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The High Triefi andhis Office. Fourthly, 713, Dead. 28.4. ARobe, all ofBlewwith Bells ofGold, and Pomegra- nats, hanging interchangably at the Fringesof it, in number, as the Jews fay, feventy two of each fort ; this Robe covered the Coat and Girdle. Fifthly, Upon the Robe was 71gt4 the Ephod, which name we have retained, 'as not finding any garment in ufe elfe-where that thonld anfwer unto it. It was a có- 'veringfor theJhoulders, madeofgold, blue, purple, fcarlet, and fine linnen, curioufly wrought. In the top hereof, on theJhoulderr oftbe Prieft, were two precious foones, Onyx fay Come, Beril fay others, with the names ofthe Tribes ofthe childrenofIfrael engraven on them,fix on one (lone, and fix on the other, Exod. 28.9, i o, I r. Sixthly, rim which we render a Breaft-plate, wrought as the Ephod, and of the fame materials. Herein were farmed in ouches gold, twelve precious (tones, with the namès of the Tribesengraven on them: which Jewel, becaufe of its ufé in Judg- -, ment, was called, as I fuppofe, Ilrim and Thummim, Exod.28. 15, 16, 17, 18, 3o. Seventhly, n9)Yo or a Miter for the head, made of fine linnen, after the fathionof an EafiernTurban, fixteen cubits long, wreathed about his head, Exod. 28. Eighthly, TY a plate, a fiowrittg ofgold, faftned with a lace ofblue on the fore-front of theMitre, wherein was engraven, iris tipHolinefr to the Lord. . I have only named thefe things, without farther confiderationof them ; partly, be- caufe they have been enquired into, arid controverted by many already ; and partly', becaufe I cannot myfdf come unto any certainty about fundry things relating unto them. The colours whichwe renderblue, purple andfcarlet, with the fubftatsce ofthat which we after translate fine linnen, cannot be clearly manife(tedwhat they were. The limes of the Brea(tplateand Ephod, for the moti part areunknown, and their names are applied only by conjecture, unto fuch whole names are known tous. Con-. cerning theft things,the Jews themfelves are at a lots, and give us only various rumors and furmitès s and I (hall not adde to the heap of conjeáures which have already been cati into this treafury. The extraordinary Garments ofthe High prielfI tall them, which he wore only on the day ofAttonement, becaufe they were worn but once only. And theft he ufed not in the whole fervice ofthat day, but only when he entred into the molt holy place. Now theft, though for the kind of them they were the fame with the linnen . garments before mentioned, yet they were made particularly for that day. For after the fervice of thatday, they were laid tsp inforce oftheChambers belonging unto the Sanctuary : and they werefour, linnen Breeches, a linnenCoat a linnen Girdle, anda linnen Mitre,.Levit. 16.v. 4. V. 25. Thefe the Jews call the a na ù'hite garments asthe other his 3rti vial garments ofgold. The High prieft being thus arraied, was preparedfor the work ofhis Office, which was three-fold: Y. To offer Sacrifices to God for the people. 2. ToRef; thepeople inthe name of God. 3. To judge them. For the fi&it, our Apoftle declares it, and intuit upon it frequently in this Epittle, chap. 8. 3. chap. 9. 3,4. chap. 7. 2, chap. to. a. And his work in the bufnefsof facrifices was three-fold. Firti, That which heperformed himfelfalone, none being admitted to aflt him, or tobe prcfent with him, or fo much as tolook upon him. This was that which he performed when he carried the blood into the moil holyplaceon the day of Atone= went, Levis. 16. Heb.9. 7. The facrifice before the Ark, Merry-fiat and Cherubimr was peculiarto himfelfalone. And in cafeofany occafionalhinderance or impediment that might befall him, there was always a fecond Priett who was fubflituted in his room, that thegreat fervice of that daymight not be omitted. Secondly, That which he performed aJjjledby other Priefls. Suchwas the whole fer- vice of the Sanïluary, Heb. 9.6. about the daily Incenfe, the Shew-bread, the Candle flicks andLamps, even all the ferviceofthe. Holy p lace. Thirdly, That wherein he had the afftance of theother Prie(tr, and the ferviceof the Levites. Suchwere all the fervices of the Court at the Brazen Altar, wherethe Levites Ailed in the killing, flaying, and removal ofthe bodies of the beafts that were facrificed. Theefpecial feafon of theft fervices, Diurnal, Sabbatical, Monthly and Annual, are oftoo great variety and extent to behere infitled on. Secondly, HisWing of the people was two-fold: Firtt, Solemn, at hated feafons, accordingunto a Form prefcribed untohim, Numb. 6. 23, 24, 25, 26, z7. Secondly, Oceafional, with refpeEt untoparticular feafons, as Eli bletfed Hannah, I Sam. I. 17. Thirdly, 4+ 5. 4.6. 4. 7.