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lo An Expofition of the CH A P. L in this Expreflion. How all this is argumentative to the Apofiles purpofe will in, ftantly appear. Take the expreffion abfilutely to denote the whole progress of di- vine Revelation from the beginning of the world, and it comprizeth four principal parts or degrees, with thofc that were fubfervient unto them. TheFirfl ofthefe was made toAdam in thePromife of the Jéed, which was the prin- ciple of faith and Obedience to the Fathers before theFlood ; and unto this were fuu- fervient all the confequent particular Revelations made toSeth, Enofh, Enoch, Lamer), and others before the Flood. TheSecond toNoah after the Flood in the Renewall ofthe Covenant, and efiablifh- ing of the Church in his family, Gen. 8. zr. Chap. 9. 9, to. whereunto were fub- fervient the Revelations made to Melcbifedech, ,Gen. 14. 18. and others before the callingofAbraham. The Third toAbraham in thexefiridtion of the Promife to his feed, andfuser il- luftration of the natureofit, Gen. 12.17 2, 3, 4. Chap: 1 5.1 r, 12. & 17.1,2. Con- firmed in the Revelationsmade to Isaac, Gen. 26.2+. Jacob, Gen. 49. Jofph,Heb. t 1.22. and others of their Poflerity. Thefourth toMofees in the givingof the Law, and eret$ion of the Judaical Church in the Wildernefs, unto which there were three principal heads of tiabfervient Re- velations : a. ToDavid, which was peculiarly defignedto perfed the Revelation of the will ofGod concerning the OldTeflament-Worship in thofe things that their Wilderness con - dition was not capable of, Cbron.25. 25, 26, s7, 28. Chap. 28.11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. To him we may joys Solomon, with therefs of the Prophets oftheir dayes. 2. To the Prophets after the divifionof the Kingdom unto theCaptivity, anddure- ing the Captivity ; to whompleading with the peopleabout their defelion by Sin and falfe Wor(hip,was peculiar. 3. TOEzra, with the Prophets that affifted in the Reformation of the Church after its return fromBabylon, who in an efpecial manner, excited the peopleto an expeétation of the comingof the Mefab. Thefe were the principalparts and degrees of the Revelation of the will ofGod from the foundation of the world until thecoming of Chrift in his fore-runner John the Baptift. And'all this I have fullyhandled and unfolded in my Difconrfé of the rife, nature and progrelof Scripture Divinity or Theology. But as I (hewed before, if we attend unto the fpecial intention of the Apofile, we mull take in the date of thefeRevelations, and begin with that toMales, adding to it thofe otherfubfervient onesmentioned peculiar to theJudaicalChurch,which tanght and confirmed the Worfhip that was eftabli(hedamongfl them. This then is that, which in this word the Apo/fie minds the Hebrews of; namely, that the will ofGod concerning his Worfhip and our obedience was not formerly re- vealed all at once to his Church, byM f f orany other ; but by feveralparts and degrees, bynew additions ofLight , as in his infiniteWifdom and Care he faw meet. The dose and Taft hand was not to beput unto this workbefore the comingof the Meßiale. He, they all acknowledged, was to reveal thewhole Counfel of God, John 4.25. after that his way had been prepared by the coming ofEliar,Mal.g until when they were to attend to the Law ofMoser, with thofe Expotitions of it which they had received, D. 4, 5. That was the time appointed, í1131 itirt Onn4, to fai, compleat, and ni(h, VifionandProphet; as allo i tout =Inn'', to fiat up fin, or as we render it, io make an endoffin, or theControverfie about it, winch had, held long agitation by Sacrifices, that could never put an end to thatquarrel, Heb. to. s, z, 14. Now in this very firff word of his Epiltle, doth the Apofile clearly convince the Hebrews of their mi(take in their obfiinate adherence untoMofaicallnflitutions. ft is as if he had bidden them confider the way whereby God revealed his will to the Churchhitherto. Hath it not been by parts and degrees ? Hath heat any rime font up the ProgreßofRevelation ? Hathhe notalwayes kept theChurch in expeaation of new Revelations of his mind and will ? did he ever declare that hglIkould add no more unto what he had commanded , or make- no alteration ílFvhat he had inflituted ? What he had revealed was to be obferved Dent. 27. 29. and whenhehad revealed it : but untill he declare that he willadd no more, it is folly to accountwhat is already done., abfolutely compleat and immutable. Therefore Maser, when he had finifhedall his workin the Lords houle, tells the Church, that God would raise up another Prophet like him; that is, who (hould revealnew Lou's and Infiltrations