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;o6 Sacrifices of the OldDill). ExercitatioXXIV. Sacrifices the principal Worfbip ofGod. Three forts of them. 1.Ofthe Brazen Altar. 2,0f the Sanisuary. 3. Of(hemod Holyplace. Refje!ied by the Apoffle. All farriftcesofthe Altar. at rip Every Corbar4,eitber Ifha, or Terurnah. =MN offix f rts. i. Hola. 2. (vliq- cha. 3.Chataath. 4. Afham. 5..Milluim. 6. Shelámim. Afecond diffinillion ry`'fïre Ofrings. Either Zebachor Mincha. Theft diJfinflionr and differences explained at large. The matter ofallfacrifices. 1í71v thefirff particular,facrifice. The rife, ufe and diretiion òf it. Viiofitamong the Heathen. What ofantient tradition, what oftbeir own invention. The manner of their facrifice. The endof it. To make Expiation or Attonement, what. Seafons and occafions ofthis facrifice. in Ameat-ofring. The ufe ofthatname ; ge- neral, particular. The matter ofthis ofring. 117] the drinkofring. Thematter of it. pto5to n]r Peaceofferings. Reafon of thename. Thingspeculiar to this kind offacrifice. ' Theufe ofit among the'Heafhen. mum The fin-offering. The name andeaufis ïf it. Sins 1111173 what. Theperfons to offer this facrifice. The anpointedprieff, who, Levit. 4, 3. Thewhole Congregation.,The Ruler. Aprivate perfon. The timeandmanner,ofthisfácri- fice. Thefprinkling ofblondin it. OIUft The trefpafl-offering. Its differencefrom the fin- offering. a1tt70 Confiscationofferings. Secondfort of Corbans. Terumoth. 4,1. He principal Worfhip anti Service.ofGod, both in the TabernacleandTemple, confided in Offerings and Sacrifices. For there did directly reprefent and in their general nature anfwered that whichwas the foundation of the Church, and all the Worfhip thereof; namely, the Sacrifice of the Son ofGod : and he iscalled the LambofGod, which taketh away the fin of the world, Joh. r. v.29. be- caufe hefulfilled and- perfedhly accomplished thhat, was.prefigured.by the facrifice of Lambs, and other creatures, from the foundation ofthe world. Neither were there Offerings andSacrifices any thing, but means ofGods infiitution, for men to exprefs by them their faith inthe firft promife. Nor were Sacrifices in general now hilt in- fiituted, not the kinds ofthem fielt appointed ; but the moll of them were obferved upon Divine Revelation and command from the entrance offin, and giving of the Promifè ; only they were refcued inahe repetition of them untoAP , from the fu, perffitionthat was grown in their obfervance, and dire6tedunto.a right Object, and attended with fuitable inflru6tiveCetputfes in the manner oftheir performance. 4. z. Now thefe Offerings were of thrleVrts. Firfi, thofe ofthe Court, or Brazen Al- tar, bybloud and fire. Secondly, thofe of the San6tuary at the Altar of Incenfe, and table ofShew-bread. Thirdly, thofe .ofthe modholy place before the Art, Mercy-feat and Oracle. The first of there reprefented the bloody death ofChrifi, and facrifice on the Crofs : the fecond his Interceffion in Heaven : and the third, theznaoTe o0eaaa, or effe6ts Of both, in Attonement and Reconciliation. And thefe our Apoflle mentions, chap. S. v. 3, q,. Every high prieff is ordained to offer gifts andfacriflces : and there are pried: that offer gifts according to the Law. Chap. 9. v. 7. Into thefecond went the high prieft-alotn once everyyear; notwithout hosed, which heaged for bits if áad the eccone of thepeople. v. 12. By the blondofbulls and calves. v. 13. The blond ofbulls and calves, and theafhes of anheifer,fprinkled. v. 22. Almoff all things are by the Lawpurged withbland. chap. Io. For the Law having a fbadowof good things to come, not the very image ofthe things, can neverwith thofi fscrifices which theyofr yearbyyear continually make the comers thereunto perfeel. For then would theynot have ceafedto be ofered, besaufethat the worfbippers once purged fbouldhavehad no moreconffence affins. But in thofi faeriftces there is remem- brance again made offinseveryyear. For it is notpofble thatthe bloodof bulls andgoatsfhould takeawayfins. Whereforewhen he corncob into the world, he faith, Sacrifice andoffering thou wouldeff not. v. as. And every prieff ffandeth dailyminiffring and oaring oftentimes the famefacrifices, which cannever take awayfin, Chap. 13. V. t r. For the bodies oftholebeads, wbofi blond is brought into the fanttuary by the high prieff for fin, are burnt without the camp. Evident