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;ì6 Sacrifices of the Old Lalb. fins, filchas Adultery and Murder were to be punifhed with Death, and the Gonercut off; there was in fueh cafes no Sacrifices appoinwd,nor admitted; but in the Sacrifice of Chrift there is no exception made unto any fin, in thofe that repent, believe and for- fake their fins ,. not unto thofe in particular which were excepted in the Cm, of Mofes, Aar 13. 39. So that as the Sin-offering was provided for all fin that difännal- led not theCovenant made at Horeb, whichallowed no lde or intereft unto Murderers, Adulterers, Blafphemers, and the like in the Typical Land ; fo theSacrifice ofChrift is extended unto all :inners, who tranigrefs not the terms and tenor of theNew Cove- nant,for whomno place is allowed either in the Churchhete, or Heaven herealier. 3.38. Of the Matter of this Offering, fee Levit. 4. 2. which.becaufe it differed very little from the Matter of the Burnt-offering, I shall not particularlyinfili upon ir. As to the Perfons that were tooffer it, there is a general diftributionof them in the Text comprehenfive of all forts of Perfons whatever. For it is applyed, to r. The Priel : z. The whole Congregation jointly : 3. The Ruler : 4. Any of thePerp'e of the Lend ; fo that none were excluded from thePriviledge and Benefit of this Sacrifice, The firft Perfon mentioned, is nrtna Trim, the AnointedPrieft, Chap. 4.3. that is, fay the Jews generally, and our Expolitors alfo, 'Mrs OD, the High Peie)t, Aaron and hisSons that minitlred in his room in their fucceffion. Err thofe only fay they, were anointed. But this kerns not to be fo ; For if the pligh Prieftalone be intended, there is no.provifionmade for any other Priest to have an intereft in this Sin-offe- ring. For thePriells arenot comprized in any other member of the diliribution be- fore mentioned, particularly not in that wherein with any colour theymight belook- ed after, namely, the YPt¢7 oy, v. 27. The people of the Land, that is, the common people, fromwhom the Priefts werealwayes diftinguithed. Airy Prieft therefore is intended ; and nrwO, anointed, isno more but dedicated, fepararedunto the Office of the Priefthood, or it refpeas that Original anointing which they had all in their fore- fathers the Sons ofAaron, when they were fira fee apart to God ; Exod. 24. st 39, The cafe of the Priest wherein this Sacrifice was allowed him, is expreffed in the fame place, withwords fomewhat ambiguous if =pn runze7morn ; if be fin according to the finof thepeople, fo we ; Caftalco renders the paffage, j. Sacerdos inesnETut deliquerit in noxiam populi ; if theAnointedPriest f fin, as to bring guilt upon, or dam- mage unto the people. As Achandid, andDavid alfo. Vulg. Lat. delinquere facions po- pulum ; caufing the people to fin ; which is another fence of the words. And this fenfe the .7env generally embrace. For they apply this finning of the Annointed Priele, mrto his teaching the people amifl ; caufing them to err thereby, fo AbenEzra, and others on theplace, who are followed by many ofours. But if this be fo, the Priest was not allowed thebenefit of this Sacrifice ofthe Sin-offering, for any fin ofhis own, but only when he caufed the people to fin alfo, which would render his condition worfe thantheirs, and is contrary unto that of our Apoftle ; that the Priest was to offer for his own fins, and then for the fins of thepeople. I would there, inmum'? take '2 for D and render it withour Tranflators, according to; when he finned as another manof the peoples their Place and Office, not freeing them from the com- mon fins of other men. And Co our Apoftle feems to expound this place; Heb.5.2,3. ThePriefts of the Lawwere compaffed with infirmities, and by reafon thereof, had need to offer Sin-offerings for their own fin, as well asfor the fins'ofthe people; teeing he alfo finned ny7 rewat7, according to the finof thepeople. But it is otherwife now faith he, with the people ofGod, Chap. 7. v. 26, 27. Our High Priell beingholy, harm- left, undefiled, and feparate from finners, that is, not finningaccording to the fins of the people, as thePriefts did of old. 11° Secondly, The wholeCongregation jointly had an intereft in this Sacrifice, when any finch fin was committed as might retied guilt upon it, v.r3. For the obférvationof the Law beingcommitted in an efpecialmanner untu the wholeCongregation, there were many Tranfgreflions in the guilt v f treof the whole Body of it might be involved. Thirdly, TheRuler or Rulers had this priviledgealfo, v. 22. with refpe6i as appears by this peculiar infiitution untohis mifcarriages in his Offtae, God gracioully providing a relief againft thefins of men in their feveral conditions, that they might riot through a confcioufnefsof their infirmities be deterred from engaging in any neceffaryem- ployment among the people, when called thereunto. Fourthly, Any one of the com- monpeople had the fame liberty, and were obliged unto the fameduty, V. 27. And this Difirib'ution of thepeople, as to their intereft inthis Sin-offering, cornprizing them all, even all that belonged untothe. Congregation ofkfrael, of all forts and ranks, had its accom- 7