waJloed, they were cloathed with the Holy Garments , v.5,6. of whichafterwards. Fourthly, The HighPrieft being cloathed, was anointed with theHoly Oyle poured on his Head, and running down over all his Garments, v. 7. Pfalm 132. v. 2. The making, and ufe of this Ointment, prefiguring the Ùne 'tion of the Lord Chrifl with all the Graces of the Spirit, Heb. 1. 6. are declared, Chap. 3ò. v. z5. Fifthly, Sacrifices of all forts were offered unto God. s. The Mincha or Meat- Ofering. 2. The Chataath or Sin - Offering, v.13,a, 4. 3. The Hola, or whole Burnt Offerings, v. i8. 25. 4.Shelamim orPeace -Offerings, v.25. 5. Tenumoth, andTenu- photh, Heave, and Wave-Offerings, v. 25,26. 6. Nefek or the Drink- Offerings; .2/. 40. So that in the Confecration of the Prieft, all Sacrifices alto were as it were a-newconfecrated unto God. . - Sixthly, In the ufe of this Sacrifice there were fiveCeremonies ufed belonging in a peculiar manner unto their Confecration. 1. The Filling of their Hand, Ver. 9. L71t nrerzl. This we 'have rendred, ThouAtilt confecrate them , as though their Confecrationwas tome peculiar Aét diftinst from thefe prefcribed Ceremonies. But that which is thus expreffed, is only one of them ; or the putting of fome parts of the Sacrifice into, or upon their Hands to bear to the Altar, which being the firft Anion in them belonging to the Sacerdotal Office, ( for in all the former pat:- (ages they were meetly pauive) is fometimes by aSynecdoche ufed for Confecration its felt. 2. The putting of Blood, upon the Tips of their right Ears , and upon the Thumbs of theirright Hands, and the great Toes of their right Feet, v. zo. intimating their readinets to hear, andperform the Will of God. And this blood was taken from oneof the Rams that was offered for a Burnt -Offering. '3. The fprinklirtg of them withblood from the Altar, and the Anointing Oyle together, upon all their Garments, v. z1. 4. The Impofition, or laying of tbeirhands on the Headof the Beati tobe facrificed for a Sin-Offering, v. 1o. 15. denoting the parting away of their fin from them , that they might be fit to Minuter before the Lord. 5. The delivery of the Wave-Ofering into their Handsas a pledge of their future portion, v. 24, 28. Seventhly, The continuance of all this Ceremony is obferved, v. 3o. By the Repe- tition of the Sacrifices mentioned it was continued feven dayes. During this time Aaron and his.Sons, abodenight and day at the door of the Tabernacle of the Con- gregation; after all which they were admitted unto, and adminiftred in their Office. Now all this Solemnity was ufed by the appointment of God, partly, to beget a Re- wrence in the Priefts themfelves unto his Worfhip, and in the Adminiftration of it partly, to teach and infiru tthewholeChurch in theMylleries of their Redemption by the true High Prieft, whole Perlon and Office was fhadowed out hereby, as after- wards will more fully appear. 4 Immediatelyupon theRevelation of the mind of God, for the letting apart of Aaron to thePriefthood, He prefcribes the Garments that he was to ufe in the dif- charge of the Duties of his Office. For the Worlhip now instituted, being outward and carnal, that which made an Appearance ofGlory and Beauty as thefeVeftmente did, wasof principal confideration therein. Theft Garments ofthe High Prieft wereof two forts. Fieft, Thofe of his ordinary and conliantMinifiration in the Saneluary : Secondly , Thofe of his annual and ex- traordinaryMiniftry in the Molt HolyPlace. The flea areappointed, Exod. z8. con- lifting of eight Parts. Firtl, n:1) lum r11ó7" 12 Irmo : Breeches of Linnen for to cover the flefh of his nakedneff, Exod. 28. 42, 43. that is, towear next unto him onhis loins. Secondly, rift rap=UM rtsr rt, Exodus 39. v. 27. A Coat of Linnen, or Silk, which was next them over the Breeches , from the thotulders unto the Ancles. Thirdly, toiabtrl, Exod. 39.29. AGirdle ofSilk, or twined Lianen, with Purple, Blewand Scarlet, wherewith they girt theCoat under thePaps or Breaft. Fourthly,