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6 2 T im. ¢: t. 2 Tim. 3. I. eA* Expofition of the CH A P.Y. they ever known by that name among the Jews, uponwhofe principles the Aposle proceeds. Some Mons indeed under the Gofpel, in reference to fame Cüurches,are called the loft dayes,but thewhole time ofthe Gofpel abfolutely is no wherefo termed. It is the lait days ofthe JudaicalChurch and State, which were then drawing to their period and abolition, that are here, and elf%wherecalled the kits dayes, or the latter dayes, or the last hour, 2 Pet. 3. 3. t Johnz. is. Jude i3. For, r. As we before obferved, the Apostle takes it for granted, that theJudaical Church- State did yet continue ; and proves that it was drawing to its period, Chap. S. nit. having its prefect itation in the patience and forbearance of God only, without any necellity as untaits Worlhip,or prefervation in the world. And hereunto loth the reading of the words in fomeCopies, before intimated, give testimony; ërr' ixim 4+ tineF&v 77uí, inthe endor extremity of Chef dayes; which as the event hath proved, can no way relate to the times of the Gofpel. 2. Theperfenal MiniJtry of theSon whileft hewas upon the earth in the dayes of his flesh is hereeminently , though not folely intended. For as God of old fpake in the Prophets, fo in theft loft dayes he fpake in the Son; that is, in him, pertnal/y prefent with the Church, as the Prophetsalto Were in their feveral generations, Chap. 2.v. 3. Now as tohisperfinal Miniftry, he was lent to the loft Cheep of thehour of Ifrael, Mat. 15. 24. ( Trim/horn aifo alone in hisowndayes he rent his Apostles, Mat. to. 5, 6. ) and is therefore Paid to have been a Miner oftbeCircumcifionfor theiruthrfGod, Rom.t5. 5. being in the lastplace Cent to thefame Vineyard, unto which the Prophets wereCent be- fore, Mat. al. 37. Thewords there ufed, Taft of all hetent unto them his Son, are ex- egetical of there, be fßoke in the Son in the last dayes. 3. This Phrase ofSpeech is fignally ufed in the Old Testament to denote the Taft dayes of the Judaical Church ; So by Jacob, Gen. 49. r. I will sell you what shall befall you, ì +Acct PritltN1, in the loft dayes ; which words the LXX. rendred, ts'£vr.'rur 44. ,iµet &rs the words here ufed by the Apoftle. Thedayes pointed unto by Jacob being thofe whereinthe Meffiab should come, before Judah was utterly deprived of Scepter andScribe. Again by Bataan: the fame words are ufed to fignifie the fame time,, Numb. 24. 54. where they are rendered ñµetaar. in the end of the dayes, as manyCopies read in this place. And in all the Prophets this is the peculiar notation of that lèafon, l t)tl1 rn tibt, Mich. q.. a. Ifa. 2. I. in the latter or laff dayes; and ;jr1m NM, the Hi hajediah prefixed, noteth that courfeofdayes that were then run- ning; as Deur. 31.29. Evil will overtake you, =Cam 11+111237, in the end of thofi dayes ; and the promifeof the Convention offome ofthe Jews by David their King is annexed to the fame feafon, Hof 3.5. From thereplaces is the exprelfion here ufed taken, denoting the !ail. times of the Judaica! Church, the times immediately preceed- ing its reledionand fmal ruine. Hence Manaffi lib. 3. de Refurreíi. cap. 3. tells us out of Motes Gernudenfis, mom tt nton ta1`f i=llon1 rnnnrtl 1 ! 1ON1W rolpo 47 in every place that mentions the latter dayes, the dayes of the Mefah are to be underJiood, which filing of his is confirmed by MenafJe himfelf, though attended with a gloss abominable and faire , that is purely Judaical. The dayes of the Mefftah, and the dayesofthe endof the Judaical Church are the fame. And theft words are exprelly alto ufed by R. D. Kimebi. Comment. inIfa. 2. V. 2. who honestly refers all thewords of that Prophefie unto theMef]tab. It is not for nothing, that the Apolile minds the Hebrews, thát the feafon then pre tentwas the loft dayes, whereof fo many things were foretold in the Old Testament; Manyof their concernments lay in the knowledge ofit; which becaufe they give great light unto the wholecaufe, as [fated then between him, and them, mull be openedand considered. The fumm is, that theend of their Church and State, being foretold tobe a perpetual defolation, Dan. 9.27. the lait dayes king now come upon them, they might undedtand what they were shortly to expeEh and look for. The end of the Jewsbeing a People, a Church, and Kingdom was to bring forth the Meffiab, whole coming and work mutt of neceffity put an end to theirold Ration and condition; Nowbecaufe herein is enwrapped the moil infallible demon(lration that theMeffiab is long fine come, the Apostlementioning the Taft dayes to intimate that upon neceffity he mustbe come in them ; I fhall further open his defign in this matter, but with briefnefs havingbeen largeon this head in ourProlegomena, and for theirfakes who by any difficulties may be deterred from theconsideration of them. God having from thefoundationof the world promifed tobring forth the fled of "the woman to work out the Redemption ofhis Elct in the coquet of Satan, did in the