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The High IPrie/l andhi, Office. 3o5 to the dellrufkion of the Temple, there was no order obferved in theSuccef ion of theHigh Pried, but perlonswere put in and out at thepleafure oftheRulers, either the Romans or the Herodiane. For Hircanur being taken prifoner by the Pae hiano, and Antigonos, the fon ofAriffobulur his brother, being taken by Herod andSofia, and crucified at Antioch by Marc. Antony, in whom the race of the Hafmoneans ended, vile perlons were putin and out at pleafure, fome for a year, fome for a month, one for a day, fome for a longer feafon ; until the whole Nation, Church and State, ruching into its final and fatal ruine, in their Rebellion at HieruJálem they thruft out Matthias put in by Agrippa, and chofe one by lot to fiacceedhim; when God, to manifed his difapprobation of them, caufed the lot to fall upon one Phananiar, a meet Ideot, who knewnothing of the place or office which they called him unto, with whom ended the Churchand Prietihood ofthe Jews. Exercitatio