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z einExpofition of the C H A r. I. nosvpepïvc. roc ton. Syr. in allparts, or by many parts. Multifariam, Vulg. Eras. A Montan. diverfly. Multis vicibus, Beza ; which ours render, at fundry times. paeoucs is fortior divido, to part, to taky part,, to divide; whence is iep the part of any thing, and wwvteo is that which confiffeth ofmanyparts : and not vµopw "s by manyparts which is allo ufed as êv reS petear, foralternis vicibus, fitndry changes, The word pro- perlyis, by many parts ; fully, by feveral parts at feveral times, asour Tranllation inti- mates ; yet fo that a diverfity of parts and degrees, rather than of times and feafons is intended. wonvzp;ams. ilb1 í77a1, Syr. in all forms, multisq; modis, Val. Eras a Montan. Reza ; many ways; or as ours, diverfe manners, =lip To, Sy. ab init'to, from the beginning; Olim; the Latin Tranflations; of old; formerly; in times pall; mica, is ohm, quondam, pridern,jamdudum; any time pall that is oppofed vw ¿fa, or ,Úv, to that which is prefent, properly, time time good while-pa/f, as thát was whereof the Apoftle treats, having ended in Malachy four hun- dred years before. Tots nanitur, i11123 ay, Syr. with our Fathers ; to the Fathers. zón mpoprízws, lra n, Syr. in the Prophets ; fo all the Latin Tranflations , in Prophetis. tar itizar 7a/ á10.64 7t7ur, fttlttts Ít[7711, Syr. and in thofe laßdayes;ultimis diebus hifce ; ssltimis diebus iftis ; in theft loft dayes ; noviffimè diebus iftis, Vul. laff of all in theft dayes ; SomeGreek Copies have ám. ixázx fir ,ipsrevr zgreev, in extremo dierum ifforum, in the endof theft dayer, the reafon of which variety we (hall fee afterwards. iv é as before in the Prophets ; not by bis Son, but, in the Son ; TheEmphafis of the expreflion is neceflàrily to be retained, as the opening ofthe words will dif- cover. Tto taints, mundos , fecula ; Gtöt3grt, Syr. the ages, times, worlds; In the remain- ing words there isno difficulty, as to the Grammatical figuification; we (hall then read them, Vert. r, 2. Byfundry parts, and indiverfe manners Godhaving formerly ( or ofold ) fpo(en tento the Fathers in the. Prophets, bath in thefe left dayes [pokes unto us in the son, whom hehatb appointed heir of all, bywhom alfa he madethe worlds. THe Apoflle intendinga comparifon between the Metical Law and the Goffel, referreth it unto two Heads : Fieft, Their Revelation and Inftitution ; whence the Obligation to the Obfervance of the one and the other did arife : and Secondly, Theirwhole Nature,VfeandEfficacy. The Fitthe enters upon in thefe words, and premifing that wherein they did agree, difinetly layesdown the leveralswherein the difference between themdoth confilt ; both which wereneceffary tocompleat the comparifon intended. Thatwherein they agree, is thePrincipal Efficient Caufi of theirRevelation, or the Prime Author from whom they were. This is God; He was the Author of the Law and Gofpel; Lae fpake of old in the Prophets, he fpake in the /aft dayes in the Son. Neither ofthem were fromMen : not one from one Principle, and the other from an other; both have the fame Divine Original. See 2 Tim. 3.16. 2 Pet. r. 16, 17, 12, r9, ao, at. Herein they both agree. Their difference in this refpet, namely of their Revelation, he refers to four Heads, all diftinc$ly expreffed , laying that forte branches of the rintitbefts an the part of the Goffti , are only included in the oppofite expreffions that relate unto the Law.. Their difference Fief}, Refpeets the manner of their Revelation ; and that in two "particulars : r. TheRevelation of the Will ofGod under the Law was givenout by divers parts; that under the Gofpel at once, or in one difpenfation of Grace and Truth 2. That indiverfi manners, this one way only, by the Spirit dwelling in the LordChrift inhis fulnefs, and byhim communicatedunto his Apoftles. Secondly; The Times andSeafont of their Revelation, that of the Law was made of Old,formerly, in Times paff : This of theGofpel in theft laff dayes. Thirdly,