THE PREFACE. Fl E general concernments of this Epifile have all of them beendifcufféd and cleared in the precedingEx- ercitations andDifcourfes. Tht things and matters confirmed in them, we therefore here fuppore, and take for granted. And they are filch fume of them, as without a Demonfirationwhereof, a genuineand perfpicuous Declarationof the Defignof the Author, and fenfe of the Epi(lle cannot be wellfounded or carriedon. Vnto them therefore we muß remit the Reader who dejires to perufe the enfuing Expofition with profit and advan- tage.J, ut yet becaufe the manner of the handling of things in thefe Dif- cou. may not befo (cited unto the minds of all who would willingly en into theExpofition its felf, Ifball here make an entrance into it, by laying down fame filch General Principlesand Circumfiances ofthe Epißle, as may give a competent krofpell into the dfgn and Argument of the Apfile,' in the whole thereof. 1. Theflrfi of thefe concerns the Perlons whofe inftrutlion and edification in the Faith is here aymed at : Theft ingeneral were the Hebrews, the Pefte- rityof Abraham, and the only Church of God before the promulgationof the Gofpel i who in thofe dayeswere dributed into threeforts, orparties. 1. Some ofthem believing inChrifi through theGofpel, were perfetly in- firutled in theLiberty given them from theMofaical Law, with thefounda- tionof that Liberty in its accornplfiment in the Perfon, Office and Workof the Mefl'iah, AEIo 2. 41, 42. 2. some with their Profeffion ofFaith in Chrift as the Meffiah promifed, retained an opinion of the neceffary obfervation ofMofaical Rites ; and theft alfo were of two forts. ( r.) Such as from a pureReverence of their Original Infiitutions, ei- ther being not fully inftrutled in their Liberty, orby reafon ofprejudices not readily admitting the confequences of that Truth wherein they were infiru- lied, abode in theirobfervation, without feeking for Righteoufnefs or Sal- vation by them. Abì's 21. V. 20. ( 2.) Such as urged their obfervation as indifpenfaby neceffary to our Jufiificationbefore God, A&s 15.1. Gal.3. 4. The firft f rt of theft the Apofiles bare with in allmeeknefs ; yea, and u ing the Libertygiven them of theLord, to avoidoffending of them, joyned with them in their pra&ice T t as