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Sacriice.r of the OldLate Vow, or upon any faccefs. So Cyrus Minor, Xenophon; and Arianus in their Expediti- ons, faerificed, Sacrificia Votiva ;- and the latter fort were in an efpecial manner pro- vided for ih thePontifical Law, as it is reported by Fejhus. Cujus aufpicio clafj procinc7a opima#olia capiuntur, Jon Jèretrito defier oportet, bovem ecdito qui oepit eeris du- centa. Secunda #olia in Mantis aram in Carlo , fnlitaurilia utra voluerit cadita. Tertia Jpolia Jano uirinn agnum Marerit cadila centum, qui repent ex aredato. The next fort ofSacrifice was the Men, Chataathor Sin-offering, wholeLawsand Rites are defcribed, Levit. 4. This Sacrifice is not exprefly called a Carbon, or ;Gift, it being wholly a Debt, to bepaid for Expiation andAttonement ; but beingbrought nigh untoGod, it partook in general of the nature of thentallp, Corbanim. It was of the crwta, Fireingst or Fire-offerings, exprefly, e. f z. becaufe ofthe burning ofthe Far on the Altar and of the Mint, or Elam Sacrifices. And alfo it was of the L=7.-7. trip, or molt holy things from its Inflitution and. Signification. The name ofit is rrOOrt,Chataath,that is,fin.H /halldo to thebullock, as he did, Merin 194 to the Bullock of the Sin ; that is, of the. Sin-offering, Levit. 4. 20. So Ezek. 45. i- The PriellJhal! take nrmnn nitz, ofthe bloodOf thefin; that is , the Sin -offering. xLn Chata in kal is to fin, tooffend, to err from theway, to contra& the guilt of fin. Hence =wort, Chataim, are men given up unto, and wandring in the waysof fin, .Pfal. 1. I. InPihei it hathacontrary fignification; namely, to purge, to expiate, to cleanfe, to make Attonement, to undergo penalty, to make fatisfai ion, Gen. 31.39. That which was torn, faithJacob to Laban, I brought it not to thee, MOM, achaten- nah, Ianfwered for it; I paid for it, I went by the lofs of it. See Fund. 29.36. Numb. 19.19. Levin 6.26. According to this fignificationof Kton, ntstnn is ufed to denotean Offering for fin; that whereby fin is expiated, pardon of it is procured, Attonement is made : So prayes David, Pfal. 51. Ilblonn, thou(halt purge me with Hyfop, as Numb. 19. that is, clearme, freeme, as by an Offering for fin. And this kind of expreffion, ourApoftle retains, not only where he reports a Teftimony of the Old Tellament, as Pleb. 10. v. 6. ?AOnautdr,ara x zkl dµapsfas, Burnt - offerings, and for fin, that is, Mtn, Sin-offering; but alto wherehe makes Application ofit unto the LordChrift and his Sacrifice which was typified thereby, Rom. 8.3. God fens his Son in the likenefl of finJul flefh, andô .i á,uap1iaa, that is, Mon, an Ofring forfin, . a Sin-offering, as the word lhould have been tranflated: And 2 Cor. 5. z i. Him who knew no fin, <air áµatlfav iaoivas , he made fin, mason a Sin-offering for us. The general caufe ofthis Sacrifice was fin committed 11Jlw], Levit. 4. z. fay we, through ignorante. So the LXX. cv .yvoia; and the Vulgar Latin; per ignorantiam; through ignorance. Some old Copies of the Greek have dseaíue ; not voluntarily; not wily; For it had refpet`.t unto all fins, as were not committed fo ixaoius, willingly, wilfully, prefumptuoufly, as that there was no Sacrifice appointed for them, theCovenant being difannulled by them, Heb. ró. 26. And there is no fortof fins, no fin whatever, that is between this TIMID, this fin of ignorance, or error, and fin committed not -1i1, with an high hand, or prefumptuoufly. See exprefly, Numb, 15. 28, 29, 3o. Hencethis Mtn, this Sin-firingwas the great Sacrifice of the folemn Dayof Expiation, Levit. 16. whereby Attonement was made, for all the uncleannefi of the children of Ifrael, andbecaufe oftheir tranfgreffions in all rheirftns,v.16. And upon the headof the live Goat, which was'a part of theSin-offeringon thatday, there wasconfeffed and laid, all the iniquities of thechildren of Ifrael, and all their tranfgreflious,' in all their fins, v. 27. That is all iniquities not difannulling the Cove- nant, which had I0JYaor µi,9oaod`oofav, a revenging Recompence allotted unto them, Heb. 2. 2. And accordingly are thofe words to be 'interpreted where the caufe of this Sacrifice is expreffed, Levit. 4.2. If a ful fin nazw], by Error, Ignorance, im- prudently ogling any of the commandments of the Lord , as it ought not to do, andAA da againfi any of them. And an inflance is given in him who killed his neighbour with- out propenfe malice, Dent. 9. 4. Any fin is there intended whereinto men fall byEr- ror,Ignorance, Imprudence, Incogitancy, Temptation, Violence ofAffections, and the like. For fach was thisSacrifice Militated. And the End which it typically repre- fented is expreffed, 1 John z. 1, 2. If any man fin we have an Advocate with theFather, Defies Chrilf the Righteous, and be is the Propitiation forour fins; namely, in the room of, and as reprefented by theSin-offeringofold, whereby Attonement and Propitiation was typically made for fin.Only there was this difference, That whereas the Law ofMofe wasappointed tobe the rule of the Political Governmentofthe People, wherein many S f t fins, 315 4.36. 4; 37.