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313 Sacrifices ot the 0M I ativ. tells him, =V ri !t2, thou fhált fill, their hand, that is, put the flan ofthe' orifice, with the Bread and its Appurtenances into their hands, which being the iuiti- atingCeremony of their invetiiturewith Office, gave name afterwards unto the whole. And hence theSacrifices appointed then tobe offered , although they differed not in kindfrom thofe foregoing s yet areaccounted to be adiflindOffering, andarecalled 1=nt3110, or fillings. And thismay fuffice as a brief account of the fire Offerings of theLawofMofer, whofe tiffe andEnd we are fully intirucded in, in this Epifle to the Hebrews. There was yet a fecond fort ofCorbans, or offerings unto God, under theLaw, which were ofthings, or parts of thingsnot burned on the Altar,but one way or other devotedor confeecrated to God and his fervice. Thefe were the flICiVI, Terumoth, which we have rendred fometimesofferings in general, and fometimes Heave-offrings, under which kindthe triVi tt,orWave-offrings alfo were comprized. Concerning thefe, becaufe the handlingof them is not without its difficulties, being diffufed in their ufe throughout the wholeWotfhip ofGod, and that fome things not vulgarly known might have been declared concerning them, I thought to have treated at large ; but whereas they are not dire6ly referred unto by our Apottle in this Epifile, and there difcourfes beingencreafed much beyond my firft defign, I flail . here whólly omit all fartherdifquifition about them. F INIS.