310 Sacriflees of the OldLai, Which as Suetcn;us tellities, was bitterly refleeded on Nero Cefar..upon his foolifh Editt for the cutting downofVines in Italy. Birds orFowls alto they offeredor facri- ficed, but without diflindtion ; Cocks, Geefe, Turtles, and the like. f. 57. But beides there things that were ofantient Tradition, they added as the matterof theirSacrifices all forts oflivingCreatures, even fuch asthe Law ofnature refufed, and fuch as among the Jews were in an efpecial manner forbidden ; neither ever were they in ufeamongfl the firi Fathersof the world, until! aftertheBabylonian difperfion, Of the firft fort was their facrificing of men, whichT have elfewhere fhewcd to have been Catholick in the world. Of the latter, to omit Horfis, Dogo, and the like, we may take an inftance in that ofSwine. 'doeonla, the OfferingsofSwine, was the prin- cipal, and as the moll of them judged the molt ancient kind of Sacrifiée amongft them. This theyconftantlyufed, whether in Conferations, or Luffrations, , or Confir- mations ofCovenants, the moll folemn occafions of their Sacrifices. So in the fiefi way he fpeaks in Ariflophanes, e+f xoe.I.Mr íS01 ,YrAdravat 7015 Spdxpát, d'cî 'fi (4uneñea in mph, 7teenxára. Money I want, a [arced Swine to buy; I would be confcrate, before I dye. And in cafe of ',Oration or 'Expiation, Plautus fpeaks to the fame purpofe in his Menechmi, Adolefiens quibus hic pretiis porci vaneuntfaeces finteri ? Nummum anum en ame accipe; jube topiari meapetunia; Namego guident infanum of to certe fcio. Youngman,' what is here the price ofSwine fit for facrìfice ? take a piece ofSilver of me, and get thyfelf expiated, (or freed from thymalady by Sacrifice ) with my money; for I know certainly that thou art mad. And another concerning Covenants. Casa' juñgebant fadera pored. They ratified their Covenants by theSacrifice of a Female Swine. But this by the way; we.return. 6. 18. The Nature, and Manner of it in theChurch of Ifiael, is directed, Levit. general, as was faid, it was ?np, Corban, a Gift brought nigh to God : ver. 3, jr,p 'r íT7 MN; if hisCorbon be Hola. From t!t t), Hala, afèendit, to go up- ward, it was fo called. The LXX. render it for the moll part by óbxaysav, or o>,czdu7wma, as doth our Apoftle, Chap. io. 6. that which is whoÍlyconfxmed or hurtar, as this was all but the skin. For the 110 mentioned, v. 8. and Chap. 8. v. 2o: and no where elfein the Scripture, ratherliignifies the whole trunk of the body after the head was cut off, then the fat ofthe Cowl, as we render it. And it is not unlike, but-they might make ufe ofthe word çroxducapn, ,. becaufe the beginning of it an fwers in found unto the Hebrew nip, for that they were at a Idfs in exprsfling the . names of theparticular Sacrifices, bath been declared. But fl7y lignifies to afcend andbecaufe /things that do fo, do difappear, and feem not to be, it denotes alto.to cóæfume, or to be confirmed and from either of theftfignifications,this Sacrifice which was wholly burnt, may take its name. Ø. 19. ?Li the Manner -of thisSacritice, it is obfervable ; that he who brought it was to . put his hand on -the head rf is, v. 4. ,1'7y7 Wl '7) 11r -(nu,' and put his hands upon the-head oftheBurnt-Offering; lay them on, that the Beall might Seem to bear andfuflain them; fo we, after the Vulgar Latin, Manus fuese, bishands,'in the Origi= .nal'Iiis band. And the Hebrews are divided, whether he laid on only one hand, his right hand, or both. Chap. 16. v..2 1. Where the HighPrieft was toperform this du- tyúithe nameofthe people, it is laid exprefly, that he, fhall put 1'T Tail, both bit bands on theheadof it : whence molt conclude; that both the hands are here alto intended. But thisfeems rather to be an Argument unto the contrary. For in fay- tog that the High Prietl ( who wastooffer for hirpfclf as wellas the,people) in his performance