Sacrifices of the Old Law. accompìilliment in the Sacrifice ofChrifi, from which none is excluded that come to God by him, forhe will in no wife cats them out. For the Timeand Seafn of this Sacrifice, it may bebriefly obferved, that there were foleintp and Et Occafions, force Monthly, Come Annual, wherein it was to be offered few the whole Congregationby efpecial Command and Inftitution. As a. On every New Moon ; z. On the fifteenth day of thefirft Moneth, and sevendayes together dure- iug the Fear( of unleavened bread : 3. At theFeal of Firft Fruits: 4. At the Feafl of Trumpets :_ 5. Onthe Day ofExpiation : 6. On thefifteenth day of the feventh Moneth, and for eight dayes together during the Feafi of Tabernacles. And the frequent Repeti- tionof this Sacrifice was to intimatethat nothingwas accepted withGod, but on the account of what was prefigured thereby, namely, that PerfeEt Sacrifice which took away thefin ofthe world. There were alío efpecial Occafionsof it, with reference unto the perforas before enumerated, which havebeen colle4'redby others. The Principal Ceremony in the Manner of its Oblation , was the difpofal of the Blood. For the Blood of this Sacrifice had a triple difpofall. The main of the Blood was poured out at the bottom of the Altar of Burnt-offerings , in the Court before the door ofthe Tabernacle, v. 7. A part of it was taken and car- ried by the High Prieft into the San6tuary, and patupon the horns of the Altar of Incenfe,thatwas therein,v.y. The third part, (which was firft difpofed of) was to be carried into the Molt Holy Place, asit was done accordingly on the day ofExpiation, Levit. 16. But becaufe it was not lawful for him to enter in thither but once in the year, namely, on that Day, at all other timeshe dippedhis Finger in the blood, and fpriukled it fevers times towards theVeyle, that parted the Mott Holy Place from the Sanátuary, v. 6. So that every place of the Tabernacle, and all the concernments of it, were fanEtified with this Blood; even asJefusChrilt who was reprefented in all this, wasdedicated unto God in his ownBlood, theBlood ofthe Covenant, That(even is the number of Perfection, greatly ufed and varioufly applyed in theScri- ptures many haveobferved. And the perfedt cleanfing of fin by the Blood of Jefes, was evidently reprefented by this fevenfold f¢rinkling s Heb. 9. 13, 14. and therefore iàAllulion hereunto, it is called the Blood of fßrinkling, Heb.12. 24: Even that which was prefigured by all the Bloodof the Sacrifices, that was fprinkled".towards the Molt tioly Place, and the Mercyfiat therein. The next fort ofFire-offerings, wasthe =tat, Afham, whofe Laws and Ordi- nances are direóted, Levit. g. and the particular occafion of it, Chap. 7. We call it, theTrefßaf(-offering. And it differed very little from that next before defcribed. For it is not only faid concerning them; í=t15 i'111í3 111I1 mummom; as is the Chataath, or Sin offering, fo is theAfham , or Trefpafs-offering, there is one Law for them, Chap. y.v. y. but alfo that he whohad finned or treyaffd , Ihould bring his 1=VÁ3, his Trefßafi-offring unto the Lord, for his fin which he had finned, afemale from the flock , or a kid of the Goats, rlti1511`), for a Sin-offering. Some think that there was a difference between them, and that it lay inthis, that the Chataath refpeéted tins ofOmillion, and the Afham, fins of Commiflion. Bit that this will not hold, is openly evident in the Text. Some think that whereas inboth theft Offerings there was refpea unto ignorance, that that in the Chataath, was Jurio, of the right or Law,'that imthe Afham was Falli, ofthe particular faér.But this opinion alto may be ealily difproved from the Context. This to mefeems tobe thePrincipal, if not the only difference between them ; that the Afham provided a Sacrifice in Come particu- lar inflames, which feemnot to be comprizedunder the general Rules, of theSin-of- fering. And hençe in a peculiar manner it is faid ofJeffs Cbriff, that he fhouldgive Val =tt t, his Soul, an Afhaw., or phacular Sacrifice, asfor all, fo for fuch delinquen- cies and fins, as feem to bring adetroying guilt on the foul, Ira. 53. io. And this kind of offeringalío was t='wip wt Aloft Holy, Levit. 6. 20. The lall fort of Fire-Offerings were the t='tilt10, which arereckoned as a diftina ffecies ofSacriflees, Levit. 7. 36. that is, plenitudinum, impletionum, confecrationum, Sa- crifices ofConfecration, or that were inftrtuted tobe obfervedat the Confecration of Prieto. Its name it feems to have taken from the filling their bands , or their bringing their Offiring in their hands , when they approached unto tilt Lord in theirLetting apart unto Office. And thence was the expreffion ofhim thatcame to beconfecrated a Prieft; csa 11) K5t ram, 2 Chron. r3.v.9. He that came to fill hir hand with a bullock The rifeofthis Expreffion we have marked before, onEotod.28.41. TheLord givingdiredtions unto Mofes for the Confcration ofAaronand his Sons,he tens 317 .. 4.41: 4. 42. 4. 43. 544,