A ICI EXPOSITION OF THE TWO FIRST CHAPTERS OF THE E P I S T L E OF PAUL the APOSTLE UNTO THE HEBREwS WHEREIN The Original Text is Opened and Cleared. Ancient and Modern Tranflations are compared and examined. The Defignof the Apoflle, with his Reafonings, Arguments and Teflimonies are unfolded. TheFaith, Cufloms, Sacrifices, and other Ufages of the Judaical Church are opened anddeclared ; The true fenfeof theText is Vindicated from the wrellings ofit by Socinians and others. And laflly, Practical Obfervationsare Deduced and Improved. John 5. 39. Search the Scriptures. By y. Owen, D. D. LONDON, Printed by Robert White, for Nathaniel Ponder, at the Sign of the Peacock inChancery-Lane, near Fleetfireet. 1 66 8.