311 Sacrifices ofthe Old Law: 's elV011 óÑ atIOVNal7£ OU ??6116 iT.d'.$oY N 1.46 á1 Ero';n i( ö70md& i£tÓr fñeq. Let Offerings andSacriftee burn, At Evening, and at Sacred Lights return: And fo atRome, the Pinarii and Potitii 'facrificed to Hercules, in Ara Maxima;- Morn- ing and Evening, as Livy, Plutarch, andDionyfius tefiifie. The Cultom alto ofFealb\at thisSacrifice, to teltifie mutual Love and Peace among(( men, was common with the Jews unto theGentiles. Thus whenjaro, Mafia his Father in Law offered a Burnt -Offeringand Sacrifices, Aaron and all the Elders of Ifrael came to cat Bread with him before God, Exod. 1 S. a z. And fo alfo in the Sacrifices that Agamemnon 'offered in Homer Iliad. B. he called the Antients and Princes of the Grecians to .a Banquet at it withhim ; as did NJior likewife with thofe about him, at his great Sacrifice. Odyff. G. The'next fort ofOfferings that was regulated in the Law, was the stns, which -as it denoted an efpecial kind of Sacrificewe have from the matterof it, rendered a Meat- Offering., Levit. z. 1. And this, as was faid of the whole Burnt-Offering before, , was not then hrfi inftituted and appointed, but onlyregulated andfolemnly approved. For it had. been obferved from the beginning, and confining in the fruits of the earth, had a great foundation in the Law of Nature. Thus Cain brought his 7n» Mincha of the fruits of the earth to offer unto God, Gen.4.3. And there is no doubt but that as to the kindof it, it was acceptable unto God , as of his own Ibftitu- Lion, though the Perfon that offered it, for want of faith was not approved Heb. s,.3. ' 4. 25, TheName, as was in part before obferved, is, as of an uncertain Original, fo va- rioufly ufed and applyed. Sometimes it is ufed fora Civil Gift of men one to ano- ther; oraprefent, i Sam. to. 27. Sometimes for any Offering orSacrifice. So Abels Sacrificewhichwas in efpeciala Burnt-Of ring, iscalled hisMincha, Gen. 3. Hence it is fometimes rendred in the New Tefiament by owlet, a Sacrifice, a'bloody - Sacrifice, Matth. 9.49. Alit7..42. And our ApontefromPfal. 40.6. renders nrt nuí, Se- bath and Mincha, by Ourfe'S oreragorà, Heb. no. 5. Sacrifice and Offering ; by both which terms Sacrifices only ofAttonement and Propitiationwere intended, and not the efpecial Meat-Offering, which was properly Euchariitica, and not Propitiatory. Andthe exprellion in that of the PflmiJi, anfwers direlyunto what God- (peaks concerning the houfe of Eli, r Sam. 3. 14. The fin of the houfeof Eli thalt notbe expiated, tirt3t3 Ma, neither bySchack, nor byMincha : that is, by no fort of Sa- critices appointed to make Attonement, or toexpiate fin. Soalibis the word ufed, a Sam. 26. 19. But as it denotes the efpecial Offering now under consideration , it was not ordinarily appointed to make Attonement. I fay not ordinarily, becaufe there was an efpecial difpenfation in the cafe of the Poor plan, who was allowed to bringFlower andOyle, the matter of the Mincha, inftead of the t=VN, Afcham, or 'Tretpafs-Offering, Levit. 5. 1I, 12. And yet Attonement properly was not made thereby ; only in it, or the appointment of it, there was a teftification of Gods ác- ceptance of the Pérfon with a non obJiante for his Trefpafs. And hence loth bur Apollle.ufe his co.rar, his almoll in this bufinefs,Heb.'9. 22. Almo(i all things arepurged withblood. The like allowance was in the Offering of the jealous, Perfon : It was to confiff of BarleyMeal, the matter of the Meat-Offering; but it made no Attone- ment ; for it is exprefly faid, That it was to bringfin to remembrance ; Numb. 5. 15. Whereas every Sacrifice ofAttonement, was for the covering of fin, and the calling of it out ofRemembrance. 4. z6. . As theMincha denotes a peculiar Offering, whofe Laws and Ordinances are re- corded, Levit. z. 1, z; &e. the matter of it, was i. rho, Soletb,fimila, v.7. that is, the flower ofWheat. So it isexpreffed, EzeT45. 13, r5. In one cafe onyty nap, farinahordacea, Barleymeal (fo-werender the word) was ufed, Numb. 5. r5. But mop Keanach is.properly Bran, Barley bran. This was theOffering in the cafe of jea- loufie, God appointing therein the ufe ofBarley, the wort}of Bread-corn, and the brow of it, the worft of that grain, prohibiting the addition of Oyle and Frankincenfe, to tefiïfie his diflike of the matter either in the fin ofthe Woman, or the caufelefs j that ea- loiafe of theman. 2.1=+11]77 biccurim,prime f ages, fuguen primitie, firlt fruits;