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314 Sacrifices of théOldLaw. tautlaeNt, aSacrifice of Salvation, ofExpiation, ofPraifi, ofPerfeïtion. And the Latins haie yet more varied in their expreffion of it ; Sacrificium parium, perfeftionum, gratu- lationum,falutis, retrihutionum, integrorum, munderum, fanWÏificatorum, immaculatorum ; ASacrifice ofPeace, ofPerfeti on, of Thanksgiving, ofSafety or Salvation, ofRetribution, of them that are clean, òrfanCtified, or unfpotted. Moll of thefe various expreffionsalfo arife from thedifferent fignificationof the word =iv,' whence moft fuppofe that n ut wastaken. But others think that it comes from D14wPeace, which of late is al- molt generally received. In generalthis Sacrifice wasCorban, a Gift or Offering brought nighanddedicated untoGod; and ti, a firing, or an offering by Fire ; and inJßecie flit, a Sacrifice from the flaying and killing of the Beaft that was offered. But it is no where laid to be Olinip ttn7, or molt holy, asbeingmeetly expreffive of Mo- ral duties, in away accommodated to the prefent Oeconomy of Divine Worfhip; fee Heb. 13. 15. but it is ufually reckoned among' them that were fo. 4 31. Peace-Offerings, aswas obferved, is the namethat bath prevailed, though itrefpedted Vows of thanksgiving; or for the impetration of Mercies : fee Chap. 7. v. 12,17. The Reafon given by.7arcbi for this Appellation, namely, becaufe it brought.Peace unrq the world, is likemuchof what they (ày in fuchCafes, a found of words without 'any meaning. Kimehi gives a more fober and rational account of-it. The . t41% faith he, or Burnt- offering was all of it burned,only the skinwas the Priefts.The rtitorl and f7t11N, Sin and Trefpafl-ofring were burned in part ; theBreaft and Shoulder were the Frielts, and all the fleth that was not burned, as elfo the skin. But in thisSacrifice =Into, thefat afcended on the Altar,the Breaft and Shoulder were the Priefts, the refidue of the Hell belonged unto theOfferers, or them that brought it, toeat them- felves; and fo it was a Sacrifice ofPeace among all Parties. If this Reafon pleafe not, we may choofe one of the other fignifications of the Word, as ofPerfeelions or Retri- butions, which latter thenature of itinclines unto. 4.32. TheMatter of thisSacrifice was the fame with that of the Burnt-offering ; namely, as toBeal s of the Heard, Bullocks or Heifers ; of the Flock, Goats, Rams, Lambs or Kids : of Powlr the fame with the former, v. 6, 7: In the Carafes of it ; it was either a Free-will-offering forimpetration,or fromaVow for Thanksgiving or Retribution.The appointedleafing and occafiont of it were ; 1. At the Confecrationofa Prieft,Exod.zg. 2. At thePurification of a Leper, Levit. 14. 3. At the Expiration of Nazaretical Vow, Numb. 6. 14. 4. Atthe folemn Dedication of the Tabernacle and Temple. The manner of its Offering is peculiarly defcribed, Levit.3 , and the Jews obfervations about it, the.Reader may fee in theAnnotationsofAinfworth on the place. bt 33 Two things were peculiar to this Sacrifree.yfirfl, That it is appointed tobe of- fered tit tyrt 717 y. 5. And Aaronsfns Phan PRIM on the Altar, rt7tyn }y ; that is, faith the Vulgar Latin in bolocauftum, for a Burnt ofring; as though its (elf were fo, or fubflituted in the room of the whole Burnt-offering. TheLXX. in i Tl WK."' 74 evra, uponthe Burnt-ofrings. So we, upon the Burntfacrifice. But what is the in- tendment of that expreflion, is not fo evident. The Jews fay, that the daily Burnt- offering is intended, which was alwayes fir(i tobe offered, and.then immediately upon it, or whileft it wasyet burning, the Peace-offering was to be added thereunto. It is not indeed declared whether the Hola mentioned, were the daily Burnt-offering or no. Molt probably it was fo, and that beingaSacrifice of Attonement rendered this of Thankfulnefs acceptableunto God ; fee Heb.13. 15, 16. . 4.34. Secondly, Thepeculiar Parts of the BeaR in thisSacrifice that were to beburned on the Altar, are enumerated; namely theSuet and Fat of the inwards the Kidnies and theirfat, the fat on the Flanks, and the Caul of theLiver , or the Midriff. Hence it is laid down as ageneral Rule, that all the fat is the Lords, v.16. And it is called a perpetual Statute for all their Generations through all their dwellings, that they lhould eat no far; v.17. But yet this general Precept had a double limitation. Firft, That on- ly that fat which was tobe offered , was excepted from eating. Of the other fat diffufed through the reR of theRefh, they might eat. Secondly, It was only the fat ofBeaRs appointed to be offered in Sacrifice.that was forbidden, as it is diredìly ex- preffed, Levit. 7.25. Of the fat of other clean Beafis they tight eat. And this of- fering of the Fat, Items to denote our ferving of God with the heft that we have ; which yet is not acceptable, but by vertue of the Blood ofChrift, as the fat was to be burned, in theBurnt-offering, orSacrifice ofAttonement. 4.35 Of the kind of thereShelamimwere theOfferings among the Heathen, whichthey facrificedeither upon any great undertaking which they called igyree, in a way of Vow,