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o8 Sacrifices of the Old Law. Of there Offerings or Gifts, Come were tonuH Ifhim. MN is firnt mentioned, Exod. 29. 18. Thou /halt burn the whole Kam upon the altar, it is a burnt-efring unto the Lord, `Itsi'17 rrrn2 rr,I a favour of rejf, afiring unto the Lard; ignitio. Thus all facrifices were called that wereburned on the Altar, either wholly or any part oftheme The Greeks thought they had no proper word to exprefs this by, ('as fre- quently in all their abundance they are fireightned in expelling the fignal crnphal;s of the divine Hehoeiv ) have varioufly rendred it; not once properly, or with-any in- timation of the native importance ofthe word. Sometimes they tranflateirsucíaorue, Exod. 29. 18. fometifnes suvia, to the fante purpose. Levit. r 1. 13. chap. 2.2. a Sa- °office; fomctimes xd5vYee, Levit.2. g. that is, an Oblation, an Offering; thus molt fre- quently. But whereas that word fignifies primarily the feed offrult, or the profit made by it, and is but tralatitioufly accommodated unto Oblations, it doth most im- properly exprefs nuj , which principally intended thefacrifices ofbeaj}s, as burnt in the fire. It is then the general name of all Sacrifices or Gifts burnt òn the Altar, itapart or in whole. Every nWtt or fire offering, was either In; or rm7O. Sebach the Greeks render con- ffantly by &rein, and words of the faine original; that is, a facrificc of flair hafts. Vidima. Hrftia. Maelata, u is to.facrifice by killing ; though I know tliat EuJiathius' thinks hat Hornreufeth 3vé,vonly for av1.ax(ety ; but its confiant ufe in all Authors is to kill izafacrifice. And arríe is properly aHainfacrifice ; though it be oftenufed in the Scripture trtetaphorically. So dodo nor lignifie, properly the fame with tUtt, Teth and Zain being ealily and often changed; that is, tokillandfay. AndElias Levita obferves, that it is but twice ufed when it loth not dire¿fiy denote killing. And from this kind of facrifices had the Altar its name. tr.tCmisbeach; and fo in the Greek &ltasöpmy. Now of the f crifices that were ='n s there were four forts ; t. x1`11) the Burnt- oftèring; 2. il;etn the Sin- offering ; 3. =t32-2 the Trefpafs offering; 4. í7105ü Pc-ace- offerings and in part alfo the a1NLV3 or Confecratian-offrings, &c. as was before obfexvcd. 4. t 1, nn7rr3 the fecond Jßecies of the LoOtLAt a the word is ofan uncertain original, andva- rious fignification. Thofe who fuppofe that it refpeé}ed only offerings of the fruits of the earth, aregreatly mifcaken. Infiances have beengiven already to the contrary, and more 11a11 be added. Generally learned men deduce the word from rue, that man . may be eftecmed, a radical letter, whence in the plural number it is read no= in themijiia ; which yetis but a feigned radix, no where ufed in the original, or the Targum : and it is read in the Scripture, as PJal. 20. 3. Hence Come deduce it from nt ti to lead or bring to, malting it agree in its general fignification with pip carbon. Some think it may rather be deduced from rn7n to rcfreJh, recreate, give sett ; and that becaufe it is called emphatically a favour of rejf unto the Loi-d, Levit. z. v. z. The LXX Cometimes resider it µ Éraa, manifÈliing that they knew not the precite importance of the word, and therefore left it untranflased. It comprif d, as was Paid, the mincha properly fo called, and the 107 or Drink-offering, and had a place alto in the offerings ofConfecration. And there were the Corbanim or oblations, that were IJhim,or Firevfrings, andC7'iop trop mail holy to the Lord. 12. Of the other fort of Offrings, which were only i='71`n ü-ip holing?ofpraìfer, there was no general name i but they were either rBiVirr Terumah, theHeave-eff.ring, or ;vonTenuphah,the Wave-offering, whereof we fhall fpeak afterwards. 4. 13. The matter ofall thefe Sacrifices was of three forts. 1. Beaíts. 2, Fowls, or Birds. 3. Fruits of the earth; all accompanied with Salt and Incenfe. OfBeafls there were alto three forts defigned to thisufe and fa-vice; one of the Herds, namely, Bullocks ; and two of the Flocks; t. Sheep, 2. Goats. Of Fowls or Birds, two forts were ufed ; r. Turtles, 2. Pigeons , and it may be Sparrows, in the fingular cafe ofthe facrificc for thecieauling of the Leper, Levis. ta.. q..In all of tiefe ( that is, of the Beails) it was required that they fhould be, t. Males, unlefs in the Sin and Trefpafs offering. 2. Without blemiAG. The fruitsof theearth were of all forts, ufefùl to thelife ofman. And all bete facrihcesfrom their general ends may be reduced unto three heads. For theywereall of them either, t. Propitiatory, as de-ligned to make attonement for fins ; or, z. Ess iirai, to impetrate mercies from God ; or, 3. Esscharijfical, to return praifes untohim. ¢. 1a4. The firti particular facrifice inffituted in the Church of Ifael, regulated and dire- ¿fed, Levin, r. was the rstly, the Eurnt-ofring. I fay it was then firnf prefcribed unto that Church, after the rearing of the Tabernacle, and regulated as to the times, oc- cations,