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AN EXPOSITION OF THE TWO FIRST CHAPTERS OF THE Epiftle of PAUL the APOSTLE UNTO THE HEBREWS. CHAP. I. HE General fcope and defign of the Apo(tle in this wholeEpifile, hath been before declared, and needs not herebe repeated. In thisfirft Chapter he fixeth and improveth the principal con- fideration that he intends to infili on throughout the Epiffle, to prevail with the Hebrews unto conftancy and perfeverance in the Do6trine of the Gofpel. And this is taken from the imme- diate Author of it, the promifed Mefah, the Son of God. Him therefore in this Chapter he at large dcfcribes; and that two wayes; 1. Abfolzttey declaringwhat he is in his Perfn andOffices, as alíowhat he hath done for the Church. And a. Comparatively, with refpeet unto other Minifterial Re- vealers of the mind and will of God, efpecially Witting on his Excellency andpre- eminence above the Angels, as we (hall fee in the Explication of the feveral Parts and Verfes of it. Verfe r, z. rtorvµapw"s ,ÿ ao4u709ras vál.w ó eat rarñms vols Wa1eâvrv i:r 7o7s me00iívaus, 'ax' á7erv dpiaeúv 7í7w är.dt.nasr ñµ"tv cv 7rf ÿw," 8r óEamaa xa»poró¡,cor 0.47011, ñ4 7°s o'irora5 f7alryQap. MAny of thefe words being variou(ly rendred, their true GrammaticalCelle and importance is tobe confidered before we open the meaningof thewhole, and aim of the Apo81e in them, in which way we (hall alfoproceed throughout the whole Epille. rtmupsapiv