Sacrifices of the OldLan'. Evident it is, that thefe and the, dikepaffages, wherein our Apoille refers to the in- ftitution, nature, ufe, end and manner of the obfervation offacrifices, cannot be right- ly underftood, without fome diffin6 notion of them, as prefcribed by God unto Moles, and obferved by the people under theOld Teftament. I [hall therefore here givea brief fyftem ofthem, and accountconcerningtheir.. Sacrifices of the Altar in general were Corbanim. The name it may be ofplp itatot diflinffly applied unto every fort of them but whereas every thing that any man wiprt brought nigh to dedicate or offer unto God, was thence pip , we may allow it to bethe general name ofall facrifices. And therefore on the dofe of the annumeration of all Fire-offerings, it is added, This is the Lan; which the Lord com- manded Mofes inMount Sinai, in the day that he commanded the children Of Ifrael to r, or bring nigh =romp r N ,their Corkin,- that is, offirings orfacrifices ofallforts. Now every 731p was either sw 'Oa, a Firing, ornorm Terumah, an heave- offering, or mom l enupha,,a wave- offering ; the O'tv ['himwere iZI'iwip toip kodefh kodnfhim ; holinegof holinef?, or moil holy ; all but one; the other were 1=1111`rn tirip kdefh hillulim,holinefs ofprayfes, Levit. 59.24. Thenewts or Fireings, Fire offerings, wereexprefly of fur forts,, as they are di- flihétly lèt downLevit. 7. v. 37. 1. ra t1) bola, the Burnt offering ; 2. nn)n Mincha, theMeat offering : 3. IIMOrtChataath,the Sin-offering ; 4.L=tUt¢Bfcham the Trefpafs- offering; 5. í=141/10 Miluim,Confecration 6. 01.75w nai Zebach Shelamim, Peaçe- offirings; foarethey rendredby ours, how rightly, we (hall fee afterwards. Befides, the man Mincha contained that, properly fo called, the Meat-offering; and 7D1 Nefel¿, the Drink - offering, TheLXX render the verfe,duvic a yaws Tar aAOG4uTmf247. , , Scaíoc, 4 aspi4ropsise, 4 777.nuµers¡af, x,¡ Tnf TfTttditni, 4 TÁí 3UPfafT$ PaTfPfa, This w the Law ofwhole Burnt offerings, andofacrifices, andforfin, and trefpafl, andofperfellion, or confumnìation, and ofthefacrifice offalvation. The particulars ¡hall be examinedas they occur. The Vulgar Latine reads the words, Lexholocaufii, & facrificei pro peccato,'& deliso, &pro confecratione, &pacificorum viiïimis ; This it the Law ofthe whole-burnt- oflring, and'of the facrifice for'fin, and trelpaji; andfor confecration, andfir the facrifices ofpeace-makers.. And hereineither the Mincha is wholly left out, or the words fhould be read, & facrifcei; &pro peccato ; and fo anfwer to the Greek, exprefling mix) by avoid, fàerifcium, though improperly. Thefe n+wzs, Fire offrings are moreover diftjnguifhed into Zebach, and r1rLl0 Mincha in a largeknit. For it is evident that rimo Mincha is ufed very varioully. For, t.Sometimes it is ofas large a fignificationas rnpCarbon it felf; and is fre- quently applied unto offerings of bloud, as well as of meat and drink; Gen. 4. v. 4. 2 Sometimes it is contra-diitinguifhedto nut and denotesall facrifices by fire, not ofbealts and blood ; Pfal. 40. v.6. Dan. 9.'v. 27. Levir, y. v. 34. 3. Sometimes it fig- nifies that peculiar offering,' which being made offlower or meal with oil, we call the Meat-ofering, Levit.2. I. Wherefore in this di tribution, nai .Turk, viPima, facrifieium rnaílatum, a slain"facrifice ; comprifeth, n'11y bola, mom chataath, i=1W25 Afcbam, andn'thwShelamim; .nr ar_n, that which was peculiarly fo, Mincha ; and 105 Nefek, í,,t470Milluim partook ofboth. And thefe things mull be a little furtlier explained. Firs, pip Corean, the general name ofallfacrifices, taken from the general 'na Lure, in that they were all brought nigh unto God, is ufually rendred by the vulgar Latine, Oblatio, and by us fuitably an Ofleing ; is properly appropinquatio, a drawing nigh,{tomTip to approach, to draw near. TheLXX render it conítantly by Sa',m, a gift ; unlefs it be, Nehem. to. 34. chap. 13. 30. .Pwpor, is munus, donum. And fo is it rendred by the Evangelift, Mattb, 5.23, 24. and chap. 55. q. üfually it is fuck a gift as is prefented to appeaf, reconcile, or obtain favour; which amongfi men the He- brews Balliriw Chocad. So Plato, dápa 34dí frileer, 4 drd+oíove R4staña6; which the Poet tranftates. Munera(erede mibi) placant hominefque deofque Placatur dons Jupiter ipfe date,, Andthis Joafh inhis Parable Teems toallude unto, Judg. 9. v.13. where he brings in the Vinelaying, Shall I leave my Wine, otw)tzi OinSts liCtUCn delighting God and man ; namely, infacrifices and gifts, which are a great propitiation, which al- ways arifeth froma favour of refl., Cohan then is any Gift brought nigh and offered unto God in anyfórt. R r 2 Of 307 4.4 Q.6. '4. 7,1