VRR,I,2. Epifile to the H BREWS. " that it was defiroyed, as Aben Exra confeffeth on Ira. 53. Many fortes out of them "might be told to this purpofe ; wherehe was born, how, and of whom, to whom it " was revealed by the t p n1, who flewhim, where he was difpoféd of, where he " is , bat being all the fancies of idle curious heads , and unbelieving hearts, " which St. Paul calls ¡Seßrinxs rs 7ea*;Ja« paúeas, r Tim. 4.7. prophane and otd wives "fables, we fhall not trouble the Reader with them. Abarbinel who in corrupting the " Prophecies concerning the Meab hatha reach beyondhis fellows,affirms that Haggai " fpeaks not of theSecond,but ofaThird Temple to be built under the Mfah ; but this is " nothingbut aboldcontradiâionofthe Prophet,who three or four times fignally de- " clares that he fpake of that Mari whichwas then builditig,which their eyes fàw,,and "which fo many contemnedas not to becompared with theformer , Ch.l.d. this Houle, " Ci.2.7.This IL,ufe,v.8. This Houfe,Cov.18. O.hers fay, that the gloryofthat Hiebedid "not confifl in the coming of the Mefah unto it, but in its duration and continuance; " for it flood rotyears longer than the former ; But this alío is contrary, a. To the "Catholick perfwalion of their fore- fathers, Targums,Talmuds, and all antient Do- "dors : z. To experience ; for what could the miferable languifhing of tenyears by "that Houle, whildi it was by their own confeffion a Den ofThieves, contribute unto " it to enable itto vye for glory with that wonder of the world the Temple ofSolo- '. mon, in comparifon whereof their fore-fathers thought it no more than force of " them of old thought themfelves compared to the Sons ofAnalt ;. To the Truth ; " affirming, that the glory ofthat Houle was to conftt in the coming of the Lord,whom " they fought, the defire ofall Nations unto it : All which things are vindicated in " our Prolegomena. "3. Their Templebeingutterly defiroyed as well as their State, and their Meffialr not "yet come, what think theyof their Sacrifices ? Daniel tells them that he was to " come, and to becut off, before the cedingof the daily Sacrifices; But they muff con- " fefs thatall Sacrifices are long finer utterlyceafed ; forfurely their offering ofa Cock " to theDevil on the day ofExpiation, is no continuance of them. Some fay that the " Mfahintended by Daniel was King Agrippa whom Vefpaftan flew at Rome. But " thisobflinacy is intolerable , that a Semi -Paganas Agrippawas, should be their Mel " _flab fo honourably foretold of, is a figment, which whatever they pretend, them- " Pelves believe not. Not was Agrippa Rain or cut off, but lived in peace to theday " of his death. The moil of them knownot what to fay, but only objefd that the " computationof Daniel is dark and obfcure, which Chriffians themfelves are not " agreed about. Concerning whichI mull refer the Reader to our Prolegomena, as allo " for the full andlarge handlingof the things hereby the way only touched upon. This makes it evident who were the Perfans who were fpoken unto in there lafl +liuTt. dayes, T0. VS. That is the membersof the 7udaicalChurch, who lived inthe dayes of the PerfnalMiniffryofChrif, and afterwards under the preaching ofthe Gofpelun- to that day ; Chap. 2. ;. The Jewsof thole dayeswerevery apt to think that if they had lived in the times ofthe former Prophets,, and had heard them deliveringtheir mef= rage from God, they would have received it with a cheerful obedience theironly un- happinefs they thought was, that they were born our of due time as to prophetical Revelations This is intimated of them, Mai. 23. 30. The Apotfle meeting with this perfwafon in them, minds them that in theRevelationof theGofpel,Gndhad fpoken to tinny-aver ; the things they fo much defired, notqi effióning but that thereon they fhould believe and obey. If this word then theyattendnot unto,; they muti needs be Pelf-condemned. Again thatcare and love which Godmanifetled towards them, in fpeaking immediatelyunto them required thefame obedience; efpeciaiiy confidering the manner of it, fo far excellingthat whichbeforehe hadufed towardstheFathers of which afterwards. And there are two intlances of the Comparifan inflituted, relating unto1Times and, Perfns. The next rente refpedis thema . nner of there feverál Revelations :of the will of God, and tha twoparticulars. hoe( s.) Thefirmer was made schanapnr, by di- vers parts,one alter the other; Thebranchofthe Antithefis that should `ahfwer hereunto is not exprefred, but implyed tobe arse, or imaTa , atOnce, r[aauM.`ene, by manyparts, and fo cánfequently at funde) times. The gradual difeo- Very aoaup epLs. of the mind and will of God, by the additionof one tbing' after, another at leve- rat reafons, as the Church couldbearthe lightof them, and as it, vagfüblérvingunto his main defignof referving all prehemiuesee tithe Me ab, Is that which is intended in