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Sacrifices of the Old Lam: that is, 7+7bí, corn newly ripened in the ear. 3. Oyle. 4. Frankincenfe. 5. Salt, v. 1, .2, 3, &c. And theufe of two things are exprefly forbidden; namelyLeavenand Honey, v. II. Hereunto alto belongeth the. r3, Mfr., or Drink -offering, which was an additionofWine unto fome Sacrifices, never ufed feparately. And the Pfàlmiff thews how this degenerated among[' Idolaters, who in their fuper(titiousrage, made ufe of the blood of living creatures, it may of men, in their libamina. They had i=1í3 =rm.), drinkoffringsofblood, which he abhorred,Pfal. 16. 3. Now this Offering was fometimes offered alone by its felf, and then it was of the number of free-will (firings, whofe Law and Manner is prefcribed, Levit. 2. For the molt part it was annexed unto other Sacrificer ; and it was either [fated and general, or occafional and particular. TheRated Meat-Offerings fay Tome , concerned- the whole Congregation, and they reckon up three of them ; r: TheWave fheaf, Levit. 23. to, tr. z. The two wave loaves, v.17. 3. The daily fhewbread, Levit. 24. 5. Ent whereas we have(hewed that the lft3 Mincba was one of the O+WDt, or a Fire- Offring, andalfo it was ':Path W1?, tit* holy, Levit. 2. io, thefe being neither of them, they belonged unto thelerumah, ofwhich afterwards, andwere noneof them Mincha, or the Meat-Offering properly fo called. It is true at the offering of the Wave-jbeaf, and the Wave-loaf, there was a Meat- offeringoffered unto God, confining of two tenth deals.ofSoleth, or wheat-flower mingled with Oyle, and thefourth part` of an Hin ofWine for a Drink-offering, which were burned in the Fire, Lev. 23. 13: but themfelves were aTerumah, andnot a Mincha. Theparticular and occafional of- ferings of this nature, are reckoned to be, 1. The poor mans Offiring, Levit. 5. s r. 2. The Jealoufre-offering, Numb. 5. 15. 3. The Offeringofthe Prie[ts at their Confe- cration, Levit. 8.26, 28. 4. The High Pries daily Meat-Offering , Levit. 6: 20. 5. TheLeapers offering, Levit.14.ro. 6. TheDedication offering mentioned, Numb. 8. But Come of thefe, have á participation in the matter, but not in the nature of the efpecial Mincha. The principal fignihcationofthis Offering is exprelfed , Ifa. 66.20. compared with Rom. 15. 16. Mal. t. to, t t. compared with t Tim. z. 8. And two things in it exprefs the Grace of the Covenant ; Fir(', The handful that was forìa memorial; that is, to bring to memory the Covenant of God; and Secondly , The Salt, whichdeclared it first' and liable. Hereunto,as we have faid,belongsthe lf7],nefk, which asdiret$ed in the Law, was butone part oftheMineha,andis-notreckonedamongthediffinftf ecies ofOfferings,as they are fummed up, Lev. 7. 37. And theReafon is, becaufe under theLaw it was ne- ver offered alone by itsfelf, but as an Appendix unto Burnt-offerings,Sin-offerings, and reace-offerings, to compleat the tYlt a, or Meat-offering that accompanied them. But of old before-the Reformation ¡("Sacrifices by Mofes, it was a diftindOffering by its Pelf, Gen. 35. 14. -Jacob offered a Drink-offering, that is ofWine, which was its primitive-In(titution and Prafkice. And it was alwayes to be ofWine ; Numb. 15. This, Chap. 28.v.7. iscalled 17W,Shechar, which although we generally tranflate bong drink, yet it appears from hence to have been a [irons inebriating Wine ; and fo themolt learnedoftheJews fuppofe. We call this Nefek, a Drink-ging, in anfwer to the name we give unto theMineha,aMeae.offering,that is,Offerings whofe matter was of things to beeat and drunk. It may be otherwifecalled a Pouring, an Offeringpoured out Libamen, a facred effu lion. And thefe Offerings were molt holy alfo, Lev. 2. to. Thefe Offeringsof the fruitsofthe earthas they were in ufe among the Heathen, fo the moil learned of them did contend, that they were far the nioft aniient, kind ofSat crifices among(' men, as Plato exprefly, lib. 6. de Legib. but we know the contraryProm Gen. 4. where the fielt Sacrifices in the world arerecorded. The latter Pythagoreans alfocondemned all other Offerings, all that were ëx ,afJ hi u ofliving creatures, as I haveelfewhere (hewed out ofPorphyriq, though Cicero teftifie of Pythagoras him- felf that hefacrificed an Ox. And whatever was appointed in this Meat-offering, they alto made ufe of. Their Far, Molafalfa, latoxell, that is flower of Wheat, or Early mingledwith water and fait, is ofmolt frequentmention ámbng(t their facred things: So all) were their placenta- and Liba adorea, their Cakesmade with Flower , Oyle, and Honey. What walltheir ufe to the fame purpofe of Wine andFrankincenfe,,the Reader may fee at large in the feventhBook ofArnobius advert.Genres. The next folemn Sacrifice in the Order of their 'appointment under the Law, is, that which is called =Thu, (tit, Sebach Shelamim, which we renderPeace-offerings, Levit. '3. r. It is by.Tranflators rendered with more variety than any other Word ufed in this matter. By the Greeks evaía aarsntías, and d rean7ñs, and citria£as, and S f a£taataloea 313 . p, 27, f 28. 0. 29. Ic. 3o.