Sacrt,fices of the OldLar. ;al .perforrnance of this work, [hall lay boil, his bands, and whan a privateperfon did it, he fhall lay On bis band, the Ghoa Learns to intimate a diffrence between them in this a6iion. And thisCeremony was obfcrved only when the Offerings was of Beaffs; not fo when it was of Fowl.6or Birds. And when the feafon of the Sacri- ficewas ¡fated, by Gods prefcription for the oie of the People, the Prieft was to per- form tisis duty. The meaning of theCeremony was, quad ilbrum:capiti fit ; typi- cally and reprefentatively to impofcthe fin of the Offerer, on the head of the Offe- ring, to inland us in the bearing of our tin by Chrift, when through the eternal fpi- rit heoffered himfelf unto God. Secondly, The Beall, now a Corban, by being brought unto the Altar, was to be Hain. 'span ¿a Mt omit, V. 5. He Ball kill the Bullock; that is, fay Mine, he that brought the Offering, was to kill it. For fay they, thofe that killed the Off_ring, are diftinguifhed from them that rook the blood of it, and :f'prinkled it on the Altar, 2 Citron. 29. 22. So they killed the Bullocks, and thePrielfs received the blood, and#rink- led it on the Altar. But thole Ilayers feem not tohave been the People, but the Le- cites, who were to affi(t the Prieffs in their Service, Numb. 8. t9. and who in all greater Sacrifices, did the outward work of killing,) and flaying. See a arm. 35. XO, it. as alto it is raid exprefly, that they.flew the PafèhalLamb, 2 Chron. 3o. And unto thiskilling of the Bullock, or Kid, or Lamb, anfwered the .wringing off of the head of the Bird, if the Burnt Offering were of Fowls, which is exprefly Paid to be doneby the Prieft, v. 15. Andof him that kills the Offering, v, 5. it is laid, he(hall flay it, and eut it into its pieces, se. 6. which was the work of the Priells and their Affi(tants. The place where it was to be killed, was pn the North fide of the Altar, v. 1 t, And when it was killed, the blood was taken, or wrungOut. and fprinkled about the Altar, v. 5. which fprinklingofblood was ufed in all Sacrifices of living Creatures, as eminently prefiguring our fauáification, or purifyingof our hearts from an evil confcience by the fßrinkling of the bloodof Chriff, Heb, p. 14. Chap:: i z. 2.1. The Beall being killed, was flayed and opened;- made yuµodv d Tzxenxaxismiroo, naked, andopened, which our Apoftle alludes unto, Chap. 4. 13. Afterwards it was cut into pieces, v.6. which pieces were Jolted, Chap. 2.13. and then laid in order on the wood upon the Altar, v.8. as alto were the legs and inwards, after theywere wafhed,v. 9. -As ourbodies in our approach unto God are [aid- to be wa/hed with pure water, Heb. ao. 22. The everlafting fire, typing out the eternal Spirit, through which Clint offered himfelf unto God, Heb. 9.14. being applyed by the Prieft unto the Wood, the whole was incinerated, Pfalm zo. 3. continuing to burn it may be all night long ; though no Sacrificewas to be offered but by day, which made them watch for the morning, Pfalm 130.6. The differing Ceremonies in killing and offe- ring of the Fowls are clearly expreffed iu the fame Chapter. The End of this Offering was alwayes to make Attonement. So the Text; pt)) 19]Li 1`1 t1It L, v.4: It fhall be accepted for him to make Attonement for him : 1197, layes One, &nod (ovine vertitur expiare, hoc elf, Deo aliquem commendare ; it is to commend any one io God. A fenfe whichneither will the word bear, nor the na- ture of the thing admit: 1ST] is alwayes, to be accepted ; and for what cad (hall the-Sacrifice be accepted ? 1l '7, to appeafe, attone, to make attonement for him, as we fhall Phew elfewhere ; not abfolutely; this it could not do, Heb. 10. 1, 2, 3. but in a Reprefentation, asthey were a Ihadow of good things tocome, v. a t. There are reckoned up eighteen times wherein this kind ofOffering was tobemade byexprefs Inftitution ; the annumerationwhereof, belongsnot unto us in this place. Nine of them refer unto particular occafrons and emergencies , the other nine had their fixed'feafons, occurring daily, monthly, or annually. Only we mayobferve that of this kind ofOffering was the '1V7n, thejuge facrificium, orcontinualSacrifice which was Morning and Evening, with whole final removal, or taking away, the Church and Worfhip of the Jews utterly ceafed, Dan. 9. 27. And as it had a pre, çife command, for its being offeredMorning andEveningcontinually, fo in the confiant acknowledgement of God therein, in the viciffrtudes of Night and Day there was fuch a fuitablenefs to theLight and Law ofNature in it, that it prevailed among the Heathen themfelves in their Idolatrous Services ; witnefs that ofHefiod, 20: 2.t. . 22. 4: 23.